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expectに関するエントリは32件あります。 TypeScripttesttechfeed などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Zulipはいいぞ - Empowered by expect』などがあります。
  • Zulipはいいぞ - Empowered by expect

    tl;dr Slackとここが違って良いです ・スレッドに名前を付けて個別に選択できる ・"すべてのメッセージ"画面でひとつのTLとして読める チャット系ツールとしてZulipを長いこと使っています。「Zulipはいいぞ」と一言つぶやいてばかりなのも生産的ではないので一度まとめておきます。 概要 Zulipはひとことで言うとSlack競合のチャットツールです。 github.com zulip.com オープンソースでGitHub上に公開されていてセルフホストが可能です。またSaaSサービスも提供されています。 元々はステルス段階のスタートアップだったのををDropboxが買収し、オープンソース公開したりスピンオフで再分離したりを経て現在はKandra Labsを中心に開発とサービスが行われています。 お気に入りのツールなのであらためてご紹介いたします。 昔話 私は2016年にそれまで使っ

      Zulipはいいぞ - Empowered by expect
    • TypeScript Compiler API を使って ts-expect-error を一括挿入する - ドワンゴ教育サービス開発者ブログ

      こんにちは。N 予備校 Webフロントエンド開発チームの中村です。 TypeScriptを使用しているプロジェクトでコンパイラの設定を変更したら既存のソースコードがコンパイルに通らなくなった……という経験はないでしょうか。 先日あるリポジトリでnoUncheckedIndexedAccessというコンパイラオプション(TypeScript4.1以降で使用可能)を有効化した1ところ、既存ソースコードの200箇所以上がコンパイルエラーになりました。これを全て手作業で直すのは大変ですし、その間にも直さないといけないコードは増えていくかもしれません。 そこでTypeScriptのCompiler APIを使用し、コンパイラから得られるコンパイル時のエラー情報を利用して@ts-expect-error2を挿入するスクリプトを作成しました。その過程と結果を書きましたので、次のような方々の参考になれば幸

        TypeScript Compiler API を使って ts-expect-error を一括挿入する - ドワンゴ教育サービス開発者ブログ
      • The HTTP headers you don't expect - Francesco Carlucci

        A few days ago, I was poking around Creditkarma's blog and I noticed this HTTP header: X-hacker: If you're reading this, you should visit wpvip.com/careers and apply to join the fun, mention this header. My first thought was: "Wow, back in the day we had the Millennium Bug to save a few bits on a date, and now companies have an entire job offers in an HTTP header!" This made me very curious, so I

        • Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14

          Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14 Today, Apple has unveiled their brand-new MacBook line-up. This isn’t an ordinary release – if anything, the move that Apple is making today is something that hasn’t happened in 15 years: The start of a CPU architecture transition across their whole consumer Mac line-up. Thanks to the company’s vertical integration a

            Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14
          • @ts-expect-errorを自動追加!suppress-ts-errorsの紹介

            TypeScript の型チェックを厳格化したいが既存の型エラーが多すぎて、やむなく緩い型チェックにしている方へ改善の助けになりそうなツールを作ったので紹介です。 🔧 作ったもの プロジェクトのコードベースを走査して、型エラーがあるコードすべてに@ts-expect-error or @ts-ignoreのコメントを追加する suppress-ts-errors という CLI ツールを作りました。 以下の GIF のように npx 経由で簡単に利用できます。 さらに、ts、tsx だけでなくVue SFC のスクリプト部分へのコメント追加にも対応しています。 コードはこちらです。⭐ を貰えると泣いて喜びます。 なぜ作った? 現職のプロジェクトにて型チェックを厳格化できていない(strict: trueにできていない)という状況を改善したいと思ったからです。 型チェックのルールを修正する

            • ts-expect-error を付与しながら .js を .ts に一括で書き換える

              やりたいこと 巨大なコードベースに対して、 .js をとりあえず .ts に書き換えてしまいたい。 だが、素朴な拡張子の書き換えで型違反が出ると jest やその他ツールが止まりはじめて面倒。 なので、エラー行には // @ts-expect-error を自動で付与しながら書き換えたい。@ts-ignore ではなく、@ts-expect-error なのは、型エラーを修正した際に、それが伝搬するようにするため。 方法 ファイルの拡張子を .js から .ts に書き換える typescript service 経由で型を検査し、エラー行を集める エラーが出た行に // @ts-expect-error を付与する コード 書き捨てなので汚いです import * as ts from "typescript"; import { uniq } from "lodash"; import

                ts-expect-error を付与しながら .js を .ts に一括で書き換える
              • Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14

                This year’s A14 chip includes the 8th generation in Apple’s 64-bit microarchitecture family that had been started off with the A7 and the Cyclone design. Over the years, Apple’s design cadence seems to have settled down around major bi-generation microarchitecture updates starting with the A7 chipset, with the A9, A11, A13 all showcasing major increases of their design complexity and microarchitec

                  Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14
                • Crystal 1.0 - What to expect

                  Ary Borenzweig Brian J. Cardiff Juan Wajnerman +450 more The release of the first major release of Crystal arrives after many years of hard work. With thousands of contributions from people worldwide, it was finally possible to find consensus for what truly mattered for 1.0 and what could wait for future releases. Getting here wasn’t an easy journey, filled with enriching, controversial, delightfu

                    Crystal 1.0 - What to expect
                  • Emacs 29 is nigh! What can we expect?

