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  • Google Pixel8/8Proはどこで安く買える?最安値で買う5つの方法を徹底解説 【2024年6月最新】

    Google Pixel8/8Proはどこで安く買える?最安値で買う5つの方法を徹底解説 2024 6/14

      Google Pixel8/8Proはどこで安く買える?最安値で買う5つの方法を徹底解説 【2024年6月最新】
    • Why the 2012 non-Retina MacBook Pro still sells – Marco.org

      I’m Marco Arment: a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast. January 4, 2016 ∞https://marco.org/2016/01/04/md101ll-a The MD101LL/A, pixelated to simulate the quality of its screen. The 13-inch non-Retina MacBook Pro, model MD101LL/A, was launched in 2012 for $1199. Almost four years later, it’s still for sale, completely unchanged except for a price drop to $1099 in 2013. Despit

        Why the 2012 non-Retina MacBook Pro still sells – Marco.org
      • 製薬分野でのオープンソース的取り組み:梅田望夫・英語で読むITトレンド

        英Economist誌「An open-source shot in the arm?」が面白い。タイトルにオープンソースとあるが、ソフトウェアの話ではなく、製薬の世界でのオープンソース的な新しい動きの話である。オープンイノベーションに興味のある方には是非お薦めしたい。知的で実に面白い記事だ。 営利目的ではできない研究をカバー 製薬の研究開発に莫大なカネがかかることはよく知られている。しかしカネがかかり過ぎるということは、その投資が回収できそうな領域の研究開発しか進まないということを意味する。経済性という観点から、本来行われるべき研究が行われなくなっている。そこに登場した概念が、製薬研究におけるオープンソース的協力なのだというのが、この記事のポイントである。オープンソースと製薬という2つのキーワードから、ゲノム解析やバイオインフォマティクスにおけるソフトウェアの話だと思った方も多いかもしれ

        • Don't Talk to Corp Dev

          January 2015 Corporate Development, aka corp dev, is the group within companies that buys other companies. If you're talking to someone from corp dev, that's why, whether you realize it yet or not. It's usually a mistake to talk to corp dev unless (a) you want to sell your company right now and (b) you're sufficiently likely to get an offer at an acceptable price. In practice that means startups s

          • Covid’s Forgotten Hero: The Untold Story Of The Scientist Whose Breakthrough Made The Vaccines Possible

            Yet the story of how Moderna, BioNTech and Pfizer managed to create that vital delivery system has never been told. It’s a complicated saga involving 15 years of legal battles and accusations of betrayal and deceit. What is clear is that when humanity needed a way to deliver mRNA to human cells to arrest the pandemic, there was only one reliable method available—and it wasn’t one originated in-hou

              Covid’s Forgotten Hero: The Untold Story Of The Scientist Whose Breakthrough Made The Vaccines Possible
            • The printed world

              The printed worldThree-dimensional printing from digital designs will transform manufacturing and allow more people to start making things FILTON, just outside Bristol, is where Britain's fleet of Concorde supersonic airliners was built. In a building near a wind tunnel on the same sprawling site, something even more remarkable is being created. Little by little a machine is “printing” a complex t

                The printed world
              • Mariam K On Twitter: Also Congratulations For Mac

                Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 5921 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 8 CAIRO - 14 March 2018: Mariam Moustafa Abdel Salam, the Egyptian student attacked in Nottingham, U.K., died on Wednesday in hospital while being treated for serious brain damage caused by the attack by 10 girls, according to the legal counselor of the Egyptian embassy in London. “Mariam has been in coma for three days afte

                  Mariam K On Twitter: Also Congratulations For Mac
                • Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide To Building an Event Streaming Platform (Part 1) | Confluent

                  Data systems have mostly focused on the passive storage of data. Phrases like “data warehouse” or “data lake” or even the ubiquitous “data store” all evoke places data goes to sit. But in the last few years a new style of system and architecture has emerged which is built not just around passive storage but around the flow of real-time data streams. This has become a central architectural element

                    Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide To Building an Event Streaming Platform (Part 1) | Confluent
                  • The UNIX-HATERS Handbook

