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  • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

    Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

      The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
    • スーザン・ストライカー - 「トランスジェンダー」の旅路(PDF)

      はじめに トランス、クィア、そしてフェミニズム のコミュニティに数十年にわたり属してき たトランスジェンダー女性として。学際的 な学問領域であるトランスジェンダー・ス タディーズの発展という役割を担ってきた 人間として。そして長年にわたり、いくつ もの大学の女性学やジェンダー/セクシュ アリティ・スタディーズの学科で教えて きた研究者として、私はトランスジェン ダー、フェミニズム、そしてクィアという 視角がお互いに親戚関係にあることを、私 たちがたくさんのつながりや、非常に大き な土台を共有していることを、とてもよく 知っています。一方で私は、時にトランス の人々、クィアの人々とフェミニストの 人々が問題を抱えた機能不全の家族で、外 的な困難に悩まされていることも、知って います。私たちの多くは傷つけられている と感じています―世界が私たちをこんな ふうに扱ってきたことによって。国家と政

      • カタールW杯開幕目前、移民労働者数千人がドーハで集会

        サッカーW杯カタール大会の開幕を控え、ドーハの臨海部に集結したアルゼンチンのインド人サポーター(2022年11月12日撮影)。(c)Odd ANDERSEN / AFP 【11月12日 AFP】サッカーW杯カタール大会(2022 World Cup)の開幕まで10日を切る中、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、イングランドのユニホームカラーに身を包んだ数千人の移民労働者が11日、カタール・ドーハで集会を開催した。 AFPの記者によると、アルゼンチン代表のリオネル・メッシ(Lionel Messi)、ブラジル代表のネイマール(Neymar da Silva Santos Junior)、そしてイングランド代表のハリー・ケイン(Harry Kane)を応援するファンが、行進するためにドーハの臨海部に集結したという。 参加者の多くは主にインドサッカーの拠点である南部ケララ(Kerala)州や、人口約280万

        • An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman

          2021-03-23 Richard M. Stallman, frequently known as RMS, has been a driving force in the free software movement for decades, with contributions including the GNU operating system and Emacs. Recently, there have been vile online attacks looking to remove him from the FSF board of directors for expressing his personal opinions. We have watched this happen before in an organized fashion with other pr

            An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman
          • How Much It REALLY Costs to Book Your Favorite Band

            Expenses for booking popular acts can differ wildly, influenced by many factors including the band's popularity and the group's availability. As such, we have compiled a detailed list of booking fees to compare various bands and artists' rates for the year 2024. This list has been meticulously sourced from Celebrity Talent International, the same resource we have used in the past to compile a list

              How Much It REALLY Costs to Book Your Favorite Band
            • ユーロ2020の決勝で敗退したイングランド代表の黒人選手たちが人種差別の被害に

              新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックにより開催が延期されていたUEFA EURO 2020(ユーロ2020)の決勝戦・イタリア対イングランドの試合が2021年7月11日にイギリス・ロンドンのウェンブリー・スタジアムで開催されました。サッカーの母国であるイングランドにおいて「サッカーの聖地」と称されるスタジアムでの決勝開催ということで、国民の期待はかつてないほどに高まっていたものの、延長・PK戦の末、イタリア代表が勝利を収めました。55年ぶりの主要大会優勝が期待されていたイングランド代表において、PK戦のキッカーを務めてミスキックをして意図せず敗戦の責を問われることとなってしまった複数の黒人選手が、サッカーファンから人種差別の被害を受けており、大きな問題となっています。 Facebook, Twitter under fire after England players face raci

              • <第62回グラミー賞>各受賞作/アーティスト発表 ビリー・アイリッシュが主要4部門独占 - amass

                <第62回グラミー賞>授賞式が行われ、各受賞作/アーティストが発表されています。 ビリー・アイリッシュ(Billie Eilish)は、「年間最優秀レコード」「年間最優秀アルバム」「年間最優秀楽曲」「最優秀新人賞」の主要4部門を受賞したほか、「最優秀ポップ・ヴォーカル・アルバム」も受賞。主要4部門独占は1981年のクリストファー・クロス以来39年ぶり。女性としては初の主要4部門独占。18歳での主要4部門独占は史上最年少です。 ビリー・アイリッシュからの受賞コメントが届いています。 ※インタビューはビリー・アイリッシュ、Finneas O’Connellの両方が参加 Q;おめでとうございます。あなたが次に目指しているものは何ですか? ビリー: 次は何かって?今は分からないわ。私が考えてるのは、今この瞬間を味わうことだけ。 でも理性的になって考えてみるけど、次が何になるかは分からない。 私がそ

