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  • 860+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This New Year

    Twelve years ago, universities like Stanford and MIT opened up free online courses to the public. Today, over 1,200 schools around the world have created thousands of free online courses. To welcome the new year, I’ve compiled this list of 860+ such free online courses that you can start right now. For this, I leveraged Class Central’s database of over 100,000 online courses. When available, I've

      860+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This New Year
    • 誰でも使える「衛星データ」、新型コロナの影響を宇宙からふかん

      読者の皆さんは「人工衛星データ」と聞いたとき、何を思い浮かべるだろうか。多くの人は「最先端」「いろんな事ができそう」というイメージを持ちつつも、「自分では利用できない」「敷居が高い」「専門家だけのもの」という感想を持つことだろう。メディアなどで人工衛星データの活用事例などを見かけることはあっても、自分自身で利用してみようという気にはならないかもしれない。 実は、そんなイメージに反して、現在では誰もが手元のパソコンで人工衛星データを簡単に利用できるようになっている。その原動力は、各種衛星データのオープン化と、衛星データ利用ツールの登場である。 例えば日本では、「Tellus(テルース)」というツールが経済産業省の「政府衛星データのオープン&フリー化及びデータ利活用環境整備・データ利用促進事業」の取り組みとして2019年より提供されている。また米Google(グーグル)はバーチャル地球儀システ

      • vimの使い方を覚えられるvimtutorが素晴らしすぎる - こんにちはこんにちはmonmonです!

        linuxとかmacで作業するときはvimを適当に使ってたのですけど、 どうやらvimをインストールするとvimtutorというコマンドがついてくると初めて知って、使ってみました。 素晴らしすぎ。 いつもわからなくなったタイミングでググってたけど、vimの使いはじめにこれやっておきたかった。 日本語だし、言われたとおりに進んでくだけでvimの使い方がわかる。楽しい。 7章に分かれてて、しかも章の最後に毎回要約があるし。 Shift-Iでのインサートとかgj,gkの移動とかまでは書いてないけど、 自分が使ったことない使い方がたくさんありました。 ということで要約だけ抜き出してみました。 vimを使ったことない人は実際にやってみるといいよ。 vimをインストールして、 $ vimtutor って叩くだけだから。 要約(最後の連絡先メアドは念のため抜きました) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          vimの使い方を覚えられるvimtutorが素晴らしすぎる - こんにちはこんにちはmonmonです!
        • Dive into Deep Learning — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.3 documentation

          Abasyn University, Islamabad Campus Alexandria University Amirkabir University of Technology Amity University Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Anna University Anna University Regional Campus Madurai Ateneo de Naga University Australian National University Bar-Ilan University Barnard College Beijing Foresty University Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad Birla Institute of Tech

          • BLDGBLOG: World's largest diamond mine

            Previous Posts January 2016 New Digs December 2015 The Four-Floor War “A City on Mars is Possible. That’s What All This is About.” Pivot Grid Corrections Yodaville Whale Song Bunker A Cordon of Hives Comparative Astral Isochrones Ghost Streets of Los Angeles Howl In the Garden of 3D Printers Five Parises of Emptiness When those who it was built for are not present Marginalia Cereal Bags of the Str

            • 略語一覧

              A tetra P  adenosine tetraphosphate a-GBT  a-bungarotoxin a-GD  a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase a-glob  a-globulin A-LM  acetylkitasamycin A-MLV  Abelson-murine leukemia virus a-T  a-tocopherol A-V fistura  arteriovenous fistula A-V  atrioventricular a-v  動静脈瘻 A. to O.C.  attached to other correspondence A.A.  Automatic Approval System A.A.P.  amino-antipyrine フォスファターゼ測定試薬 A.A.R.  against all ris

              • Dive into Deep Learning — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.3 documentation

                Abasyn University, Islamabad Campus Alexandria University Amirkabir University of Technology Amity University Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Anna University Anna University Regional Campus Madurai Ateneo de Naga University Australian National University Bar-Ilan University Barnard College Beijing Foresty University Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad Birla Institute of Tech

