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121 - 160 件 / 595件

新着順 人気順

heの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 595件

  • Introducing job queuing to scale your AWS Glue workloads | Amazon Web Services

    AWS Big Data Blog Introducing job queuing to scale your AWS Glue workloads Data is a key driver for your business. Data volume can increase significantly over time, and it often requires concurrent consumption of large compute resources. Data integration workloads can become increasingly concurrent as more and more applications demand access to data at the same time. In AWS, hundreds of thousands

      Introducing job queuing to scale your AWS Glue workloads | Amazon Web Services
    • Elon Musk’s financial woes at X have Tesla bulls fearing he will liquidate more stock

      Elon Musk’s financial headaches at X may be catching up to him—and Tesla bulls are worrying that could spell bad news for the carmaker’s investors. Musk's repeated outbursts against advertisers have dried up the main source of revenue for the loss-making company formerly known as Twitter. A recent decision to sue them for heeding his own advice to not buy ads on the platform hasn't helped. At some

        Elon Musk’s financial woes at X have Tesla bulls fearing he will liquidate more stock
      • A post by Guido van Rossum removed for violating Python community guidelines | Hacker News

        The original text stated:> I don’t know much about voting systems, but I know someone who does. Unfortunately he’s currently banned. Maybe we can wait until his 3-month ban expires and ask him for advice? Currently, the text reads: > This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden. Since it has been hidden for more than 24 hours, this suggests that a moderator action has marked it

        • Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story | Official Trailer

          The man you knew, the story you didn’t. Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story - Only in Theaters September 21 and September 25. Tickets Now Available #ChristopherReeveStory https://www.fathomevents.com/events/super-man-the-christopher-reeve-story/ The story of Christopher Reeve is an astonishing rise from unknown actor to iconic movie star, and his definitive portrayal of Clark Kent/Superman se

            Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story | Official Trailer
          • https://www.inc.com/nick-hobson/steve-jobs-emailed-himself-a-year-before-he-died-wise-words-or-a-warning-for-us-all.html

            • Are Function Calls Still Slow in Python? An Analysis of Recent Optimizations in CPython

              I came across this viral post on X/Twitter where Pritam found that his Leetcode solution was slower when he was using Python’s min built-in function and the performance improved when he implemented min inline in his Python code. It’s true that function calls can be costly, they are known to be even more costly in interpreted languages such as Python. And the usual recommendation has been to inline

                Are Function Calls Still Slow in Python? An Analysis of Recent Optimizations in CPython
              • ダークテーマとアクセシビリティの融合したカラートークンの設計

                2024/8/24 に開催された、フロントエンドカンファレンス北海道2024 で発表したスライドです。 本テーマでは、ダークテーマの実装時に、UI上で魅力的なカラートークンとアクセシビリティの基準を満たすカラートークンの設計方法について深く掘り下げます。 具体的には、Qiitaの実例をもとに、適…

                • Russian woman's killer released for second time to fight in Ukraine

                  Yulia Byuskikh was killed by Ivan Rossomakhin, who was released from prison to fight in Ukraine A Russian murderer who was released from prison to fight in the war in Ukraine, only to then kill an elderly woman, has been released a second time to return to the front, according to relatives of the woman. “Grandma’s killer has escaped punishment for his crime – again – and has gone to fight in the w

                    Russian woman's killer released for second time to fight in Ukraine
                  • Just use Postgres

                    This is one part actionable advice, one part question for the audience. Advice: When you are making a new application that requires persistent storage of data, like is the case for most web applications, your default choice should be Postgres. Why not sqlite? sqlite is a pretty good database, but its data is stored in a single file. This implies that whatever your application is, it is running on