                  <第62回グラミー賞>各受賞作/アーティスト発表 ビリー・アイリッシュが主要4部門独占 - amass
                • AEL - Paphos (Live)"liveStream" - robertbirch247099’s blog

                  MATCH DETAILS: Location : Upcoming Information:Cypriot First Division 04.11.2019 When/Date: 04.11.2019 Time: 12:00 pm Watch here >>>AEL Limassol vs Paphos live Online here >>>AEL Limassol vs Paphos live AEL Limassol - Paphos [LiVeStReaM] Short Preview This time we will watch a game between teams from the middle of a tournament table (ranked 5 in the zone Promotion to First Division (Championship G

                    AEL - Paphos (Live)"liveStream" - robertbirch247099’s blog
                  • 2022年度個人的ベスト10曲 - ダリブロ 安田理央Blog

                    あけましておめでとうございます。といっても、明けてもう半月経ってしまいました。 例年なら今頃は京王駅弁大会の駅弁レビューを書きまくっているのですが、今年はちょっとお休み。それについては、また後ほど書きますね。 誰にも頼まれてないけど毎年やってる極めて個人的な年間ベスト10曲。いつもなら年内にアップしてるのですが、遅くなりました。 いや、ポッドキャスト番組「音楽と酒」の方で年間ベストをやったので、ブログで書くのを忘れてたんですよね。あっちの方では通常回で流した曲は避けたりしてたので、こっちのランキングの方が正確です(笑)。 open.spotify.com open.spotify.com 全部、2022年発表の最新曲なのに、今はいったい何年だ?!って曲ばかりなのはご愛嬌。 1. Miles Kane - Nothing's Ever Gonna Be Good Enough youtu.b

                      2022年度個人的ベスト10曲 - ダリブロ 安田理央Blog
                    • に罹患すると重症化しやすいとされています。 4月の時点では、妊娠中に新型コロナに罹患した場合も重

                      It's time to figure out how to watch Reddit Leeds United vs Bills im En Direct streams. Even with all the social distancing and quarantines being done to stop COVID-19 from spreading, nothing can stop Vince McMahon from putting on a NFL. Bills are reunited with former boss Jos� Mourinho when they face Bills in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. Frank Lampard�s charges will still be

                      • Three VAR errors in one night, MOTD told

                        Powerful people do not like to be criticised - MourinhoIncorrect penalty decisions were made by the video assistant referee in all three of Thursday's games, a former referee working for the Premier League match centre told BBC Match of the Day. James Ward-Prowse hit the bar after a disputed penalty as Southampton drew 1-1 with Everton. And Tottenham should have had a penalty for a Joshua King sho

                          Three VAR errors in one night, MOTD told
                        • Brandmeister South Africa Settings Mmdvm.ini - lasopayellow

                          Posted byConfiguration file location: /opt/BrandMeister/Data delivery.json Deprecated Is now done in tarantool (Dont remove the file yet) Defines which TGs should be static on which repeaters. 1 month agoIt's Wednesday, what happened this week? This thread is also used for those who just passed their tests to introduce themselves. Welcome to the hobby! Credit to /u/hobbycollector Don't forget /r/a

                            Brandmeister South Africa Settings Mmdvm.ini - lasopayellow
                          • Trossard gives Brighton late win at Spurs

                            Leandro Trossard's goal came seven days after he scored in a Brighton win across north London at ArsenalLeandro Trossard's superb late goal gave Brighton a gutsy win that dealt a blow to Tottenham's hopes of finishing in the top four. Steven Bergwijn then missed a chance to equalise at the start of stoppage time - one of the home side's rare opportunities. Spurs stay in fourth, just ahead of Manch

                              Trossard gives Brighton late win at Spurs
                            • Asteras Tripolis vs Atromitos [livestream] - EllaAdderiy10703’s blog

                              MATCH DETAILS: Location : Tripoli, Asteras Stadium Upcoming Information:Greek Super League 14.12.2020 When/Date: 14.12.2020 Time: 12:30 pm Watch here >>>Asteras Tripolis v Atromitos live Online here >>>Asteras Tripolis - Atromitos Athens live Asteras Tripolis - Atromitos Athens LiveStream: Short Preview Let's enjoy game between two mid-table teams (ranked 9 in the zone Super League (Relegation Gro

