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curveに関するエントリは30件あります。 COVID-19医療新型コロナウイルス などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『These simulations show how to flatten the coronavirus growth curve』などがあります。
  • These simulations show how to flatten the coronavirus growth curve

    The Washington Post is providing this story for free so that all readers have access to this important information about the coronavirus. For more free stories, sign up for our daily Coronavirus Updates newsletter. After the first case of covid-19, the disease caused by the new strain of coronavirus, was announced in the United States, reports of further infections trickled in slowly. Two months l

      These simulations show how to flatten the coronavirus growth curve
    • CURVE on Vimeo

      DEMO VIDEOS Get to know everything Vimeo can do for your business. Watch now

        CURVE on Vimeo
      • №1,321 洋画セレクション “ 人生の特等席 Trouble with the Curve ” - 糸屯 ち ゃ ん の エ ン タ メ 通 信

        ■ 目 次 プロローグ 人生の特等席 Trouble with the Curve エピローグ 糸屯ちゃんのおまけ - Blog Ranking Lists プロローグ おはようございます MCの白石です 本日のテーマも、怒涛の 洋画セレクション です では、わたくしの方からお送りする洋画のご紹介をさせて頂きます 人生の特等席 Trouble with the Curve です! それでは、皆さん 楽しんでってくださいね (✿╹◡╹)b ワープ!!.   .    . . ............................................... き、きえるぅぅぅ。。。( ̄□ ̄ *)( ̄□:;.:... ( ̄:;..::;.:. :::;... ... .. . .  . . .      .    . 人生の特等席 Trouble with the Curve 『人生

          №1,321 洋画セレクション “ 人生の特等席 Trouble with the Curve ” - 糸屯 ち ゃ ん の エ ン タ メ 通 信
        • Which Country Has Flattened the Curve for the Coronavirus? (Published 2020)

          Just a few weeks ago, China was overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic that began in Wuhan. Since then, it has drastically reduced the number of new cases, what is known as flattening the curve. These charts track the number of new confirmed cases each day. Each red line is the seven-day moving average, which smooths out day-to-day anomalies in how the data are reported by authorities. The number

            Which Country Has Flattened the Curve for the Coronavirus? (Published 2020)
          • 無料の音声編集ツール「Audacity」v2.3.3が公開 ~EQがグライコとFilter Curveに分割/M4A(AAC)形式での書き出し時の音声品質設定がファイル保存ダイアログに統合

              無料の音声編集ツール「Audacity」v2.3.3が公開 ~EQがグライコとFilter Curveに分割/M4A(AAC)形式での書き出し時の音声品質設定がファイル保存ダイアログに統合
            • How to create a super-ellipse CSS button based on Lamé curve

              I’ve always been a CSS fiend. Ever since I started creating web content I have been looking for the “perfect” button. The one button that users want to click over and over again. We’ve seen the rise of flat, material, skeuomorphism and atomic design over the years, but I haven’t seen any CSS frameworks make use of the Lamé curve on buttons yet. So today, I’m going to teach you how to create your v

                How to create a super-ellipse CSS button based on Lamé curve
              • Are Countries Flattening the Curve for the Coronavirus? (Published 2020)

                The trajectory of the coronavirus pandemic varies widely from country to country. The number of new cases each day appears to be falling in some nations. Note: The number of cases in China had a big jump in mid-February because officials changed the way cases were counted. Take Italy, for example, where the number of new cases appears to be leveling off, most likely because of the country’s strict

                  Are Countries Flattening the Curve for the Coronavirus? (Published 2020)
                • How South Korea Flattened the Curve (Published 2020)

                  No matter how you look at the numbers, one country stands out from the rest: South Korea. In late February and early March, the number of new coronavirus infections in the country exploded from a few dozen, to a few hundred, to several thousand. At the peak, medical workers identified 909 new cases in a single day, Feb. 29, and the country of 50 million people appeared on the verge of being overwh