                    • ウクライナ軍に攻め込まれたロシア領の住民「自分の家から避難しなきゃいけないなんてひどすぎる!!!」 : ハムスター速報

                      ウクライナ軍に攻め込まれたロシア領の住民「自分の家から避難しなきゃいけないなんてひどすぎる!!!」 Tweet カテゴリ話題 0 :ハムスター速報 2024年08月11日 18:30 ID:hamusoku クルスク在住のロシア人 自分の家から家族とともに避難しなければならないことが信じられないと嘆いている。 ウクライナをロシアにしたいんだからそこがウクライナになっても同じ事なのでは? 人様の土地に攻め入るのが良くても自分達は嫌とか意味わかんないね。 pic.twitter.com/wsqtmNTtTZ— かみぱっぱ (@kamipapa2) August 8, 2024 自分たち🇷🇺がウクライナで何をしているかを知らないのか?あるいは見て見ぬふりをしているのか?— 今田義和 (@uradelon) August 8, 2024 まさにこれ。 https://t.co/kX9sFhl6

                        ウクライナ軍に攻め込まれたロシア領の住民「自分の家から避難しなきゃいけないなんてひどすぎる!!!」 : ハムスター速報
                      • Mount Fuji: Barrier blocking view removed - for now

                        The unique view of "Mount Fuji Lawson" made it a popular photo spot for tourists A barrier that was erected to block a popular view of Mount Fuji has been taken down after successfully deterring tourists from swarming the area. Authorities in Yamanashi prefecture installed the barrier in May after growing tired of foreign visitors' littering, bad parking and anti-social behaviour. The barrier was

                          Mount Fuji: Barrier blocking view removed - for now
                        • あの人が自分をほんとうに愛しているかどうかをどうやって知ることができるのか?:愛の認識論的問題に対する愛のニーズ応答説 - Lichtung

                          はじめに 誰かが自分を愛しているかどうかをどうやって知ることができるのか。これは近年「愛の認識論」として盛り上がりをみせるトピックである(cf. Stringer 2024)。 最新の論文の一つ、ライアン・ストリンガーによる「How will i know if he really loves me? Toward an epistemology of love. においては、アリストテレス的な習慣と美徳の議論を参照しつつ「その人が愛するときに愛する仕方を把握することで、愛しているかどうかが分かる」という主張を行っている。 だが、この主張には問題がある。例えば、モラルハラスメントを繰り返し行ってくるパートナーは「お前のことを愛しているから叱ってやっているんだ。これがわたしの愛する仕方なのだ」と暗示的にせよ繰り返し主張できてしまう。それに対して、私は「これがあの人の愛する仕方なのか」と納得さ

                            あの人が自分をほんとうに愛しているかどうかをどうやって知ることができるのか?:愛の認識論的問題に対する愛のニーズ応答説 - Lichtung
                          • Putin promised poorly-trained conscripts wouldn’t be sent to war. Now the front line has come to them | CNN

                            Russian President Vladimir Putin made a big promise when he launched his war on Ukraine: conscripts would not be involved in combat. But as Moscow struggles to contain Ukrainian advances deeper into its territory, families of young soldiers deployed in the area are raising the alarm about their loved ones. Messages shared in Russian Telegram channels and other social media over the past few days h

                              Putin promised poorly-trained conscripts wouldn’t be sent to war. Now the front line has come to them | CNN
                            • ネイティブの会話でよく聞く“somehow”どんな時に使う言葉?

                              英語学習者向けの英字新聞『The Japan Times Alpha』編集長 慶應義塾大学卒業後、予備校英語講師、英語教材編集者を経て、2007年にジャパンタイムズ入社。『週刊ST』(Alphaの前身)編集部で国際ニュースページや英語学習コラムの執筆等を担当し、2012年より編集長を務める。本職の傍ら、企業・大学等での英語研修や講演も多数実施。仕事柄、大量の英文メディアに日々触れる過程で、単語の使い方を深く知ることが英語力アップの鍵だという確信を持ち、単語の用法を徹底的に観察。そうして身につけた知識を伝えることを、今後のライフワークにしたいと考えている。モットーは「単語学習は人付き合いと同じ。深く付き合わないと本当のことは分からない」。TOEIC®990点、英検®1級、動物検定3級。趣味は最近始めたウクレレ。 5分間英単語 「たくさん勉強したのに、英語が身についてない……」。原因は「単語を

