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foundingの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 418件

  • Suntory Time | Suntory Whisky 100th Anniversary Tribute by Sofia Coppola

    Celebrate the centennial of the founding house of Japanese Whisky with Sofia Coppola’s tribute to Suntory Whisky and #SuntoryTime. The Suntory Whisky Anniversary Tribute tells the remarkable story of the brand’s heritage and whisky-making legacy over the last 100 years, depicting the meaning of “Suntory Time” through the eyes of its creator. More than an iconic line in a brilliant film, "Suntory

      Suntory Time | Suntory Whisky 100th Anniversary Tribute by Sofia Coppola
    • Bay Area high school grad rejected by 16 colleges hired by Google

      Stanley Zhong is a graduate of Gunn High School in Palo Alto who was hired by Google as a software engineer after 16 colleges rejected him. SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- College admissions decisions disappoint thousands of high-achieving students each year, but one Palo Alto teen's story is catching the attention of Congress. Stanley Zhong, 18, is a 2023 graduate of Gunn High School in Palo Alto. Despite

        Bay Area high school grad rejected by 16 colleges hired by Google
      • Paris 2024 The Other Brands

        Paris 2024 also includes a number of institutional brands that extend the reach of the Games well beyond the sporting world into schools, local authorities, non-profit organisations and institutions so the positive impact of the Games is felt far and wide. There are currently three additional brands, with others set to follow over the coming months. Their graphic identities focus on 2024 to unders

          Paris 2024 The Other Brands
        • Opinion | How Ukraine could (maybe) kick Russia off the Security Council

          The Soviet Union died in 1991. Now Ukraine says Russia should give up the Soviet's Security Council seat. At Wednesday night’s historic meeting of the United Nations Security Council, as the gathered ambassadors finished giving prepared speeches calling for de-escalation, Vasily Nebenzya, Russian ambassador to the U.N., confirmed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement that the country had

            Opinion | How Ukraine could (maybe) kick Russia off the Security Council
          • 組織の異端児/はみ出し者にシード投資を行うベンチャーキャピタル「HAKOBUNE(ハコブネ)」を設立し投資を開始 -ファンド規模最大20億円を予定-

            組織の異端児/はみ出し者にシード投資を行うベンチャーキャピタル「HAKOBUNE(ハコブネ)」を設立し投資を開始 -ファンド規模最大20億円を予定- 大人起業家を中心に投資するベンチャーキャピタルファンドを運営するHAKOBUNE株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役:栗島祐介・木村正博、以下当社)は、「HAKOBUNE1号投資事業有限責任組合」(以下、HAKOBUNE1号ファンド)を組成し、投資活動を開始したことをお知らせします。 HAKOBUNE1号ファンドは、主にPre-Seed/Seedステージの国内スタートアップ企業を投資対象としております。1st closeにおける主な出資者は株式会社新生銀行、キヤノンマーケティングジャパン株式会社、FFG FOF1号投資事業有限責任組合、株式会社サザビーリーグ、三井不動産株式会社、株式会社オールアバウト、プロトスター株式会社などの金融機関お

              組織の異端児/はみ出し者にシード投資を行うベンチャーキャピタル「HAKOBUNE(ハコブネ)」を設立し投資を開始 -ファンド規模最大20億円を予定-
            • Automotive Electronic Expansion Valve Market Size, Share Forecast 2032 | MRFR

              Automotive Electronic Expansion Valve Market Research Report Information By Type (Electromagnetic and Electric), Application (Commercial Vehicle and Passenger Car) And By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, And Rest Of The World) –Market Forecast Till 2032 Automotive Electronic Expansion Valve Market Overview: Automotive Electronic Expansion Valve Market Size was valued at USD 0.5 Billion

              • A brief stroll through the CNCF eBPF landscape

                Senior Dev Relations Engineer @ New Relic, Founding Engineer @ Pixie Labs eBPF has been steadily gaining traction in the past few years. The foundation for the idea sounds a bit esoteric on the surface - running user-defined programs in the Linux kernel. However, eBPF has made a huge splash because of the major applications it has in fields like observability, networking, and security. In particul

                  A brief stroll through the CNCF eBPF landscape
                • Hello OLMo: A truly open LLM