                    How South Korea Flattened the Curve (Published 2020)
                  • Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

                    Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

                      Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve
                    • DIZ on Twitter: "10分で呼吸するのも忘れるほどの緊張感と絶望を味わえる「CURVE」という短編映画すごかった…!!! 目覚めたらコンクリートで出来た絶妙なカーブに放置されてて、少しでも動いたら奈落の底にずり落ちる恐怖映画。 音による体験が凄いので… https://t.co/TR3kbqqW2b"

                      10分で呼吸するのも忘れるほどの緊張感と絶望を味わえる「CURVE」という短編映画すごかった…!!! 目覚めたらコンクリートで出来た絶妙なカーブに放置されてて、少しでも動いたら奈落の底にずり落ちる恐怖映画。 音による体験が凄いので… https://t.co/TR3kbqqW2b

                        DIZ on Twitter: "10分で呼吸するのも忘れるほどの緊張感と絶望を味わえる「CURVE」という短編映画すごかった…!!! 目覚めたらコンクリートで出来た絶妙なカーブに放置されてて、少しでも動いたら奈落の底にずり落ちる恐怖映画。 音による体験が凄いので… https://t.co/TR3kbqqW2b"
                      • Apple、2023 App Store Awardsのファイナリストを発表。MacアプリではLinearity CurveやPhotomator、Portalが選出。

                        Appleが2023 App Store Awardsのファイナリストを発表しています。詳細は以下から。 Appleはホリデーシーズンに、その年にリリースされ話題を集めた/ユーザーの生活に欠かせないアプリとなったMac、iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Apple TVアプリとゲームタイトルを「今年のベストアプリ (App Store Awards)」として発表し、開発者を表彰していますが、今年も11月14日付けで、2023 App Store Awardsのファイナリストが発表されています。 App Storeのエディターチームは10年以上にわたり、一年の締めくくりとして、その年に素晴らしい輝きを放ったアプリとゲームを称える機会を設けてきました。選定に当たっては、例年通り、革新的な技術に加え、使いやすさやデザインに着目しました。さらに、これらの作品が私たちの生活に及ぼした影

                          Apple、2023 App Store Awardsのファイナリストを発表。MacアプリではLinearity CurveやPhotomator、Portalが選出。
                        • Elliptic Curve Cryptography: A Basic Introduction

                          Elliptic Curve Cryptography: A Basic Introduction By Lane Wagner on Sep 17, 2020 Curated backend podcasts, videos and articles. All free. Want to improve your backend development skills? Subscribe to get a copy of The Boot.dev Beat in your inbox each month. It's a newsletter packed with the best content for new backend devs. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a modern public-key encryption techn

                            Elliptic Curve Cryptography: A Basic Introduction
                          • John Burn-Murdoch on Twitter: "Here are the latest case trajectories: • Japan’s flatter curve now felt to be due to effective isolation of elder… https://t.co/gx8xhIvPAq"

                            Here are the latest case trajectories: • Japan’s flatter curve now felt to be due to effective isolation of elder… https://t.co/gx8xhIvPAq

                              John Burn-Murdoch on Twitter: "Here are the latest case trajectories: • Japan’s flatter curve now felt to be due to effective isolation of elder… https://t.co/gx8xhIvPAq"
                            • 「心臓バックバク」「手汗止まらん」 急斜面に放置された女性を描く10分動画「CURVE」がバキバキにトラウマを刻んでくる