                              • 3つ!Google Pixel「レコーダー」新機能追加

                                この記事のポイント Google Pixel デバイス専用ボイスレコーダーアプリ「レコーダー」に対してアプリバージョン v4.2.20240708.667801093 アップデートが配信 かなり久しぶりに新機能が追加 以前より長い / 短い録音の要約生成、デンマーク語 / オランダ語 / ノルウェー語 / スウェーデン語の録音文字起こし対応、オーディオ圧縮形式 HE-AAC の対応の、合計 3 つ Google は 2024 年 9 月 5 日(木)、Google Pixel デバイスにプリインストールされている専用ボイスレコーダーアプリ「レコーダー」に対してアプリバージョン v4.2.20240708.667801093 アップデートを配信開始しました。 今回の「レコーダー」アプリ v4.2.20240708.667801093 アップデートでは、かなり久しぶりに新機能が追加されています

                                  3つ!Google Pixel「レコーダー」新機能追加
                                • Aristotle — How to live a good life - Ralph Ammer

                                  2400 years ago Aristotle found out how to be happy. His Nicomachean Ethics is an operating manual for a good life: What is good? First of all, what makes a thing a good thing? A good thing fulfils its unique function. A good knife is a knife that is good at cutting. A good eye is an eye that is good at seeing. Now, what makes a good human? To know what a human should be good at, we need to look at

                                    Aristotle — How to live a good life - Ralph Ammer
                                  • Disney axes bid to stop wrongful death lawsuit over Disney+ terms

                                    Disney drops bid to stop allergy death lawsuit over Disney+ terms Disney has withdrawn its claim that a man could not sue it over the death of his wife because of terms he signed up to in a free trial of Disney+. Jeffrey Piccolo filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Disney and the owners of a restaurant after his wife died in 2023 from a severe allergic reaction following a meal at Disney World,

                                      Disney axes bid to stop wrongful death lawsuit over Disney+ terms
                                    • ラブソングの危機を考える5|kenzee観光第三レジャービル

                                      引き続き、男性歌手が女心を歌う歌謡曲について考える。 思いつくままにこの「なりきり歌謡」の曲目を記してみよう。 やしきたかじん「やっぱ好きやねん」、ぴんからトリオ「女のみち」、殿様キングス「なみだの操」、小林旭「昔の名前ででています」、黒沢明とロス・プリモス「ラブユー東京」、中条きよし「うそ」、菅原洋一「今日でお別れ」、内山田洋とクールファイブ「そして神戸」、福山雅治「squall」、EXILE「Ti Amo」、徳永英明「レイニーブルー」、山下達郎「エンドレス・ゲーム」、チャゲ&飛鳥「ひとり咲き」、長渕剛「巡恋歌」、松山千春「恋」、ジェロ「海雪」、角松敏生「You're My Only Shinin' Star」、Kinki Kids「愛のかたまり」、南こうせつとかぐや姫「神田川」、敏いとうとハッピー&ブルー「わたし祈ってます」、ポルノグラフィティ「サウダージ」・・・ これらはすべて、「男

                                      • Dreamy History Assassin 1: How Did Thomas Lockley Edit Wikipedia?

                                        I was planning to write my next blog post about “My Top 10 Favorite Anime,” but changed my mind due to astonishing new information has emerged about Thomas Lockley rewriting Yasuke’s Wikipedia page. Writing about how and why he edited Wikipedia turned out to be quite lengthy. Therefore, I’ve split this article into two parts: […]

                                          Dreamy History Assassin 1: How Did Thomas Lockley Edit Wikipedia?
                                        • US crackdown calls out Russian disinformation campaign

                                          Washington — The United States on Wednesday hit Moscow-linked companies and their employees with a combination of criminal charges, sanctions and other measures in response to what U.S. officials described as a malicious influence campaign meant to upend American society and impact the outcome of the presidential election. The announcements by the departments of Justice, State and Treasury charge

                                            US crackdown calls out Russian disinformation campaign
                                          • Brazil plane crash: No survivors after São Paulo state crash kills 62