                    The UNIX- HATERS Handbook The UNIX- HATERS Handbook “Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. I don’t think that is a coincidence.” Edited by Simson Garfinkel, Daniel Weise, and Steven Strassmann Illustrations by John Klossner PROGRAMMERS P R E S S IDG BOOKS ® iv IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. An International Data Group Company San Mateo, California • Indianapolis, Indiana • Bosto

                    • Responsive Components: a Solution to the Container Queries Problem — Philip Walton

                      Now all we have to do is ensure our container elements always have the right breakpoint classes on them, so the correct component selectors will match. Observing container resizesFor most of web development history, it’s been possible to observe changes to the window, but it’s been hard or impossible (at least in a performant way) to observe size changes to individual DOM elements. This changed wh

                      • 第135回【10万円以上安くできる】賃貸物件をお得に借りるテクニックまとめ【保存版】【お金の勉強 初級編】

                        関連動画 第305回【ほぼ無料に出来る】賃貸物件の退去費用をとことん安くする方法【お金の勉強 初級編】 https://youtu.be/LEQGGZ_FuiQ リベ大不動産 https://liberaluni.com/recommended-rental --------------------------------------- 00:00 intro 01:18 安く借りるには良い仲介業者を探すこと(結論) 01:49 人生「3大支出」の1つが住宅支出 02:34 仲介業者は不正が起こりやすい構造になっている 05:26 家を安く借りるコツ 05:29 ❶賃貸業界の仕組みを知ろう 06:11  賃貸物件を借りる時の登場人物と役割 06:19   (1)入居者 06:21   (2)仲介業者 06:33   (3)管理会社 07:14   (4)保証会社 08:11  賃貸物

                          第135回【10万円以上安くできる】賃貸物件をお得に借りるテクニックまとめ【保存版】【お金の勉強 初級編】
                        • Lets Build Web Components! Part 1: The Standards

                          Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦 Posted on Sep 18, 2018 • Updated on Nov 8, 2022 • Originally published at bennypowers.dev Component-based UI is all the rage these days. In fact it's so established that people have even started retconning old-school jQuery widgets as "jQuery Components" ;) When we say "Component", we're mostly referring to self-contained, reusable bits of UI which, once written, we can inser

                            Lets Build Web Components! Part 1: The Standards
                          • Sig Bookmark - namespace gimite

                            コメント/バグ報告 † ↓こちらにどうぞ。 ブックマークレットでページを追加したあと、CGIエラーで見れなくなることがあります。"["や"-"等の記号が入っているとエラーがでるようです。 -- xenon? 2006-02-18 20:26:31 (土) ためしにタイトル、URL、コメントにすべて [- と書いて登録してみましたが、手元の環境ではエラーになりませんでした。差し支えなければ、エラーになった項目のタイトル、URL、コメントを教えてもらえますか? -- Gimite 2006-02-19 15:31:01 (日) すみません。こちらでも再現しませんでした。 -- xenon? 2006-02-20 07:48:44 (月) あ、このページ凍結しているんですね。 読みにくくなりますがURLは http://linkage.xrea.jp/ref/xhtml_ref/commonat

                            • New improvements to IPFS Bitswap for faster container image distribution

                              New improvements to IPFS Bitswap for faster container image distribution Web 2.0 services increasingly depend on large scale computing infrastructure to support fast iteration and deployment cycles. In order to build, test, and release software faster, these services are often seeking ways to upgrade their systems to take advantage of new learnings and tools from distributed peer-to-peer networks.