                              約10分間の動画「CURVE」(カーブ)が、その短さからは考えられない圧倒的な恐怖とトラウマを刻んでくると話題になっています。開始1分でもうやばいですよこれは……。 どこかで眠っている1人の女性。目を覚ますと、そこはコンクリートでできた壁……の途中にある絶妙なカーブにぎりぎり引っ掛かったような位置。壁の下は底が見えないほど深く、カーブからずり落ちたら命がないのは明白です。 ヒェ……(以下、画像はCURVE本編から) ずり落ちそうになる女性。あと一歩のところで、どうにか踏みとどまります。しかし、この壁から出ようにも、後ろも急斜面。はい上がろうとしますが……。果たして、ここから出られるのか。ぜひ静かな環境で、集中して見てみてください。なお、成人指定となっており、若干痛々しい表現がある点ご注意ください。 この「CURVE」を制作したのは、オーストラリアでインディーズ撮影監督として活動しているティ

                                「心臓バックバク」「手汗止まらん」 急斜面に放置された女性を描く10分動画「CURVE」がバキバキにトラウマを刻んでくる
                              • Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained

                                Recently, I am learning how Elliptic Curve Cryptography works. I searched around the internet, found so many articles and videos explaining it. Most of them are covering only a portion of it, some of them skip many critical steps how you get from here to there. In the end, I didn’t find an article that really explains it from end-to-end in an intuitive way. With that in mind, I would like to write

                                  Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
                                • Infrastructure Observability for Changing the Spend Curve - Slack Engineering

                                  A deep dive on how we crafted an order of magnitude change in our spend (10x reduction compared to baseline growth) over the last two years with iterative understanding and changes in Slack’s Continuous Integration (CI) infrastructure. Slack is an integral part of where work happens for teams across the world, and our work in the Core Development Engineering department supports engineers throughou

                                    Infrastructure Observability for Changing the Spend Curve - Slack Engineering
                                  • How they flattened the curve during the 1918 Spanish Flu

                                    Philadelphia detected its first case of a deadly, fast-spreading strain of influenza on September 17, 1918. The next day, in an attempt to halt the virus’ spread, city officials launched a campaign against coughing, spitting, and sneezing in public. Yet 10 days later—despite the prospect of an epidemic at its doorstep—the city hosted a parade that 200,000 people attended. Flu cases continued to mo

                                      How they flattened the curve during the 1918 Spanish Flu
                                    • Don’t “Flatten the Curve,” stop it!

                                      You have all seen a version of this curve of COVID-19 case loads by now: There are many more. What all these diagrams have in common: They have no numbers on the axes. They don’t give you an idea how many cases it takes to overwhelm the medical system, and over how many days the epidemic will play out.They suggest that currently, the medical system can deal with a large fraction (like maybe 2/3, 1

                                        Don’t “Flatten the Curve,” stop it!
                                      • 岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "相変わらずNYTはせめてくる。  Which Country Has Flattened the Curve for the Coronavirus? https://t.co/DDC72rXZqy"

                                        相変わらずNYTはせめてくる。  Which Country Has Flattened the Curve for the Coronavirus? https://t.co/DDC72rXZqy

                                          岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "相変わらずNYTはせめてくる。  Which Country Has Flattened the Curve for the Coronavirus? https://t.co/DDC72rXZqy"
                                        • The Animated Elliptic Curve

                                          Visualizing Elliptic Curve Cryptography Every TLS 1.3 session starts with a key exchange made via an elliptic curve. The most popular curve is Curve25519, and the exchange involves adding a "base point" P to itself over and over again: Curve25519 point addition We're looking at the heart of TLS 1.3 key exchange, but what's going on? Let's break it down into simple parts. Adding points on a curve T

                                          • konataizumi curve - Wolfram|Alpha

                                            Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals. For math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music…

                                              konataizumi curve - Wolfram|Alpha
                                            • Databrew's COVID-19 epidemic curve explorer

                                              Deaths instead of cases? Adjust by population? By district instead of country (if available)?

                                                Databrew's COVID-19 epidemic curve explorer
                                              • Why Sweden Succeeded in “Flattening the Curve” and New York Failed

                                                have slowed to a crawl* in Sweden. But the debate over Sweden’s approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, which relied on individual responsibility instead of government coercion to maintain social distancing, is far from over. Last week, The New York Times labeled Sweden’s approach to the pandemic a “cautionary tale” for the rest of the world, claiming it “yielded a surge of deaths without sparing its e

                                                  Why Sweden Succeeded in “Flattening the Curve” and New York Failed
                                                • What does the Beveridge curve tell us about the likelihood of a soft landing?