                • BLDGBLOG

                  Previous Posts January 2016 New Digs December 2015 The Four-Floor War “A City on Mars is Possible. That’s What All This is About.” Pivot Grid Corrections Yodaville Whale Song Bunker A Cordon of Hives Comparative Astral Isochrones Ghost Streets of Los Angeles Howl In the Garden of 3D Printers Five Parises of Emptiness When those who it was built for are not present Marginalia Cereal Bags of the Str

                  • bouk.co

                    Filmmakers And Financing: Business Plans For Independents (american Film Market Presents) The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team: A Leadership Fable Let Them Eat Prozac: The Unhealthy Relationship Between The Pharmaceutical Industry And Depression (medicine, Culture, And History) Trader's Guide To Financial Markets And Technical Analysis How To Use Crowdfunding (how To: Academy) Chickens In Your Backyard

                    • SIGGRAPH 2009 Papers

                      Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang. If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail. Information here is provided with the permission of the ACM. Note that when possible I link to the page containing the link to the actual PDF or PS of the preprint. I prefer this as it gives some context to the paper and avoids possible copyright problems with direct linking. Thus you may need to search on the page

                      • 工業暗化 - Wikipedia

                        '白い体色を持つオオシモフリエダシャク Biston betularia f. typica' 黒い体色を持つBiston betularia f. carbonaria 工業暗化(こうぎょうあんか、英: industrial melanism)は、「19世紀後半から、ヨーロッパの工業都市が発展するにつれて、その付近に生息するガ(蛾)に暗色の変異が増加した[1]」という現象を指すための用語である。 概説[編集] 「工業暗化」の例としては、しばしばオオシモフリエダシャク(英語版)(Biston betularia)が言及される[1]。もともと、ほとんどのオオシモフリエダシャクは明るい体色をしており(淡色型;f.typica)、明るい色をした木や苔の上では効果的な保護色となっていたが、19世紀半ばごろから黒い色の個体(暗化型;イギリスのものはf.carbonaria)が報告され始め、一部の個体

                          工業暗化 - Wikipedia
                        • Brian Reily | Colorado School of Mines

                          Brian Reily is a PhD candidate with the Department of Computer Science, working for the Human-Centered Robotics Lab.  His research interests are multi-robot systems, human-robot teaming, and collaborative multi-sensory perception. May 2020: Paper accepted to RSS 2020 (“Leading Multi-Agent Teams to Multiple Goals While Maintaining Communication”). April 2020: Passed dissertation proposal defense. A

                          • Run native executable in Android App - namespace gimite

                            Demo † Here's demo application called "Run Native Exe" to: run local UNIX commands run native executable downloaded from the Web Package: NativeExe-0.2.apk Source code: on Github (ADT project) To install the package, Go to Settings→Application and check "Unknown sources" Open the package link above using Android Browser or type "adb install NativeExe?-*.apk" in your PC if you have Android SDK. ↑ H

                            • Dive into Deep Learning — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.3 documentation

                              Abasyn University, Islamabad Campus Alexandria University Amirkabir University of Technology Amity University Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Anna University Anna University Regional Campus Madurai Ateneo de Naga University Australian National University Bar-Ilan University Barnard College Beijing Foresty University Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad Birla Institute of Tech

                              • Augmented Reality Page

                                Augmented Reality Page This page is a resource for Augmented Reality information. You will find an introduction to augmented reality and links to some augmented reality work on the web. If you would like me to add a link to your web page which describes the augmented reality activities at your location please send me mail and I will happily accommodate your request.  I would also appreciate it if