                                New improvements to IPFS Bitswap for faster container image distribution
                              • Inspiration for Text Input Effects | Codrops

                                Some inspiration for effects on text inputs using CSS transitions, animations and pseudo-elements. Form inputs offer a great opportunity to add some subtle and interesting effects to a web page. They are elements that your user will interact with at some point and making them fun to use can enhance the experience. We are used to the default form resembling its paper counterpart but in the digital

                                  Inspiration for Text Input Effects | Codrops
                                • 忘れ去られたポートフォリオが優れた結果を出す | ライフハッカー・ジャパン

                                  「買ったら忘れる投資」――それは決して優雅ではありませんが、上手くいきます。実際、てきとうな投資は効率良く機能するそうです。 投資信託のフィデリティ社が行った研究によれば、優れた投資家は自分の口座を忘れた、もっとクレイジーなケースとして、自分の投資先を墓場まで忘れてしまっていたのだそうです。フィデリティはとある社内調査を行いました。2003年から2013年の間に、どの口座がもっとも優れたお金の動きを見せたか調べたのです。これに関する「Living Rich Cheaply」の説明は秀逸でした。 その結果、優れたパフォーマンスを見せた口座の持ち主(投資家)はなんと死んでいたのです! 2番目に良い動きを見せていた口座は、持ち主に忘れられていました。 これは社内調査であり、資産運用担当者であるJames O'Shaughnessy氏がブルームバーグのラジオで中継したことです。 投資家のてきとうな

                                    忘れ去られたポートフォリオが優れた結果を出す | ライフハッカー・ジャパン
                                  • Green thread - Wikipedia

                                    In computer programming, a green thread is a thread that is scheduled by a runtime library or virtual machine (VM) instead of natively by the underlying operating system (OS). Green threads emulate multithreaded environments without relying on any native OS abilities, and they are managed in user space instead of kernel space, enabling them to work in environments that do not have native thread su

                                    • all manner of distractions » Blog Archive » Processing, all grown up.

                                      Earlier today, Processing shed its ‘beta’ status to become an official point release. Processing 1.0 has finally arrived and you can download it here. Congratulations Ben and Casey (and all the developers who donated their time to track down bugs and implement features)! To celebrate this awesome event, I thought I would take a walk down memory lane and visit some of my first projects (from 2003/2

                                      • The Futures of Ruby Threading

                                        A recent interview with Matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto), creator of Ruby, and Sasada Koichi, creator of YARV, tackles the topic of Ruby's handling of threads. Current stable releases of Ruby use user space threads (also called "green threads"), which means that the Ruby interpreter takes care of everything to do with threads. This is in contrast to kernel threads, where the creation, scheduling and sync

                                          The Futures of Ruby Threading
                                        • Nuclear Power in China - World Nuclear Association

                                          Electricity sector Total generation (in 2021): 8636 TWh Generation mix: coal 5432 TWh (63%); hydro 1339 TWh (16%); wind 656 TWh (8%); nuclear 408 TWh (5%); solar 327 TWh (4%); natural gas 291 TWh (3%); biofuels & waste 170 TWh (2%). Import/export balance: 1.7 TWh net export (18.5 TWh imports; 20.2 TWh exports) Total consumption: 7627 TWh Per capita consumption: c. 5400 kWh in 2021 Source: Internat

                                          • Why I'm leaving Subversion for Git - DZone Agile

                                            I always believed in Subversion's potential and that it would be a wide improvement over the nightmare that was CVS, but I found out that, as Linus says, There is no way to do CVS right. Subversion is fairly good and it's probably the better centralized version control system on the market, and it's open source. But after my first day of Git real-world usage, I now cannot negate that the distribut

                                              Why I'm leaving Subversion for Git - DZone Agile
                                            • Buy RTL-SDR Dongles (RTL2832U)

                                              Purchase on Amazon and receive FREE domestic shipping for orders over $25 and free two-day shipping for Prime subscribers! Or use our international cart for FREE shipping from China. FREE economy-registered air mail from China! Paid express shipping from China is also available. Please double-check your address and enter it using English characters only (except for mainland China customers please

                                                Buy RTL-SDR Dongles (RTL2832U)
                                              • http://audrey.fmf.uni-lj.si/hott.html

                                                The HoTT book NOTE: my blog is being slashdotted by Hacker News. Please read this static version of the blog post while I resolve the issue. The HoTT book is finished! Since spring, and even before that, I have participated in a great collaborative effort on writing a book on Homotopy Type Theory. It is finally finished and ready for public consumption. You can get the book freely at http://homoto