                    Some random rambling by a linguistics nerd about Emacs, Linux, and conlanging It was announced a couple of hours ago, Emacs 29’s branch is now cut from the master branch! This means the emacs-29 branch will from now no longer receive any new feature, but only bug fixes. So, what’s new with this new major release? I skimmed over the NEWS file, and here are the changes which I find interesting and e

                    • Elon Musk told Twitter staff to expect 80-hour work weeks and fewer office perks, report says

                      An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                        Elon Musk told Twitter staff to expect 80-hour work weeks and fewer office perks, report says
                      • What to Expect in Kotlin 1.4 and Beyond | The Kotlin Blog

                        IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Grazie Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Am

                          What to Expect in Kotlin 1.4 and Beyond | The Kotlin Blog
                        • Jestのexpect(matcher)を完全に理解する

                          本記事は estie Advent Calendar 2021 9日目の記事です。 概要 なんとなくJestを使ってしまっている人が 基本的なexpectメソッドを「完全に理解」し よいテストコードを書けるようになる ことを目的とし、公式ドキュメントを基にした整理・解説をおこないます。 記事の構成については目次をご覧下さい。それではいってみよう! 等価判定メソッドの基礎 まず最初に、Jestの最も基本的な等価判定メソッドである toBe, toEqual, toStrictEqualの仕様を理解し、適切に使い分けましょう。 他の高機能なマッチャの仕様のベースになっているので、これさえわかれば当分困りません。 結論から言うと、以下のような使い分けが妥当と考えています。 - toBe - プリミティブ値の比較 - オブジェクトの参照先の比較 - toEqual - オブジェクトの値の比較 -

                          • Oleg's gists - Compiling Haskell to JavaScript, not in the way you'd expect

                            #Step 1: Template Haskell splices The [d| ... |] is a syntax of Template Haskell declaration quote. For example, [d| answer = 42 |] would produce a value of type Q Dec, which is an abstract syntax representation of it. Relatedly, the $(...) is splice syntax. As it appears on the top level, it splices declarations (of the type Q [Dec], or expressions of the type Q Exp depending on the context) into

                            • Expect · Jest

                              テストを作成する時に、値が特定の条件に合致することを確認する必要がよくあるでしょう。 expect によって様々な事柄を検証するための数多くの「マッチャ」を利用することができます。

                                Expect · Jest
                              • Erdogan tells Sweden not to expect Nato bid support

                                The Turkish president's warning comes after protests in Sweden, including a Quran burning.

                                  Erdogan tells Sweden not to expect Nato bid support
                                • Why Rust should only have provided `expect` for turning errors into panics, and not also provided `unwrap`

                                  UPDATE 2: I have made the title longer because people seem to be insisting on misunderstanding me, giving examples where the only reasonable thing to do is to escalate an Err into a panic. Indeed, such situations exist. I am not advocating for panic-free code. I am advocating that expect should be used for those functions, and if a function is particularly prone to being called like that (e.g. Mut

                                  • Memcached vs Redis - More Different Than You Would Expect

                                    Cache CollisionMemcached vs Redis - More Different Than You Would Expect Important Note Everything that follows should be only considered accurate at time of publishing. Both projects are not considered finished, and so changes that follow publication could invalidate some or all of the information below. Redis vs Memcached Redis vs Memcached. Another entry to the list of software holy wars with E

                                      Memcached vs Redis - More Different Than You Would Expect
                                    • Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14

                                      Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14 To date, our performance comparisons for Apple’s chipsets have always been in the context of iPhone reviews, with the juxtaposition to x86 designs being a rather small footnote within the context of the articles. Today’s Apple Silicon launch event completely changes the narrative of what we portray in terms of perfor

                                        Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14
                                      • The Next Iteration of the Scrum Guide: What to expect?