                                            Plane crash in Brazil's São Paulo state kills all 62 on board A plane has crashed in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, killing all 62 people on board. The twin-engine turboprop was flying from Cascavel in the southern state of Paraná to Guarulhos airport in São Paulo city when it came down on Friday in the town of Vinhedo, Voepass airline says. Footage circulating on social media shows a plane des

                                              Brazil plane crash: No survivors after São Paulo state crash kills 62
                                            • Japan protests Chinese spy plane incursion

                                              Japan has accused China of violating its airspace with a military aircraft Japan has accused a Chinese spy plane of breaching its airspace, in what would be the first known instance of such a direct violation. Japan scrambled fighter jets after a Y-9 surveillance plane "violated the territorial airspace" of Danjo Islands for about two minutes at 11:29 local time Monday (02:29 GMT). Japan's Chief C

                                                Japan protests Chinese spy plane incursion
                                              • Fatboy Slim - Everybody Needs A 303 (Official Audio)

                                                Click Here To Listen To The Best Of Fatboy Slim: https://fatboy-slim.lnk.to/BestOfyv Visit the Official Store and Buy a Vinyl Here: https://fatboyslim.tmstor.es/ --------------- ► FOLLOW FATBOY SLIM TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fatboyslimofficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialfat... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fatboyslim X: https://x.com/FatboySlim Spotify: https://open.

                                                  Fatboy Slim - Everybody Needs A 303 (Official Audio)
                                                • Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service

                                                  Disney is trying to have a widower's wrongful death lawsuit dismissed and sent to arbitration because the man had signed up for a Disney+ account several years ago. Jeffrey J. Piccolo sued Disney Parks and Resorts in February, months after his wife, Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan, died after she consumed food containing allergens at a restaurant in Disney World. Piccolo said in his complaint that he, his

                                                    Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service
                                                  • How Kamala Harris's 'weird and free' messaging is striking through

                                                    "They're weird." With that simple diss - as well as an overall more streamlined message - Vice-President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign has shifted the conversation away from the weaknesses of her boss, President Joe Biden, and shone a spotlight on her opponent, Donald Trump. The change of tone was on full display at rallies this week, where she appeared with her new vice-presidential pick,

                                                      How Kamala Harris's 'weird and free' messaging is striking through
                                                    • I sped up serde_json strings by 20%

                                                      The error path is still slower than the success path, but the difference is a lot less prominent now. I submitted a PR introducing this optimization and wondered if it’s going to be merged. After all, serde_json has very few dependencies, and dtolnay seems to focus on build times, so would a PR adding a new dependency make it? To my shock, the PR was quickly merged! Not a bad first contribution. W

                                                        I sped up serde_json strings by 20%
                                                      • ニコリ『超激辛数独5』88(Level10+)ローカル呼称「1×1仮想井桁」が3度出現 - 🍉しいたげられたしいたけ

                                                        自己満足的数独(ナンプレ)プレイ記録である。ノロノロ大型台風10号を警戒して、そんなに多くもない予定を軒並み中止または延期した。昨日付拙記事に書いた裁判傍聴、週一か二週に一度の実家の様子見。それから宅配便業者に来てもらうことになるパソコンリサイクル。おかげで数独のはかどることはかどること。前回はこちら。 www.watto.nagoya と言いつつタネ本ニコリさん『超激辛数独5』も残り少なくなり、最終盤だけあって難問の目白押しだったので、何回か続けてエントリーに仕立てる予定。 今回ネタにするのはP95 88、難易度Level10+、作者 我ヒトにあらず さん。初期値を背景色黄色で示す。 先に書いてしまうと、この問題で特徴的だったのは、ローカル呼称「1×1仮想井桁」が3度出現したことだと考える。 井桁は行方向と列方向が併存するが、それ以外に、行方向井桁と列方向井桁のどちらの干渉も受けない独立

                                                          ニコリ『超激辛数独5』88(Level10+)ローカル呼称「1×1仮想井桁」が3度出現 - 🍉しいたげられたしいたけ
                                                        • 「最近はChatGPTで英文法を確認しています」と言う話と音楽的小ネタ(シーラ・エスコヴェード/増尾好秋/増尾元章/MonoNeon/DOMi & JD Beck) - TOEIC900点を達成したオレの雑録゛

                                                          英文法はChatGPTで 久々にまともな(?)英語の話でも。 最近がっつり英語学習に時間を割くことが無くなったワタクシではございますが、やはり英文を読んだり書いたりすることはあるわけで。 でも、当然のことながら、以前覚えていたことを忘れていたりするわけです。 で、そんな時、以前なら、例えば文法だったら、Forest(現Evergreen)や一億人の英文法を頑張って紐解いたり、ググったりしていたわけですね。 で、それが最近は、すっかり「ChatGPT先生」に頼るようになりましたです。 つい最近も、 「彼が~している間」を英語で言う時、 “while he does something” と言う代わりに。 “while doing something” と言うのは文法的に適切か。 また、適切でない場合であっても、実例として使うことはあるか。 と言うのを投げて「アハー、セニョール・ペルフェクト!

                                                            「最近はChatGPTで英文法を確認しています」と言う話と音楽的小ネタ(シーラ・エスコヴェード/増尾好秋/増尾元章/MonoNeon/DOMi & JD Beck) - TOEIC900点を達成したオレの雑録゛
                                                          • こっちのけんと - はいよろこんで / THE FIRST TAKE

                                                            「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 第472回は、楽曲制作をはじめ、映像制作、デザイン、など幅広い分野で活躍するこっちのけんとが初登場。 披露するのは、Billboard JAPAN Heatseekers SongsやYouTubeの人気のミュージックビデオTOP100のほか、日本、台湾、韓国のSpotify Viral 50でも1位を獲得するなど 日本のみならず海外でもヒットし、SNSでの総再生回数は80億回を突破した「はいよろこんで」。 自身の実体験を基に制作されたというパワフルでありながらも、どこか繊細さを感じる本楽曲を「THE FIRST TAKE」だけのスペシャルアレンジで一発撮り。 STREAMING & DOWNLOAD: https://linkco.re/vTuHNgUu ■こっちのけんと OFF

                                                              こっちのけんと - はいよろこんで / THE FIRST TAKE
                                                            • Will Google Come Out With New URL Parameter Handling In Search

                                                              Home / Google News / Google SEO / Google Search To Get Better At URL Parameter Handling? Google Search To Get Better At URL Parameter Handling? As part of the Search Off The Record podcast from Google on crawling, which we briefly covered on Friday, Gary Illyes from Google said he is investigating ways for Google to handle URL parameters better. Google's John Mueller asked Gary Illyes, "What other

                                                                Will Google Come Out With New URL Parameter Handling In Search
                                                              • DNC live updates: Emotional Biden embraces Kamala Harris after farewell speech

                                                                'America, I gave my best to you': Emotional Biden embraces Kamala Harris after farewell speech A tearful Joe Biden took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention to a rapturous welcome and chants of "Thank you, Joe" "America, I gave my best to you," he said at the end of a lengthy and emotional speech defending his legacy and hailing Kamala Harris The president said the Democrats were "in

                                                                  DNC live updates: Emotional Biden embraces Kamala Harris after farewell speech
                                                                • Air Con: $1697 for an on/off switch

                                                                  Forcing customers to replace an entire system just because the cheapest component failed might be really profitable, I have no idea… But I do know that it annoyed me enough to make me want to fix it myself. While I understand that what I do next is beyond a large number of Advantage Air customers, in my investigation I found that there seems to be only software choices preventing modern tablets fr

                                                                    Air Con: $1697 for an on/off switch
                                                                  • Godot on iPad, Toolbars, Importers, Embedding, Debugger

                                                                    Godot on iPad: Summer Update This is a long-due update on porting Godot to the iPad.  Shortly after my last blog post covering the development work on May 29th, Apple held its WWDC 2024 conference.   I went into the conference with gusto, expecting to fully embrace all the iOS 18 APIs. I already knew by then that I would not complete the port before iOS 18 became widely available. One thing I was

                                                                      Godot on iPad, Toolbars, Importers, Embedding, Debugger
                                                                    • There's more than 25 ways to bypass a Secure Web Gateway

                                                                      'Vendors cannot fix' this architectural failure, SquareX founder tells us DEF CON Secure Web Gateways (SWGs) are an essential part of enterprise security, which makes it shocking to learn that every single SWG in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for SASE and SSE can reportedly be bypassed, allowing attackers to deliver malware without gateways ever catching on. Using a tactic he's dubbed "last mile reas

                                                                        There's more than 25 ways to bypass a Secure Web Gateway
                                                                      • Humans age dramatically at two key points in their life, study finds | CNN

                                                                        Scientists have found that human beings age at a molecular level in two accelerated bursts – first at the age of 44, and then again at 60. In a study published in the journal Nature Aging, scientists at Stanford University and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore followed 108 participants over several years to observe aging changes in their molecules — RNA, proteins and participants’ micr

                                                                          Humans age dramatically at two key points in their life, study finds | CNN
                                                                        • How many people cross the Channel in small boats and how many claim asylum in the UK?

                                                                          How many people cross the Channel in small boats and how many claim asylum in the UK? Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he plans to cut the number of people crossing the Channel in small boats by taking tougher measures to "smash" people smuggling gangs. A plan by the previous Conservative government to deport migrants to Rwanda was scrapped by Labour. As of 19 August, 19,294 people had crossed the

                                                                            How many people cross the Channel in small boats and how many claim asylum in the UK?
                                                                          • LED ライトとマイクロ波放射トウモロコシと農薬アトラジン | テレグラムニュース速報

                                                                            ⚠️彼らが私たちに LED ライトへの切り替えを促し、文字通り LED ライトを無料で配布している本当の理由は、私たちの家電製品を制御するためであり、家電製品は私たちに致命的なマイクロ波放射を与えているからです... 😎あなた自身、家族、ペットの環境を守るための対策を講じましょう! ⚠️ The real reason why they want us to switch over to LED lights and are literally giving them away. To control our home appliances and that they give us lethal microwave radiation.... 😎Take measures to protect yourself, your family and your pets environme

                                                                              LED ライトとマイクロ波放射トウモロコシと農薬アトラジン | テレグラムニュース速報
                                                                            • German far right AfD hails 'historic' election victory in east

                                                                              The AfD's highly controversial top candidate in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, hailed a "historic victory" Germany's anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) is celebrating a "historic success", with a big victory for the far-right party in the eastern state of Thuringia. The AfD won almost a third of the vote, nine points ahead of the conservative CDU, and far in front of Germany's three governing

                                                                                German far right AfD hails 'historic' election victory in east
                                                                              • 2M users but no money in the bank. Tough times 😔

                                                                                Hi everyone! Last week we hit the huge milestone of two million users.Within a few hours, we also hit 45 million exercise submissions. A day later, I paid the final payroll for me, Erik and Aron, and our bank account reduced down to the point we can't afford to pay another. I think this sums up Exercism's story pretty well.Over 1,200 people per day sign up to Exercism.Tens of thousands solve exerc

                                                                                  2M users but no money in the bank. Tough times 😔
                                                                                • 高身長で世界2位のパラリンピック選手、選手村で床に寝ていたと判明

                                                                                  世界で2番目に背の高い男性が、シッティングバレーボールの選手の中にいる。その彼は、パリ·パラリンピックの選手村で、床の上で眠らざるを得なくなっていた。 成長ホルモンの異常で高身長に 身長246cmのモルテザ·メヘルザードさんは、パラリンピックに出場しているイランのシッティングバレーボールチームのメンバーだ。(シッティングバレーボールとは、座ったまま手足で移動してプレイするバレーボール) 36才になるモルテザさんは、先天的な先端巨大症で成長ホルモンが過剰に生成され、16才の時すでに身長が6フィート(約183cm)以上あったという。また、その頃に交通事故に遭って骨盤を骨折し、右足の成長が止まったため、左足より右足が15cm短くなってしまった。 その後彼は、イラン国内のリアリティ番組に出演したことをきっかけに、シッティングバレーのヘッドコーチであるHadi Rezaei氏に見出されて選手となった