                  As the world races to deploy AI models that are effective and safe, the demand for Open Large Language Models (LLMs) has exploded. The massive adoption of both open and closed AI models means that AI capabilities have leapfrogged our ability to understand how they are created. Releasing the OLMo framework will provide the industry with an opportunity to understand what is going on inside AI models

                    Hello OLMo: A truly open LLM
                  • TechCrunch

                    Microsoft, it seems, is hedging its bets when it comes to general-purpose robotics AI. At the end of February, the Windows maker spearheaded a massive $675 million Series B in Bay Area-based Figure. T Substack is launching the ability for writers to paywall their entire Chat or specific threads to paid or founding members only, the company announced on Wednesday. The rollout of the new feature com

                    • Former Defense Secretary James Mattis condemns Trump as a threat to the Constitution

                      Mattis on Fox in Septemnber 2019 in New York City. Photo: Steven Ferdman/Getty Images Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis condemned President Trump for making a "mockery of our Constitution" in a statement to The Atlantic on Wednesday, saying he was "appalled" at the president's response to mass protests in the wake of George Floyd's killing. Why it matters: Trump’s former defense secretary h

                        Former Defense Secretary James Mattis condemns Trump as a threat to the Constitution
                      • Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment.

                        Tucked among the stately Tudor-style homes in the Palmer Woods neighborhood of Detroit is a beige one with ivy snaking up its facade and a sign on the front lawn that reads, “Peace with justice in Gaza.” It is the home of the 74-year-old artist, photographer and activist Barbara Weinberg Barefield, a founding member of the left-wing Jewish Voice for Peace Action-Michigan, who told me that she is t

                          Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment.
                        • NFB Films directed by Norman McLaren

                          The NFB is committed to respecting your privacy We use cookies to ensure that our site works efficiently, as well as for advertising purposes. If you do not wish to have your information used in this way, you can modify your browser settings before continuing your visit. The young Norman McLaren began his filmmaking career in 1934, and the following year, two of his films won prizes at the Scottis

                            NFB Films directed by Norman McLaren
                          • Redis Labs Becomes, Simply, Redis - Redis

                            Name change reflects the central role the company maintains in leading the evolution of open source Redis from a popular caching system into the leading real-time data platform Mountain View, August 11, 2021—Today, Redis Labs announced the company is now registered as Redis, dropping “Labs” from its name. The change signals the maturation of the company and the Redis open source project, which it

                              Redis Labs Becomes, Simply, Redis - Redis
                            • Google introduces its membership in the Modern Computing Alliance | Google Cloud Blog

                              Introducing the Modern Computing Alliance: The best way to predict the future is to build it If the last two decades have taught us anything, it’s that things—especially technology—move pretty fast. As an industry, technology providers have done a fantastic job developing new hardware and software products to make sure people can keep up, and get ahead. However the user experience is defined not o

                                Google introduces its membership in the Modern Computing Alliance | Google Cloud Blog
                              • The Flashing Warning of QAnon

                                The embrace of apocalyptic memes is a symptom of hyperconnected societies in distress. We live in strange times, and they grew stranger still in August, when the President of the United States publicly supported the fringe political ideology known as QAnon. Trump then doubled down during an interview with Laura Ingraham, on Fox News, repeating QAnon talking points, such as how “rich people” were b

                                  The Flashing Warning of QAnon
                                • 日経退職から1カ月|後藤達也

                                  3月末に18年間勤めた日本経済新聞を退職し、1カ月ほどがたちました。いろんな不安やリスクもあるなか、なんとか走ってこれました。 最大の支えはみなさまからの温かいご支援です。これは綺麗事ではなく、本当に本当です。 お客さんのフィードバック会社に勤めていると多かれ少なかれ、上司の評価を気にすることになります。しかし、フリーランスとしてみなさまに直接情報を届ける今の立場ではお客様からの直接のフィードバックにほかなりません。 Twitterの新しいアカウントのフォロワーは24万人、YouTubeの登録者数は7.7万人と、1カ月という短期間で、事前の予想を凌駕する反響をいただきました。TwitterにもYouTubeにも、ほぼ毎回、1000以上の「いいね」「高評価」を頂いております。会社の上司による人事査定より、もっと本質的で根源的な評価だと感じています。改めてありがとうございます。 素直なうれしさ