                                        What can we expect from the next Scrum Guide?The definition of Scrum is hosted at ScrumGuides.org. Since the publication of ‘the rules of the game’ in 2010, this definition has been updated roughly once every 18 months. The last update was in November 2017, and it looks like another is on the way. What will be added? What will be removed? What will be changed? In this post, I look ahead and try to

                                          The Next Iteration of the Scrum Guide: What to expect?
                                        • SSVCのDecision Tableを雑に実装してみる~DecisionRules.io編~ - Empowered by expect

                                          概要 タイトルの通りです。インポート用のExcelファイルを置いておきます。 https://github.com/w4yh/SSVC-decision-tree ファイル: SSVC_Handling_SupplierTable_0.0.2.xlsx 概要 経緯 DecisionRules概要 Excelからのインポートでテーブルを作成する 実行 振り返り エクスカーション DecisionRules良かったです テーブルが力業 decisionのカタカナ表記 経緯 TwitterでSSVCのことを知りました。 📝CVSSにとって代わるかもしれない 脆弱性の管理方法 SSVC のすばらしいまとめ。CISAもSSVC推しだしhttps://t.co/VdVt6SrOKI— Yurika (@EurekaBerry) 2022年8月10日 元となるブログ記事やその引用記事などを読んで、これ

                                            SSVCのDecision Tableを雑に実装してみる~DecisionRules.io編~ - Empowered by expect
                                          • GitHub - sismics/docs: Lightweight document management system packed with all the features you can expect from big expensive solutions

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                                              GitHub - sismics/docs: Lightweight document management system packed with all the features you can expect from big expensive solutions
                                            • Linux x86 32-bit Is Vulnerable To Retbleed But Don't Expect It To Get Fixed - Phoronix

                                              Show Your Support: This site is primarily supported by advertisements. Ads are what have allowed this site to be maintained on a daily basis for the past 19+ years. We do our best to ensure only clean, relevant ads are shown, when any nasty ads are detected, we work to remove them ASAP. If you would like to view the site without ads while still supporting our work, please consider our ad-free Phor

                                                Linux x86 32-bit Is Vulnerable To Retbleed But Don't Expect It To Get Fixed - Phoronix
                                              • GitHub - cashapp/licensee: Gradle plugin which validates the licenses of your dependency graph match what you expect

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                                                  GitHub - cashapp/licensee: Gradle plugin which validates the licenses of your dependency graph match what you expect
                                                • GitHub - pashak09/ts-expect-error-validator: Command-line tool to validate expected TypeScript errors

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                                                    GitHub - pashak09/ts-expect-error-validator: Command-line tool to validate expected TypeScript errors
                                                  • How the internet changed in 2019 (and what to expect in 2020)

                                                    Internet changed in 2019, expect more in 2020 | FastlySome pretty incredible advances were made this year across the internet — from the increased adoption of modernized protocols, to the growth in reach and capacity of global high-speed internet and beyond. It's changes like these, along with the challenges and wins shared by the tech leaders and inventive developers of the Fastly community, that

                                                      How the internet changed in 2019 (and what to expect in 2020)
                                                    • What to expect when monitoring memory usage for modern Go applications.

                                                      • GitHub - kawamataryo/suppress-ts-errors: CLI tool to add @ts-expect-errors to typescript type errors

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                                                          GitHub - kawamataryo/suppress-ts-errors: CLI tool to add @ts-expect-errors to typescript type errors
                                                        • GitHub - great-expectations/great_expectations: Always know what to expect from your data.

                                                          GX OSS is a data quality platform designed by and for data engineers. It helps you surface issues quickly and clearly while also making it easier to collaborate with nontechnical stakeholders. Its powerful technical tools start with Expectations: expressive and extensible unit tests for your data. As you create and run tests, your test definitions and results are automatically rendered in human-re

                                                            GitHub - great-expectations/great_expectations: Always know what to expect from your data.
                                                          • Allow arbitrary URLs, expect arbitrary code execution | Positive Security

                                                            Allow arbitrary URLs, expect arbitrary code execution -- MARKDOWN -- - We found and reported 1-click code execution vulnerabilities in popular software including **Telegram**, **Nextcloud**, **VLC**, **Libre-/OpenOffice**, **Bitcoin/Dogecoin Wallets**, **Wireshark** and **Mumble** - Desktop applications which pass user supplied URLs to be opened by the operating system are frequently vulnerable to

                                                              Allow arbitrary URLs, expect arbitrary code execution | Positive Security
                                                            • Why we expect the Microservices

                                                              こちらで発表させていただいた資料です。 Kubernetesマイクロサービス開発の実践 - Forkwell Library #47 2024/04/04(木) 19:30 〜 21:00 https://forkwell.connpass.com/event/313765/

                                                                Why we expect the Microservices
                                                              • GitHub - mmkal/expect-type: Compile-time tests for types. Useful to make sure types don't regress into being overly-permissive as changes go in over time.

                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                  GitHub - mmkal/expect-type: Compile-time tests for types. Useful to make sure types don't regress into being overly-permissive as changes go in over time.
                                                                • 8 Features and Changes to Expect in iOS 16

                                                                  As Apple rolls out new software updates for its product lines each year, we usually get a host of new features. Here are eight we expect for iOS 16. Every year, Apple releases shiny new updates for its entire product range. macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, HomePods, AirTags, and more all get brand-new software. And 2022 is no different. We're expecting new updates to all.Since the iPhone is Appl

                                                                    8 Features and Changes to Expect in iOS 16