                                Asteras Tripolis vs Atromitos [livestream] - EllaAdderiy10703’s blog
                              • リチャード・M・ストールマン氏を支援する公開書簡

                                2021-03-23 リチャード・マシュー・ストールマン (RMS としても知られる) 氏は、GNU オペレーティングシステムや Emacs への貢献と共に、数十年に渡り自由ソフトウェア運動の原動力となってきました。 最近、ストールマン氏が個人的な意見を述べたことで、FSF の理事会から彼を外そうとする卑劣なオンライン攻撃がありました。 私たちは、これまでにも、他の著名な自由ソフトウェア活動家やプログラマーに対して、このようなことが組織的に行われたことを目撃していました。 コミュニティーの象徴が攻撃されている今、私たちは黙って見過ごすわけにはいきません。 FSF は、自身のメンバーを公平、かつ偏りなく扱うことのできる自律的な組織であり、外圧に屈してはなりません。 FSF には、RMS に対する議論を客観的に考察し、彼の言動や行動の真意を正しく理解することを要請します。 歴史的にも、RMS

                                • Spurs seek clarification after Paratici ban extended

                                  Fabio Paratici spent 11 years at Juventus before being appointed Tottenham managing director in June 2021Tottenham Hotspur managing director Fabio Paratici may have to step away from his role after Fifa extended his suspension "to have worldwide effect". The 50-year-old was sporting director and managing director at Juve before joining Tottenham in June 2021. Spurs said they were "urgently seeking

                                    Spurs seek clarification after Paratici ban extended
                                  • に草加市職員から「高齢男性と数年間、面会していない」と110番通報があり

                                    It's time to figure out how to watch Reddit Leeds United vs Bills im En Direct streams. Even with all the social distancing and quarantines being done to stop COVID-19 from spreading, nothing can stop Vince McMahon from putting on a NFL. Bills are reunited with former boss Jos� Mourinho when they face Bills in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. Frank Lampard�s charges will still be

                                    • Haaland's Manchester City move 'closer'

                                      Haaland has scored 92 league goals in 121 appearancesErling Haaland's summer move from Borussia Dortmund to Manchester City could be confirmed this week. BBC Sport has heard from sources the £63m transfer for the 21-year-old Norway striker is agreed, with an announcement expected soon in Germany. City are refusing to respond to the widespread reports. Privately they say the deal is not done - thou

                                        Haaland's Manchester City move 'closer'
                                      • Man Utd 'reach agreement' to re-sign Ronaldo

                                        Manchester United have confirmed they have reached an agreement to re-sign Cristiano Ronaldo from Juventus. Ronaldo scored 118 goals in 292 games in his first spell at Old Trafford before leaving for Real Madrid in 2009. "Everyone at the club looks forward to welcoming Cristiano back to Manchester," said a United statement. Watch: Cristiano Ronaldo: Impossible to IgnoreRonaldo's return to United a

                                          Man Utd 'reach agreement' to re-sign Ronaldo
                                        • Man City fight back to beat Tottenham in thriller

                                          Watch Guardiola's rant after win over TottenhamManchester City overpowered Tottenham with a stunning comeback at Etihad Stadium to narrow the gap on Premier League leaders Arsenal to five points. Dejan Kulusevski gave Spurs the lead seconds before the break after Rodrigo Bentancur robbed Rodri following Ederson's poor clearance, then Emerson Royal headed a second after the City keeper could only p

                                            Man City fight back to beat Tottenham in thriller
                                          • West Ham up to fourth but 'yet to hit top gear'

                                            West Ham 2-1 Tottenham: We still haven't hit top gear - David MoyesWest Ham manager David Moyes says his side "haven't hit top gear yet" despite climbing into the top four of the Premier League with victory over London rivals Tottenham. Gareth Bale and Son Heung-min both struck the woodwork for Spurs in the second half, but West Ham held on for their seventh win in nine league games. Spurs have pr

                                              West Ham up to fourth but 'yet to hit top gear'
                                            • Leicester win at Spurs to go second

                                              Leicester City have scored eight Premier League penalties this season, three more than any other teamLeicester manager Brendan Rodgers insists his side "won't get carried away" after they overcame top-four rivals Tottenham to climb to second in the Premier League. In a hard-fought battle between the sides starting the day third and fourth in the table, Spurs one point above the visitors, it was th

                                                Leicester win at Spurs to go second
                                              • Arsenal beat 10-man Tottenham to go four clear