                                                  Andrew Figura and Chris Waller* Any assessment of the likelihood and characteristics of a soft landing should take into account the situation in the labor market currently and the likely dynamics in the labor market going forward. Modern labor market models centered around the Beveridge curve are a useful tool in this assessment. In a recent policy brief, Blanchard, Domash, and Summers (2022), hen

                                                    What does the Beveridge curve tell us about the likelihood of a soft landing?
                                                  • 【Rainych】Blind Curve | Momoko Kikuchi (cover)

                                                    BLIND CURVE by Momoko Kikuchi is undoubtedly one of the timeless piece of art that's ever been released. Many of those who were introduced to it in the early days would still be able to groove to it and appreciate its essence. It's such a wonderful song all in all so much so that even my family and I vibe to the beat effortlessly! It's an honour to be able to cover yet another City Pop and I hope

                                                      【Rainych】Blind Curve | Momoko Kikuchi (cover)
                                                    • FigmaやAdobe Illustratorファイルの読込みにも対応した、Linearity Curve(旧Vectornator)派生のMac&iPad用アニメーション作成アプリ「Linearity Move」が予約注文を開始。

                                                      FigmaやAdobe Illustratorファイルの読込みにも対応した、Linearity Curve(旧Vectornator)派生のMac&iPad用アニメーション作成アプリ「Linearity Move」が予約注文を開始しています。詳細は以下から。 Linearity Curve (旧Vectornator)は、2018年にWWDCスカラシップとなったドイツのVladimir Danilaさんが設立したLinearity GmbHが開発するMacやiPhone、iPad対応のベクターグラフィックスアプリで、2022年にはApple Design Awardのファイナリストに、2023年にはApp Store AwardsのベストMacアプリのファイナリストに選出されていますが、 このLinearity Curveを開発するLinearity GmbHは現地時間2023年12月20

                                                        FigmaやAdobe Illustratorファイルの読込みにも対応した、Linearity Curve(旧Vectornator)派生のMac&iPad用アニメーション作成アプリ「Linearity Move」が予約注文を開始。
                                                      • Apple Store、Twelve SouthのMacBook用折畳み式スタンド「Twelve South Curve Flex Stand for MacBook」を販売開始 | アクセサリ | Mac OTAKARA

                                                        Apple Storeが、フォーカルポイント取扱のTwelve South製MacBook用折畳み式スタンド「Twelve South Curve Flex Stand for MacBook」を10,800円で販売開始しています。 なめらかな曲線を描くCurveは、古代建築の要素からインスピレーションを得てデザインされています。 ホワイトとブラックの2色がラインアップされています。

                                                          Apple Store、Twelve SouthのMacBook用折畳み式スタンド「Twelve South Curve Flex Stand for MacBook」を販売開始 | アクセサリ | Mac OTAKARA
                                                        • GitHub - ucupumar/bevel-curve-tools: Blender addons that helps you with creating and maintaining beveled curve.

                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                                                            GitHub - ucupumar/bevel-curve-tools: Blender addons that helps you with creating and maintaining beveled curve.
                                                          • GitHub - lukejoshuapark/whisper: Wraps an io.ReadWriter in a secure tunnel using modern elliptic-curve cryptography.

                                                            A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?

                                                              GitHub - lukejoshuapark/whisper: Wraps an io.ReadWriter in a secure tunnel using modern elliptic-curve cryptography.
                                                            • Databrew's COVID-19 epidemic curve explorer

                                                              Deaths instead of cases? Adjust by population? By district instead of country (if available)?

                                                                Databrew's COVID-19 epidemic curve explorer