                                  • 外国特派員協会での記者会見 会見文(日英対訳)|ニュース|世界平和統一家庭連合

                                    本日、外国特派員協会の招請で開催された、記者会見の会見文を以下に掲載いたします。 2022年7月8日,安倍晋三元首相が凶弾に倒れられました。日本国内ではもちろんのこと,世界中でご生前の業績が称えられ、世界の指導者・各国首脳からも惜しまれながら、たくさんの追悼の言葉が寄せられました。心から元首相のご冥福をお祈りいたします。 On July 8, 2022, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated by a shooter. Following this tragedy, Mr. Abe’s achievements during his life have been honored in Japan, as well as throughout the world, and many messages of condolence h

                                      外国特派員協会での記者会見 会見文(日英対訳)|ニュース|世界平和統一家庭連合
                                    • Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges)

                                      Before we start: AI tooling for software development feels like it has hit "peak hype" across mainstream media. We would like to do a "reality check" and find out how engineers and teams are using these tools (and which tools/use cases are genuinely efficient). Please help us by filling out this survey. Fill out the survey on AI tools We will share the full report with all of you who share detaile

                                        Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges)
                                      • Holiday Book Recommendations for Software Engineers, Engineering Managers and Product Managers

                                        Books perfect as reading or gifts during the end-of-year break for those working in tech. More than 100 book recommendations. I’ve always found books are an underrated way to learn something new. Great books contain years of hard-earned experiences compressed into what you can read in hours. However, you do need to give hours-long attention to them. This allows books to convey ideas that shorter-f

                                          Holiday Book Recommendations for Software Engineers, Engineering Managers and Product Managers
                                        • Understanding the New World of Office Space with Basking | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS Startups Blog Understanding the New World of Office Space with Basking Overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped how and where Americans work. By June, according to a survey from Stanford researchers, 42% of the U.S. labor force was working from home full time, with millions more not working at all. For employers, that shift has led to new challenges as they navigate an unprecedented economy.

                                            Understanding the New World of Office Space with Basking | Amazon Web Services
                                          • OpenAI's Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, and more

                                            Dear friends, In the last couple of days, Google announced a doubling of Gemini Pro 1.5's input context window from 1 million to 2 million tokens, and OpenAI released GPT-4o, which generates tokens 2x faster and 50% cheaper than GPT-4 Turbo and natively accepts and generates multimodal tokens. I view these developments as the latest in an 18-month trend. Given the improvements we've seen, best pra

                                              OpenAI's Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, and more
                                            • Rust Foundation

                                              DOVER, DELAWARE, USA, June 12, 2024 – The Rust Foundation, AdaCore, Arm, Ferrous Systems, HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, Lynx Software Technologies, OxidOS, TECHFUND, TrustInSoft, Veecle, and Woven by Toyota are thrilled to jointly announce the Safety-Critical Rust Consortium. The primary objective of this group will be to support the responsible use of the Rust programming language in safety-critical

                                                Rust Foundation
                                              • Richard Aoki - Wikipedia

                                                Civil rights activist most known for his role in the Black Panther Party, FBI informant against same. Richard Masato Aoki[1] (/ɑːˈoʊki/ or /eɪˈoʊki/; November 20, 1938 – March 15, 2009) was an American educator and college counselor, best known as a civil rights activist and early member of the Black Panther Party. He joined the early Black Panther Party and was eventually promoted to the position

                                                  Richard Aoki - Wikipedia
                                                • Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development, Inc. announces it will expand and improve its operations by forming Woven Planet Holdings and two new operating companies, Woven CORE and Woven Alpha - Toyota USA Newsroom

                                                  News Toyota Research Institute – Advanced Development, Inc. announces it will expand and improve its operations by forming Woven Planet Holdings and two new operating companies, Woven CORE and Woven Alpha Tokyo, Japan, (July 28, 2020) — Toyota Research Institute – Advanced Development, Inc. (“TRI-AD”) announced today that, effective January 2021, it will expand and improve its operations into a ho