                                                Gabriel Jesus taps in for Arsenal to score in consecutive Premier League home games for the first time since a run of four for Manchester City in November 2020Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta says his players are "hungry" for more after they maintained their position at the Premier League summit by overpowering north London rivals Tottenham in an outstanding display at Emirates Stadium. Arsenal made a

                                                  Arsenal beat 10-man Tottenham to go four clear
                                                • Leicester miss out on CL after late collapse

                                                  Schmeichel's own goal was a decisive moment as Leicester let a top-four spot slipLeicester boss Brendan Rodgers says he has "nothing but pride" for his players despite seeing their hopes of Champions League qualification dashed by a dramatic final-day defeat by Tottenham. Starting the last round of fixtures in fifth place, the Foxes knew their best chance of finishing in the top four was to win an

                                                    Leicester miss out on CL after late collapse
                                                  • Sochi - Rostov [LiVeStReaM] - avagerald180907’s blog

                                                    MATCH DETAILS: Location : Upcoming Information:Russian Premier League 04.10.2020 When/Date: 04.10.2020 Time: 9:30 am Watch here >>>Sochi vs Rostov live Online here >>>Sochi v Rostov live Sochi v Rostov [LiVeStReaM] Short Preview The great teams are gonna meet at this game. The most expected match between two teams from the very top of the group (ranked 5 and 4 in the zone Promotion to Europa Confe

                                                      Sochi - Rostov [LiVeStReaM] - avagerald180907’s blog
                                                    • 遺体を切断して自宅アパートの天井裏に遺棄したとして

                                                      It's time to figure out how to watch Reddit Leeds United vs Bills im En Direct streams. Even with all the social distancing and quarantines being done to stop COVID-19 from spreading, nothing can stop Vince McMahon from putting on a NFL. Bills are reunited with former boss Jos� Mourinho when they face Bills in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. Frank Lampard�s charges will still be

                                                      • Maddison, Rashford and Wilson make England squad

                                                        Southgate wants to take England and the country on another journey.Leicester midfielder James Maddison has been included in England's 26-man squad for the Fifa World Cup in Qatar. Manager Gareth Southgate has also picked Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford and Newcastle striker Callum Wilson, Manchester City full-back Kyle Walker and Arsenal defender Ben White. But AC Milan centre-back Fikay

                                                          Maddison, Rashford and Wilson make England squad
                                                        • ら、みんな驚きでひっくり返りますけど、実現不可能だとは思いません。創業以来、だいたい12、3年のペースで売上高100億円、1000億円、1兆円の壁を突破してきました。これまでと同じように成長していけば、2030年には10兆円を達成できると確信しています。

                                                          It's time to figure out how to watch Reddit Leeds United vs Luton Town im En Direct streams. Even with all the social distancing and quarantines being done to stop COVID-29 from spreading, nothing can stop Vince McMahon from putting on a AFL. Sheffield United are reunited with former boss Jos� Mourinho when they face Tottenham in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. Frank Lampard�s c

                                                          • Mourinho sacked by Tottenham

                                                            Jose Mourinho packing up after being sacked by SpursJose Mourinho has been sacked by Tottenham after just 17 months in charge. The Portuguese replaced Mauricio Pochettino as Spurs manager in November 2019 and guided the club to sixth in the Premier League last season. They are currently seventh, having picked up two points from their past three league games, and were knocked out of the Europa Leag

                                                              Mourinho sacked by Tottenham
                                                            • Leaders Tottenham held by Crystal Palace

                                                              Crystal Palace have not beaten Tottenham in the Premier League since January 2015Jose Mourinho refused to blame Hugo Lloris after the keeper's mistake denied leaders Tottenham victory at Crystal Palace before their top-of-the-table game at Liverpool on Wednesday. But Palace deservedly equalised when Jeffrey Schlupp bundled home after France World Cup winner Lloris could not hold Eberechi Eze's fre

                                                                Leaders Tottenham held by Crystal Palace
                                                              • 三菱ケミカル和賀社長 リサイクルで「変革起こす」  :日本経済新聞

                                                                It's time to figure out how to watch Reddit Leeds United vs Bills im En Direct streams. Even with all the social distancing and quarantines being done to stop COVID-19 from spreading, nothing can stop Vince McMahon from putting on a NFL. Bills are reunited with former boss Jos� Mourinho when they face Bills in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. Frank Lampard�s charges will still be

                                                                • Poetry in Movies: A Partial List

                                                                  What follows is a listing of the appearance of recognizable, often canonical, poems, or excerpts from poems. The catalog is necessarily incomplete; readers are invited to submit new entries to the page at [email protected]. The filmography will be revised and updated regularly. Addison, Joseph "The Campaign" My Darling Clementine, 1946 Apollinaire, Guillaume "L'amour" Peau d'ane, 1970 Arnold, Matt

                                                                    Poetry in Movies: A Partial List
                                                                  • What is going on at Tottenham?