                                • クラトン - Wikipedia

                                  クラトン(英語: Craton、ドイツ語: Kraton)とは、大陸地殻のうち、カンブリア紀以前に安定化した部分を指す。安定陸塊(あんていりくかい)、安定地塊(あんていちかい)、剛塊(ごうかい)とも呼ばれる。楯状地、プラットフォーム(卓状地)とほぼ一致し、造山帯、付加体に対立する概念である。 代表例としては、カナダ楯状地を包含する北アメリカ・クラトン、ダルワール・クラトン、東ヨーロッパ・クラトン、東南極クラトンなどが挙げられる。これらは、最低でも過去5億年、大陸の合体や超大陸の分離(ウィルソンサイクル)の影響をほとんど受けなかった大陸地殻の古い安定な部分であり、中には30億年以上存在してきた物も存在する。このためクラトンの地表部分では侵食が進み、台地や準平原、構造平野などを形成している。 概要[編集] クラトンは、通常は大陸の内部で見つかる。特徴として、花崗岩など低比重の珪長質の火成岩から

                                    クラトン - Wikipedia
                                  • tx-ruby - namespace gimite

                                    FrontPage This is a Ruby 1.8/1.9 binding of Tx, a library for a compact trie data structure. For details of Tx, see: Tx: Succinct Trie Data structure How to install † $ sudo gem install tx Or $ wget http://gimite.net/archive/tx-ruby-0.0.5.tar.gz $ tar xvzf tx-ruby-*.tar.gz $ cd tx-ruby $ sudo ruby setup.rb If your Ruby is 1.8.x mswin32, you don't need compilers (binary is bundled). Tx library is b

                                    • List of lists of lists - Wikipedia

                                      "List of lists" redirects here. For a non-comprehensive list of Wikipedia lists, see Wikipedia:Contents/Lists. For all lists on Wikipedia, see Category:Lists. "LoLoL" redirects here. For the Chilean town, see Lolol. For the internet slang, see LOL. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sourc

                                      • http://vim.cybermirror.org/runtime/tutor/tutor.ja.euc

                                        =============================================================================== = V I M 教 本 (チュートリアル) へ よ う こ そ - Version 1.7 = =============================================================================== Vim は、このチュートリアルで説明するには多すぎる程のコマンドを備えた非常 に強力なエディターです。このチュートリアルは、あなたが Vim を万能エディ ターとして使いこなせるようになるのに十分なコマンドについて説明をするよう なっています。 チュートリアルを完了するのに必要な時間は、覚えたコマンドを試すのにどれだ け時間を使うのかにもよりますが、およそ25から30分です。 AT

                                        • A Story of GameLayers, Inc.

                                          Making online social games 2007-2009 by Justin Hall Between 2007 and 2009 GameLayers made a multiplayer game across all the content of the internet. I was the CEO of GameLayers and one of three co-founders. Here I'll share lessons and data from this online social game startup. This Story of GameLayers covers prototyping, fund raising, company building, strategic shifting, winding down and moving o

                                          • 利用者:さえぼー/英日翻訳ウィキペディアン養成セミナー - Wikipedia

                                            本ページは、大学の授業で実施する英日翻訳ウィキペディアン養成セミナーのためのサブページです。基本的に、英語版ウィキペディアの記事を日本語版ウィキペディアに翻訳します。 この授業は、学生の皆さんの英語力・調べ物技術の向上と、日本語版ウィキペディアの発展を2本の柱とするプロジェクトです。 2024年度は担当教員のさえぼーがサバティカル中であるため、プロジェクトクラスは1年間休止いたします。こちらの候補記事リストは随時更新します。 学生の皆さんへ[編集] ウィキペディアにはいろいろなルールがあり、記事を作成するのは予想以上に大変だと思います。しかしながら、翻訳記事を作成するのは英語と日本語両方の勉強になり、また自分の知識を生かして社会に貢献できるチャンスでもあります。教員ができるだけサポートするので、めげずに頑張りましょう。 以下は、記事執筆前に必ず読んで欲しいルール一覧です。 Help:ログイ

                                            • Project Gutenberg

                                              Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z other Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z other Languages with more than 50 books: Chinese Danish Dutch English Esperanto Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Swedish Tagalog Languages with up to 50 books: Afrikaans Aleut Arabic Arapaho Bodo Breton Bulgarian Caló Catalan Cebuano C

                                                Project Gutenberg
                                              • Radium Girls - Wikipedia

                                                This article is about the factory workers. For other uses, see Radium girl (disambiguation). Radium painters working in a factory The Radium Girls were female factory workers who contracted radiation poisoning from painting radium dials – watch dials and hands with self-luminous paint. The incidents occurred at three factories in the United States: one in Orange, New Jersey, beginning around 1917;

                                                  Radium Girls - Wikipedia
                                                • Dive into Deep Learning — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.3 documentation

                                                  Abasyn University, Islamabad Campus Alexandria University Amirkabir University of Technology Amity University Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Anna University Anna University Regional Campus Madurai Ateneo de Naga University Australian National University Bar-Ilan University Barnard College Beijing Foresty University Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad Birla Institute of Tech

                                                  • Project Gutenberg Canada / Projet Gutenberg Canada

                                                    BREAKING NEWS! The Tr*mp-Trudeau twenty-year copyright extensions breach Canada's legal obligations to other countries and to its citizens, and must be cancelled ASAP. Dr Mark Akrigg of Project Gutenberg Canada explains. 3 JUNE 2024: Tr*mp is now a convicted felon, 34 times over. It's time to cleanse Canada's copyright laws of his filthy extensions. Let's get our public domain back! Why should Can

                                                    • Scanalyze: a system for aligning and merging range data

                                                      A screenshot of Scanalyze running on a Windows platform. Several range images of the head of Michelangelo's David are visible. Each range image represents one SD file (see below for a description of our file formats). A scrollable list of these files is visible in the upper-right corner of the screen. The range images are displayed as shaded surfaces, and all but one of them have already been alig

                                                      • BLDGBLOG: Remnants of the Biosphere

                                                        Photographer Noah Sheldon got in touch the other week with a beautiful series of photos documenting the decrepit state of Biosphere 2, a semi-derelict bio-architectural experiment in the Arizona desert. [Image: Biosphere 2, photographed by Noah Sheldon]. The largest sealed environment ever created, constructed at a cost of $200 million, and now falling somewhere between David Gissen's idea of subn

                                                        • BLDGBLOG: Single Hauz

                                                          Previous Posts January 2016 New Digs December 2015 The Four-Floor War “A City on Mars is Possible. That’s What All This is About.” Pivot Grid Corrections Yodaville Whale Song Bunker A Cordon of Hives Comparative Astral Isochrones Ghost Streets of Los Angeles Howl In the Garden of 3D Printers Five Parises of Emptiness When those who it was built for are not present Marginalia Cereal Bags of the Str

                                                          • Blue Marble Navigator - Night Lights 2012

                                                            Night-lights imagery by Earth Observation Group, Colorado School of Mines | Privacy Policy

                                                              Blue Marble Navigator - Night Lights 2012
                                                            • BLDGBLOG: Offshore

                                                              Previous Posts January 2016 New Digs December 2015 The Four-Floor War “A City on Mars is Possible. That’s What All This is About.” Pivot Grid Corrections Yodaville Whale Song Bunker A Cordon of Hives Comparative Astral Isochrones Ghost Streets of Los Angeles Howl In the Garden of 3D Printers Five Parises of Emptiness When those who it was built for are not present Marginalia Cereal Bags of the Str

                                                              • BLDGBLOG: The City and its Flooded Double

                                                                Previous Posts January 2016 New Digs December 2015 The Four-Floor War “A City on Mars is Possible. That’s What All This is About.” Pivot Grid Corrections Yodaville Whale Song Bunker A Cordon of Hives Comparative Astral Isochrones Ghost Streets of Los Angeles Howl In the Garden of 3D Printers Five Parises of Emptiness When those who it was built for are not present Marginalia Cereal Bags of the Str

                                                                • GitHub - kuzand/Computer-Vision-Video-Lectures: A curated list of free, high-quality, university-level courses with video lectures related to the field of Computer Vision.