                                                    Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development, Inc. announces it will expand and improve its operations by forming Woven Planet Holdings and two new operating companies, Woven CORE and Woven Alpha - Toyota USA Newsroom
                                                  • shiseido canada. Buy online generic. | funasia.net

                                                    USA Pharmacy cheap order Click here for more info. Save Your Time and Money. - 100% legal products. - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Fast delivery and complete anonymity - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Your full satisfaction is guaranteed or your money is returned ::. Buy onli

                                                    • Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics

                                                      WT Microelectronics buys Future Electronics for $3.8bn Taiwan's WT Microelectronics has completed its acquisition of Canada's Future Electronics to create "a global electronic components distribution powerhouse". It's a bold claim, but the two firms can each boast considerable market strength. WT is a global top three electronic components distributor with reach across Asia Pacific, the Americas a

                                                        Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics
                                                      • Heat wave hits Olympics as organizers battle to keep Covid rates down

                                                        The Tokyo Olympics organizers, already struggling to contain the spread of Covid-19, are contending with another obstacle largely beyond their control: a heat wave. Day after day of 90-plus-degree heat and high humidity has forced organizers to reschedule rugby matches and mountain biking competitions and move some track and field events to early morning hours or dusk to avoid the roasting afterno

                                                          Heat wave hits Olympics as organizers battle to keep Covid rates down
                                                        • Kanji for Standing Up or to Stand (立, Tachi, Tate, Ritsu)

                                                          The Kanji for Stand up or to stand as a verb is 立. The kanji 立 has a few pronunciations in Japanese. They are: たち (tachi): This is the kun’yomi or the native Japanese reading. It’s often used when the kanji appears on its own or in native Japanese words. たて (tate): Another kun’yomi reading, often seen in compounds or phrases. りつ (ritsu): This is the on’yomi or the reading derived from Chinese. It’

                                                            Kanji for Standing Up or to Stand (立, Tachi, Tate, Ritsu)
                                                          • POSTSCRIPT: デジタル印刷機

                                                            コンピュータ歴史博物館より。 BY デビッド・C・ブロック PostScriptの物語には、さまざまな側面があります。それは、人間のリテラシーにおける大きな変化についての物語であると同時に、ソースコードの中の企業秘密についての物語でもあります。チームの重要性と幾何学についての物語でもあります。そして、エンジニアと起業家の動機と教育の物語でもあります。 コンピュータ歴史博物館は、画期的な印刷技術であるPostScriptのソース コードを初めて一般に公開することができ、大変嬉しく思っています。アドビ社の許可と支援、そして、この公開を支持してくれたジョン・ワーノックに感謝します。 コードへのアクセス 大きな絵 印刷は、いつの時代も文化に大きな影響を与える技術でした。東アジアで誕生した可動式活字は、その後、15世紀のヨーロッパでワインや油を搾る技術と融合し、金属鋳造による活字の大量生産という新し

                                                              POSTSCRIPT: デジタル印刷機
                                                            • Why pop culture loves the 'butterfly effect,' and gets it totally wrong - The Boston Globe

                                                              The meaning of the butterfly Why pop culture loves the 'butterfly effect,' and gets it totally wrong Email|Print|Single Page| Text size – + By Peter Dizikes June 8, 2008 SOME SCIENTISTS SEE their work make headlines. But MIT meteorologist Edward Lorenz watched his work become a catch phrase. Lorenz, who died in April, created one of the most beguiling and evocative notions ever to leap from the la

                                                              • 長野県で受けられる3つの融資と3つの相談窓口!起業するなら長野でしょ - 起業コンパス

                                                                長野県は「日本一創業しやすい県づくり」を目指しており、手厚い創業支援が用意されています! 創業時はもちろんですが長野県では創業後までのフォローがしっかり確立されているのが特徴です。 その為、安心して起業することができます。 今回はそんな長野県で起業しようとしているラッキーさんへ、創業にあたって知っておくべき情報や具体的な支援内容、みなさん一番気になるであろう長野県で借りられる創業融資制度を徹底的に解説していきます!ぜひ最後まで読んで、スムーズに起業を進めてくださいね! 長野県で受けられる3つの融資 長野県は東京、名古屋から200キロメートル圏内と、各主要都市からアクセスしやすく、ビジネスの面でもとても好立地です。そんな長野県で受けられる3つの融資についてご紹介します。 信州創生推進資金(創業支援向け)長野県は「日本一創業しやすい県づくり」を目指しているだけあり、とても充実した内容の融資が用