                                                                    Tottenham's worst Premier League defeat since 2013 has triggered more anger among fans about the state of their club. Chairman Daniel Levy is getting the brunt of the blame; the humiliation of Tottenham being 5-0 down against Newcastle after just 21 minutes seen as the culmination of a string of disastrous decisions dating back to the sacking of Mauricio Pochettino in November 2019 - less than six

                                                                      What is going on at Tottenham?
                                                                    • ++>2020##[STREAMING] Real Madrid vs Inter Milan Live Online: Real Madrid vs Inter Milan Live: Real Madrid vs Inter Milan Live Streams > Real Madrid vs Inter Milan Live op tv > Real Madrid vs Inter Milan Live Reddit Real Madrid vs Inter Milan Live !!2020++

                                                                      It's time to figure out how to watch Reddit Leeds United vs Luton Town im En Direct streams. Even with all the social distancing and quarantines being done to stop COVID-29 from spreading, nothing can stop Vince McMahon from putting on a AFL. Sheffield United are reunited with former boss Jos� Mourinho when they face Tottenham in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. Frank Lampard�s c

                                                                      • Medicina Bucal Silvio Boraks .epub - funlasopa

                                                                        Suzuki Gv 700 Gl Service Manual 1984 1987, La Medicina Naturale Alla. Cosmic Weather Report Borax Mark Lonsdale Ellias, Aag Ka Darya Urdu. Recognition And Scene Interpretation Hoiem Derek Savarese Silvio,. PermalinkJoin GitHub todayGitHub is home to over 36 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Sign up passwords: '123456,password

                                                                          Medicina Bucal Silvio Boraks .epub - funlasopa
                                                                        • Antonio nets West Ham winner over Spurs

                                                                          Antonio has scored six goals in 10 appearances in the Premier League against TottenhamWest Ham boss David Moyes says the club is "blossoming" after his side beat Tottenham to climb into the Champions League places. Harry Kane earlier saw his back-post header tipped over the crossbar by Lukasz Fabianski, but Spurs failed to capitalise on several decent opportunities. The win moves West Ham to fourt

                                                                            Antonio nets West Ham winner over Spurs
                                                                          • Arsenal beat rivals Tottenham with first-half blitz

                                                                            Bukayo Saka scored his first Premier League goal for Arsenal since JanuaryArsenal's revival gathered pace as Tottenham's recent decline continued in an entertaining north London derby at Emirates Stadium. Emile Smith Rowe started the celebrations for the Arsenal fans when he arrived unmarked to sweep home Bukayo Saka's cross after 12 minutes before the scorer turned provider as Pierre-Emerick Auba

                                                                              Arsenal beat rivals Tottenham with first-half blitz
                                                                            • The 100 Best Movies of the ’90s

                                                                              As if. While the ‘90s may still be linked with a wide variety of dubious holdovers — including curious slang, questionable fashion choices, and sinister political agendas — many of the decade’s cultural contributions have cast an outsized shadow on the first stretch of the 21st century. Nowhere is that phenomenon more obvious or explicable than it is at the movies. The ’90s began with a revolt aga

                                                                                The 100 Best Movies of the ’90s
                                                                              • Late Llorente strike denies Liverpool

                                                                                Diego Llorente's equaliser was his first goal in English footballDiego Llorente scored a late equaliser for Leeds to deny Liverpool a place in the top four of the Premier League - as uncertainty reigns over what that would mean following the announcement of the European Super League. There was a strange mood around the first game involving any of the 12 teams since Sunday night's announcement, wit

                                                                                  Late Llorente strike denies Liverpool
                                                                                • Inside the battle on the Eastern Front

                                                                                  Inside the battle on the Eastern Front I was given access to a secret Ukrainian base Ukrainian troops on the Donbas frontline (Diego Herrera Carcedo/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) Barbed wire knots together sky and earth. Burned-out vehicles, modern-day carcasses of industrial warfare, dot the landscape. The ground is strafed and cratered: Eastern Ukraine has been disembowelled by shelling. The

                                                                                    Inside the battle on the Eastern Front