                                                                  Signals and Systems 6.003 (MIT), Prof. Dennis Freeman [Course] Signals and Systems 6.003 covers the fundamentals of signal and system analysis, focusing on representations of discrete-time and continuous-time signals (singularity functions, complex exponentials and geometrics, Fourier representations, Laplace and Z transforms, sampling) and representations of linear, time-invariant systems (differ

                                                                    GitHub - kuzand/Computer-Vision-Video-Lectures: A curated list of free, high-quality, university-level courses with video lectures related to the field of Computer Vision.
                                                                  • GDWPR

                                                                    Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality THIRD EDITION INCORPORATING THE FIRST AND SECOND ADDENDA Volume 1 Recommendations Geneva 2008 WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Guidelines for drinking-water quality [electronic resource]: incorporating 1st and 2nd addenda, Vol.1, Recommendations. – 3rd ed. 1. Potable water – standards. 2. Water – standards. 3. Water quality – standards. 4. Guideline

                                                                    • [Live]Thomas Aquinas vs Colorado Mesa Live Stream NCAA DII Baseball Finals Online Broadcast, 30 May, 2017 Watch Thomas Aquinas vs Colorado Mesa Live Stream NCAA Baseball Online TV Coverage Watch Now Live Streaming DII baseball champ: St Thomas Aquinas Co

                                                                      [Live]Thomas Aquinas vs Colorado Mesa Live Stream NCAA DII Baseball Finals Online Broadcast, 30 May, 2017 Watch Thomas Aquinas vs Colorado Mesa Live Stream NCAA Baseball Online TV Coverage Watch Now Live Streaming DII baseball champ: St Thomas Aquinas Colorado Mesa victorious on ncaadii-baseball-champ-st-thomas-aquinas-colorado-mesa-victorious-wi 2 days ago - DII baseball champ: St Thomas Aquinas

                                                                      • BBC - Wiltshire - Wiltshire's Underground City - Wiltshire's Secret Underground City

                                                                        The city was also equipped with the second largest telephone exchange in Britain, a BBC studio from which the PM could address the nation and an internal Lamson Tube system that could relay messages, using compressed air, throughout the complex. For 30 years Burlington was in operation but at the end of the Cold War, in 1991, the still un-used city complex was finally taken over by the MOD and kep

                                                                        • Shale gas - Wikipedia

                                                                          The US EIA had made an earlier estimate of total recoverable shale gas in various countries in 2011, which for some countries differed significantly from the 2013 estimates.[35] The total recoverable shale gas in the United States, which was estimated at 862 trillion cubic feet in 2011, was revised downward to 665 trillion cubic feet in 2013. Recoverable shale gas in Canada, which was estimated to

                                                                            Shale gas - Wikipedia
                                                                          • A Story of GameLayers, Inc.

                                                                            Making online social games 2007-2009 by Justin Hall Between 2007 and 2009 GameLayers made a multiplayer game across all the content of the internet. I was the CEO of GameLayers and one of three co-founders. Here I'll share lessons and data from this online social game startup. This Story of GameLayers covers prototyping, fund raising, company building, strategic shifting, winding down and moving o

                                                                            • microbiology lab manual lee 2nd edition : vugiruxor

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                                                                              • UC Berkeley CS267 Home Page:

                                                                                Professor: Jim Demmel Office hours: T Th 2:15 - 3:00, F 1-2, or by appointment (send email) TA: Boris Vaysman Evening sessions: T 6:00, 405 Soda (at least 4 first weeks) Office hours: at ICSI by apt. (send email) Secretary: Bob Untiedt (send email) Survey on Use of the Videolink between CS267 at Berkeley and 18.337 at MIT (Filling this out is is a class requirement!) Announcements: (last updated M

                                                                                • Best Coursera Courses & Certificates in 25 categories [2024]

                                                                                  What is Coursera? Coursera is an online learning provider that offers on-demand courses from best universities and institutions around the globe. It is backed by Stanford professors Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng. It is 100% online and covers topics across a wide variety of subjects. Coursera catalog consists of more than 4300 courses and specialization programs. Currently Coursera has over 200 top u