                                                • 50 Best Screenplays To Read In Every Genre [2024 UPDATE]

                                                  blog 50 Best Screenplays To Read In Every Genre [2024 UPDATE]. And REALLY learn how to write. 50 of the best screenplays to read and download in every genre. We’ve been strong advocates for the benefits of reading screenplays in order to improve your writing for a very long time. But where should you start? We’ve put together a mega list of the fifty best screenplays to read for aspiring screenwri

                                                    50 Best Screenplays To Read In Every Genre [2024 UPDATE]
                                                  • HABIT OF SEX

                                                    For some reason - I went ahead and started another blog! It will be pretty similar to this one - putting up tracks from rare & obscure Japanese records, though the focus will lay more exclusively on Japanese pop/power pop/new wave/idol/mod revival/mild stuff etc. This blog will still be updated, as irregularly as ever, but will now feature mostly synth/goth/industrial/experimental stuff. Ie. all t

                                                      HABIT OF SEX
                                                    • FEATURE: The Decline and Fall of the Library Empire

                                                      FEATURE The Decline and Fall of the Library Empire by Steve Coffman Vice President, Library Support Services, LSSI — Library Systems and Services The past 30 years of library history is littered with projects and plans and sometimes just dreams of ways the library might play a more pivotal role in the digital revolution that continues to transform the information landscape around us. Some of those

                                                      • Simplex noise - Wikipedia

                                                        Simplex noise Simplex noise is the result of an n-dimensional noise function comparable to Perlin noise ("classic" noise) but with fewer directional artifacts, in higher dimensions, and a lower computational overhead. Ken Perlin designed the algorithm in 2001[1] to address the limitations of his classic noise function, especially in higher dimensions. The advantages of simplex noise over Perlin no

                                                          Simplex noise - Wikipedia
                                                        • 36 Great Tips for Keeping Travel as Simple as Possible (and Two Poems) - zen habits

                                                          36 Great Tips for Keeping Travel as Simple as Possible (and Two Poems) “He who would travel happily must travel light.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery By Leo Babauta When you travel, do you want to be as light as possible? A light bag, and a light itinerary? Many of us have had the nightmare experience of lugging around too much luggage, waiting in the baggage claims area, trying to cram too many acti

                                                            36 Great Tips for Keeping Travel as Simple as Possible (and Two Poems) - zen habits
                                                          • Virtual Panel on Immutable Infrastructure

                                                            In my definition of immutable infrastructure, servers (or whatever) are deployed once and not changed. If they are changed for some reason, they are marked for garbage collection. Software is never upgraded on an existing server. Instead, the server is replaced with a new functionally equivalent server. Mitchell: Immutable infrastructure is treating the various components of your infrastructure as

                                                              Virtual Panel on Immutable Infrastructure
                                                            • Ludicrously cheap HDMI capture for Linux

                                                              Lately I have had the need to do real time video capture from HDMI devices as of late for a project, and while looking around the internet found that all of the capture cards that are aimed at gamers (windows / OSX support only) or full blown production capture (Very expensive, more inputs than I need). The other downside is that all of these options either have no Linux drivers at all, or if they

                                                                Ludicrously cheap HDMI capture for Linux
                                                              • 10 lessons from a failed startup

                                                                Join leaders in Boston on March 27 for an exclusive night of networking, insights, and conversation. Request an invite here. A year and a half ago, my co-founder Dev Nag and I started an internet TV network for games called PlayCafe. Our ambitious plan was to run highly interactive game shows in which everyone was a contestant. Players could watch our hosts, answer questions, win prizes, form team

                                                                • Future proof » Tim’s laptop service manuals

                                                                  Blog Categories 7.04 (3) blog (74) drivers (8) gaming (5) life (57) linux (7) music (2) mythtv (1) rant (18) review (17) techsup (36) ubuntu (4) whinge (7) windows (33) work (63) wtf (27) Blog Archives November 2012 February 2011 October 2010 June 2010 March 2010 February 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 Feb