                                                                  長野県で受けられる3つの融資と3つの相談窓口!起業するなら長野でしょ - 起業コンパス
                                                                • Go Rails World

                                                                  Amanda Perino had barely settled into the role as executive director of The Rails Foundation before she secured a venue, a date, and the full support of the board for Rails World. This 650-attendee conference will kick off the worldwide ambitions for The Rails Foundation to host a new series of ecosystem gatherings at incredibly affordable prices (this first effort will be just €199-€299 for a tic

                                                                    Go Rails World
                                                                  • A Guide to Starting a Business in Japan

                                                                    Japan is a great place to start a business for foreigners because of the size of the economy, business stability, the void created by the aging population, and governmental support and reforms to encourage new businesses. In this guide, we will discuss all the nitty-gritty of establishing your company to do business in Japan as a foreigner. However, before we discuss all the details of setting up

                                                                      A Guide to Starting a Business in Japan
                                                                    • 2020 State of Open Source Code Coverage - Codecov

                                                                      Since our founding six years ago, it has been a core tenet at Codecov to provide the best code coverage analytics to developers and organizations. To give our developers a better grasp of the code coverage landscape, we have compiled our most significant learnings from 2020 in our new annual State of Open Source Code Coverage. Here is what we found. General Codecov Usage Codecov is dedicated to be

                                                                        2020 State of Open Source Code Coverage - Codecov
                                                                      • America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies

                                                                        Published Mar 06, 2023 at 6:00 AM EST Updated Mar 10, 2023 at 4:13 PM EST Almost all of America's leaders have gradually pulled back their COVID mandates, requirements, and closures—even in states like California, which had imposed the most stringent and longest-lasting restrictions on the public. At the same time, the media has been gradually acknowledging the ongoing release of studies that tota

                                                                          America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies
                                                                        • Valve answers our burning Steam Deck questions — including a possible Steam Controller 2

                                                                          Valve answers our burning Steam Deck questions — including a possible Steam Controller 2 Nine months (and 90-plus updates) after the Steam Deck launched to early adopters, here’s an idea of what’s next. By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and toys. He spent 15 years editing the likes of CNET, Gizmodo, and Engadget.

                                                                            Valve answers our burning Steam Deck questions — including a possible Steam Controller 2
                                                                          • ‘Attack on Titan’ Ends How Its Creator Always Envisioned

                                                                            This interview contains spoilers for the finale of “Attack on Titan.” On Saturday, the final episode of the anime adaptation of Hajime Isayama’s “Attack on Titan” premiered on Crunchyroll and Hulu, ending an epic tale that started back in 2013. Like the manga, which ran from 2009 to 2021, the anime was an instant hit, becoming one of the defining shows of the modern anime era, with spinoffs, live-

                                                                              ‘Attack on Titan’ Ends How Its Creator Always Envisioned
                                                                            • 中小企業退職金共済制度 | 中小企業退職金共済事業本部

                                                                              中退共制度は、中小企業のための国の退職金制度です。 安心・確実・有利で、しかも管理が簡単な退職金制度です。

                                                                              • Policy Roundtable: The Future of Japanese Security and Defense - Texas National Security Review

                                                                                In this roundtable, which grew out of a conference on maritime strategy in the Indo-Pacific region sponsored jointly by the United States Naval War College, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces Maritime Command and Staff College, and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, our contributors examine growing Japanese defense capabilities and aspirations. The authors examine the impact of a more robust Japan

                                                                                  Policy Roundtable: The Future of Japanese Security and Defense - Texas National Security Review
                                                                                • Hunting the Phoenix | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI

                                                                                  The Chinese Communist Party’s global search for technology and talent NOTE: In Policy Brief Report No. 35 ‘Hunting the Phoenix’ by Alex Joske and published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, reference was made to Professor Wenlong Cheng, Professor and Director of Research, Chemical Engineering at Monash University. The author and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute accept Professo

                                                                                    Hunting the Phoenix | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | ASPI