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201 - 240 件 / 315件

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internalsの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 315件

  • Linux Internals: How /proc/self/mem writes to unwritable memory - offlinemark

      Linux Internals: How /proc/self/mem writes to unwritable memory - offlinemark
    • 【中止】Database Internals 輪読会 #1 & Kick-off (2020/02/20 19:00〜)

      当輪読会は諸般の事情を鑑み、中止とさせて頂きます。(2/17更新) こちらの回は既に定員に達しております。分会で同じテーマを扱いますので、そちらへの申込をおすすめします。 開催趣旨 Database Internals - A Deep Dive into How Distributed Data Systems Work(目次はこちら)の輪読をしていく勉強会です。 2019年に出版されたDatabase Internalsではこれまでのデータベース関連の出版物としては珍しく、ストレージエンジンと分散システムを対象に、各種論文や実際のDBMSの実装などが紹介されています。 こちらの書籍を詳細に読み進め、皆で議論をしながら、データベースにDeep Diveしていきましょう。 想定する参加者 データベースの内部構造に深い関心のある方 分散データベースを学びたい方 データベース管理や開発・設計の

        【中止】Database Internals 輪読会 #1 & Kick-off (2020/02/20 19:00〜)
      • #externals - Opening PHP's #internals to the outside

        Contribute to the project on GitHub: mnapoli/externals Externals is a serverless application deployed with Bref and sponsored by null ❤ Search sponsored by Algolia About data: if you login using GitHub, no personal data (or GitHub token) will be stored. The only thing stored is your GitHub ID, username and which threads/emails you have already read. Oh and if you're interested, check out my Server

        • GitHub - japila-books/apache-spark-internals: The Internals of Apache Spark

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

            GitHub - japila-books/apache-spark-internals: The Internals of Apache Spark
          • Ruby 1.9 Internals: Ordered Hash - igvita.com

            By Ilya Grigorik on February 04, 2009 With the first stable release of Ruby 1.9 out the door (1.9.1) it is time to start thinking about migrating your code to the newer runtime. Performance is much improved, and plenty of new features are waiting to be taken advantage of. One of these is the new ordered Hash which unlike Ruby 1.8.x preserves the insertion order: # Ruby 1.8.7 irb(main):001:0> {:a=>

              Ruby 1.9 Internals: Ordered Hash - igvita.com
            • Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals: IPC機構

              次のページ 前のページ 目次へ 5. IPC機構 本章ではLinux 2.4 カーネルで実装されている IPC 機構のセマフォ、共有メモリおよびメッセージキューについて記述します。 四つの節で構成され、最初の三つの節では セマフォと メッセージキュー、 共有メモリを順に取り上げて、インターフェースとサポート関数を説明します。また、 最後の節では、三つの機構で共有される共通関数群とデータ構造を説明します。 5.1 セマフォ この節で説明している関数はユーザレベルのセマフォ機構の実装になっています。この実装部分はカーネルスピンロックとカーネルセマフォの利用に頼っていることに注意しましょう。 混乱を避けるため、カーネルのセマフォを参照するときは「カーネルセマフォ」と呼ぶことにします。その他の単に「セマフォ」というときは、ユーザレベルのセマフォを指すことにします。 セマフォシステムコールのインター

              • Electron Internals: Building Chromium as a Library | Electron Blog

                Electron is based on Google's open-source Chromium, a project that is not necessarily designed to be used by other projects. This post introduces how Chromium is built as a library for Electron's use, and how the build system has evolved over the years. Using CEF The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is a project that turns Chromium into a library, and provides stable APIs based on Chromium's code

                • USENIX LISA2021 BPF Internals (eBPF)

                  Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

                  • Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(3) - mir the developer

                    前回の記事 [MySQL] Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(2) gdbデバッグするときのお薦めbreakpoint個所 P.35の表より。これでgdbデバッグ効率UP〜。 操作対象 お薦めbreakpoint個所 見ると幸せになれるかもしれない変数 SELECT文を実行 mysql_select() *thd, thd->query, *tables, *join INSERT文を実行 mysql_insert() *thd, thd->query, *table, fields, values_list UPDATE文を実行 mysql_update() *thd, thd->query, *table_list, fields, values, *conds DELETE文を実行 mysql_delete() *thd, thd->query, *t

                      Understanding MySQL Internalsを読む(3) - mir the developer
                    • DailyJS: Backbone.js: Internals Summary

                      Over the last month we’ve looked at Backbone’s internals in detail. This post summarises these findings. To recap, here’s a list of all the parts in Backbone.js: Hacker’s Guide: Part 1: Setup, Events, Models Part 2: Constructor, Inheritance, Collections, Chainable API Part 3: Router, History, Views Part 4: Inheritance, Sync Leverage Events Backbone’s classes are designed to be inherited from. Ever

                      • BLENDER INTERNALS - Blenderの内部構造を深掘りしソースコードレベルで具体的に解説した日本語書籍が登場!Boothにて電子版が販売中!

                        Blender アドオン プラグイン&アドオン-Plugin&Addon ANIMAX 2.3 - プロシージャルアニメーションを手軽に実装出来るツールセ... 2024-04-13 Monaime Zaim氏による多彩なプロシージャルアニメーションを実現出来るBlender向けアドオン『ANIMAX』のv2.3がリリースされました! 続きを読む Maya アセット アセット-Asset gkRig - DreamWorks Animationのキャラクターテクニカル... 2024-04-12 DreamWorks Animationのキャラクターテクニカルディレクター稲垣 教範 (Yukinori Inagaki)氏がMayaのBifrost向けリギング用コンパウンドをGithub上に公開しました! 続きを読む

                          BLENDER INTERNALS - Blenderの内部構造を深掘りしソースコードレベルで具体的に解説した日本語書籍が登場!Boothにて電子版が販売中!
                        • GitHub - LiquidLabsGmbH/retractor: Expose react internals for E2E testing

                          README.md E2E Testing for React Apps Retractor exposes the internals of a React application for end-to-end testing purposes. This allows you to select DOM nodes based on the name of the React Component that rendered the node as well as its state or properties. A retractor is a surgical instrument with which a surgeon can either actively separate the edges of a surgical incision or wound, or can ho

                          • アーキテクチャ概要 - PostgreSQL Internals

                            PostgreSQLの構成要素 PostgreSQLの構成要素としては、大きくプロセスとメモリとファイルがあります。上記の図のように複数のプロセスがさまざまなメモリの領域を使って、ファイルのデータにアクセスするという構造になっています。 プロセスには、クライアントからの接続を受け付けるリスナプロセス、SQLの処理を実際に行うバックグラウンドプロセス、それ以外にもバックグラウンドライタやログを出力するロガープロセス、あとWALライタなどのプロセスがあります。 メモリには、共有バッファやWALバッファなどを始めとした、さまざまなメモリの領域があります。 ファイルは、実際のユーザデータを保持しているテーブルファイルやインデックスファイルがあります。また、トランザクションログファイル、アーカイブログファイルなどもあります。 PostgreSQLの内部では、これらが関連して動作しています。 Post

                              アーキテクチャ概要 - PostgreSQL Internals
                            • GCC Resource Center for GCC Internals

                              About GCC GCC is an acronym for GNU Compiler Collection. It is the de-facto standard compiler generation framework for all distros on GNU/Linux and many other variants of Unix on a wide variety of machines and is one of the most dominant softwares in the free software community. It supports several input languages for a variety of operating systems on more than 30 target processors. More back ends

                              • PHP: internals:extensions

                                This sheet explains how extensions work internally in the engine. We'll see how the get loaded, and what different hooks they provide. We won't talk about how and why to write an extension. As you should know, we distinguish between “PHP extensions” and “Zend extensions”. Consider this vocabulary to follow the article, as internally, the sources prefer talking about PHP extensions as “modules” and

                                • windows-internals-guide - Overview

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    windows-internals-guide - Overview
                                  • Flex Internals

                                    Welcome to Flexoland. First of all I am not evangelist or big "fan" of ActionScript/Flex, althought it implements interesting ideas. My fields of interest are C++/C# Win32/WinFX system/IE/application development, sometime with interruptions for Java and misc scripting. I'd be interested in robot-building, AI systems, high performance servers but this is out of scope of real work now. Latest RIA pr

                                    • Introduction · The Internals of Apache Spark

                                      $ docker run -u $UID --privileged -v `pwd`:/antora --rm -t antora/antora antora-playbook.yml // alternatively and recommended $ docker run --entrypoint ash --privileged -v `pwd`:/antora --rm -it antora/antora // Inside the container /antora # antora version 2.2.0 /antora # antora local-antora-playbook.yml // On your local computer (outside the container) $ open .out/local/index.html

                                      • php.internals: PHP Language Specification

                                        Just announced something at OSCON that's probably going to get a lot of folks talking and making assumptions, so before things get out of hand, I want to provide some context. We (As in PHP) have been talking about making a spec for the PHP language for a LONG time. With PHPNG around the corner, the need for a formal spec is even more important so that we can reliably ensure that PHP.Next matches

                                        • NTFS.com - Data Recovery Software, File Systems, Hard Disk Internals, Disk Utilities

                                          NTFS — New Technology File System for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, NT and Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000, NT NTFS is a high-performance and self-healing file system proprietary to Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 desktop systems as well as commonly used in Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000 and NT Serv

                                          • Introduction · The Internals of Apache Spark

                                            $ docker run -u $UID --privileged -v `pwd`:/antora --rm -t antora/antora antora-playbook.yml // alternatively and recommended $ docker run --entrypoint ash --privileged -v `pwd`:/antora --rm -it antora/antora // Inside the container /antora # antora version 2.2.0 /antora # antora local-antora-playbook.yml // On your local computer (outside the container) $ open .out/local/index.html

                                            • The Book of the Runtime - The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won't find in the documentation

                                              The Microsoft Docs at https://docs.microsoft.com are really fantastic lately. All the .NET Docs are on GitHub https://github.com/dotnet/docs/ and you can contribute to them. However, in the world of software engineering (here some a bad, mixed metaphor) there's instructions on how to use a faucet and there's instructions on how to build and design plumbing from scratch. There's additional DEEP doc

                                                The Book of the Runtime - The internals of the .NET Runtime that you won't find in the documentation
                                              • Android Security Internals

                                                If you have been following this blog for a while, you might have noticed that there haven't been many new posts in the past few months. There are two reasons for this: me being lazy and me working on a book. The books is progressing nicely, but is still a long way from being finished, so updates will probably continue to be spotty for a while. What is this all about? The book is a continuation of

                                                  Android Security Internals
                                                • Crystal internals (part 1)

                                                  Justjava 2007 Arquitetura Java EE Paulo Silveira, Phillip Calçado

                                                    Crystal internals (part 1)
                                                  • The Internals of Deno | The Internals of Deno

                                                    Updated for Deno 1.40 If you have any feedback for the book, including reviews, please send your note here: author.mayank.c@gmail.com.

                                                      The Internals of Deno | The Internals of Deno
                                                    • Amazon.co.jp: Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach: Singh, Amit: 本

                                                        Amazon.co.jp: Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach: Singh, Amit: 本
                                                      • GitHub - DhavalKapil/heap-exploitation: This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap and various attacks possible on the heap structure.

                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                          GitHub - DhavalKapil/heap-exploitation: This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap and various attacks possible on the heap structure.
                                                        • GDB Internals: GDB Internals

                                                          This document documents the internals of the GNU debugger, GDB. It includes description of GDB's key algorithms and operations, as well as the mechanisms that adapt GDB to specific hosts and targets.

                                                          • Plugin Internals - Redmine

                                                            Plugin Internals¶ Table of contentsPlugin InternalsOverriding the Redmine CoreControllers (or models)Views Extending the Redmine CoreAdding a new methodWrapping an existing method Using Rails callbacks in Redmine pluginsHooking in MyPageFAQ References This page will be used as a central place to store information about plugin-development in Redmine. Overriding the Redmine Core¶ You can override vi

                                                            • Learning From the Masters: Sinatra Internals - Pat Shaughnessy

                                                              More than a web framework, Sinatra is an elegant, stylish Ruby program we can all learn from We all know Sinatra as a lightweight alternative to Rails. I find using it is a real pleasure. Sinatra’s helper methods, template support and routing provide just enough to get a simple web site running quickly, but then immediately get out of your way. Years after it was introduced Sinatra remains one of

                                                              • Mac OS X Internals: A Presentation

                                                                Mac OS X Internals is a flash conversion of a talk I recently gave about the Book. Although the conversion is fine (since it allows the presentation to be "driven" within a web browser), it is far from being a visually faithful conversion. Therefore, as they say, "this presentation has been formatted for this screen..."

                                                                • Understanding JVM Internals, from Basic Structure to Java SE 7 Features - DZone

                                                                  The content of this article was originally written by Se Hoon Park on the Cubrid blog. Every developer who uses Java knows that Java bytecode runs in a JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The most important element of the JRE is Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which analyzes and executes Java byte code. Java developers do not need to know how JVM works. So many great applications and libraries have alread

                                                                    Understanding JVM Internals, from Basic Structure to Java SE 7 Features - DZone
                                                                  • Polysemy Internals: Freer Interpretations of Higher-Order Effects :: Reasonably Polymorphic

                                                                    aka “what the hell is that Yo type?” This is the first post in a series of implementation details in polysemy — a fast, powerful and low-boilerplate effect-system library. Even if you’re not particularly interested in polysemy, there are some functional pearls here — and a crash course on the history on the implementations of free monads in Haskell. Critics of free monads often make the claim that

                                                                    • Unofficial guide to Datomic internals

                                                                      Unofficial guide to Datomic internals Disclaimer: I do not work for Cognitect and, unfortunately, haven’t seen any source code of Datomic. I just made it through a lot of public talks, docs and google group answers about Datomic. This post is a compilation thereof. Intention is to help others use Datomic more efficiently by understanding what they are doing. Persistence Datomic models all data as

                                                                        Unofficial guide to Datomic internals
                                                                      • php.internals: PHP 7.3.0 alpha 1

                                                                        Hi all! PHP team is glad to announce the release of the first PHP 7.3.0 pre-release version, PHP 7.3.0 Alpha 1. This starts the PHP 7.3 release cycle, the rough outline of which is at: https://wiki.php.net/todo/php73 The source code can be downloaded from: https://downloads.php.net/~stas/ Please carefully test this version and report any issues found in the bug reporting system at http://bugs.php.

                                                                        • QEMU Internals: vhost architecture

                                                                          This post explains how vhost provides in-kernel virtio devices for KVM. I have been hacking on vhost-scsi and have answered questions about ioeventfd, irqfd, and vhost recently, so I thought this would be a useful QEMU Internals post. Vhost overview The vhost drivers in Linux provide in-kernel virtio device emulation. Normally the QEMU userspace process emulates I/O accesses from the guest. Vhost

                                                                            QEMU Internals: vhost architecture
                                                                          • C preprocessor internals

                                                                            C preprocessor: Just a simple replacer? Lately, out of curiosity, I spent some time to better understand how the C preprocessor works. I admit it, I thought it was a very dumb copy-paste based replace mechanism, only capable of doing the simpler keyword matching and replacement. Boy, was I wrong. Turns out the preprocessor is actually an organically grown pseudo language (as opposed to a properly

                                                                              C preprocessor internals
                                                                            • The Unsafe Rust Programming Language (Book) - Rust Internals

                                                                              Hey all! As many of you know, my summer internship’s primary project is to try to better specify and document all the fiddly details you need to understand to correctly write unsafe Rust code. My current primary effort for this is TURPL: The Unsafe Rust Programming Language. TURPL is meant to complement TRPL as an advanced text. What exactly should or should not be included in TURPL is currently u

                                                                                The Unsafe Rust Programming Language (Book) - Rust Internals
                                                                              • Neo4j Internals

                                                                                Chris Gioran has posted a series of articles on Neo4j internal implementation details: ☞ File storage☞ Persistence and Memory mapping☞ Write ahead log and deadlock detection (part 1)These should be pretty helpful not only for understanding how Neo4j is working, but you could even start hacking on Neo4j. Original title and link: Neo4j Internals (NoSQL databases © myNoSQL)

                                                                                  Neo4j Internals
                                                                                • LuaJIT Internals: Intro

                                                                                  Welcome to the LuaJIT blog series. In this one, we will go over some basic introduction, stuff like the motivation behind this research, setup notes, etc. Table of Contents LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 0/3): Intro / This post LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 1/3): Stepping into the VM LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 2/3): Fighting the JIT Compiler LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 3/3): Crafting Shellcodes (Bonus!) LuaJIT Sandbox Escape: Th