                                                                  • Theoretical Motivations for Deep Learning

                                                                    This post is based on the lecture “Deep Learning: Theoretical Motivations” given by Dr. Yoshua Bengio at Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal 2015. I highly recommend the lecture for a deeper understanding of the topic. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning algorithms based on learning multiple levels of representation. The multiple levels of representation corresponds to multiple levels

                                                                    • How PlanetScale Boost serves your SQL queries instantly — PlanetScale

                                                                      And yes, I know what you’re thinking. “This query is bananas, man. I would never run this in production!”. I know! I agree. The query is not particularly hard to understand, but if you try running it in a standard relational database, you’ll see that as soon as you have a few thousand star rows, the execution time of the query balloons out of control. Although this query uses the relational model

                                                                        How PlanetScale Boost serves your SQL queries instantly — PlanetScale
                                                                      • 10 Most(ly dead) Influential Programming Languages

                                                                        The other day I read 20 most significant programming languages in history, a “preposterous table I just made up.” He certainly got preposterous right: he lists Go as “most significant” but not ALGOL, Smalltalk, or ML. He also leaves off Pascal because it’s “mostly dead”. Preposterous! That defeats the whole point of what “significant in history” means. So let’s talk about some “mostly dead” langua

                                                                        • 安くてお洒落なウォーキングの服装を紹介!初心者におすすめの7選!

                                                                          これからウォーキングを始めようと考えている方はいらっしゃるでしょうか? 運動が苦手な方でも取りくみやすい運動としてウォーキングは人気ですよね。 そんなウォーキングを始めるのであれば、せっかくならばお洒落をして取りくみたくありませんか? 特にウォーキング仲間と一緒にウォーキングをするのであれば、お洒落をした方がモチベーションが上がりますよね。 そこで、これからウォーキング初心者の方のために、安くてお洒落な服装をご紹介させていただきたいと思います。 初心者必見!安くてお洒落な服装7選 スポーツウェア 無地Tシャツ \1,080(税込) 出展;スポーツウェア 無地Tシャツ ウォーキングをするのであれば、やはり動きやすいシンプルなTシャツが欲しいですよね。 こちらのTシャツは税込1,080円ととてもお安くなっています。 そして、こちらのTシャツの特徴はカラーバリエーションが豊富なところです。 なん

                                                                          • Making a Linux-managed network switch

                                                                            Network switches are simple devices, packets go in, packets go out. Luckily people have figured out how to make it complicated instead and invented managed switches. Usually this is done by adding a web-interface for configuring the settings and see things like port status. If you have more expensive switches then you'd even get access to some alternate interfaces like telnet and serial console po

                                                                              Making a Linux-managed network switch
                                                                            • retin a from canada. Order Online. # - Field and Stream Questions and Answers

                                                                              №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - Order Online -- Click here for more info - retin a from canada - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Fast delivery and complete anonymity - Your full sa

                                                                              • 牛乳・卵を一番安く買う方法 - 一人暮らしの良質節約生活。

                                                                                ある日から急に今まで140円前後、 高くても150円以内で 買うことのできていた牛乳が のきなみ160円↑に なっていました( ̄Д ̄;; 物価の高騰って、 ある日突然やってくるんですね。 食費の節約って大変。 実はワタクシ、 非常に人口の多い街に住んでおりまして 普段、自転車で移動する範囲に スーパーは7件、 日配品も売っているドラッグストアが 4件もある非常に便利な立地条件。 そのおかげで価格競争が激しく いろんなものをお手頃価格で 買うことができていたのですが… 牛乳=139~148円 →160円以上 もやし=19円 →29円 と、 一気に値上がりしてしまいました。 一番お買い物をする頻度の高い、 比較的に何でも安いスーパーでも 牛乳は160円超え。 そこで、私の中で 常に牛乳が底値なドラッグストアに 足を延ばしてみると、 あったぁ~~!! いつもの通り139円でありましたぁ! ( p

                                                                                  牛乳・卵を一番安く買う方法 - 一人暮らしの良質節約生活。
                                                                                • Moji Pest Control

                                                                                  When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe