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  • Function calling and other API updates

    We’re announcing updates including more steerable API models, function calling capabilities, longer context, and lower prices. July 20, 2023 update: We previously communicated to developers that gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, gpt-4-0314 and gpt-4-32k-0314 models were scheduled for sunset on Sept 13, 2023. After reviewing feedback from customers and our community, we are extending support for those models unt

      Function calling and other API updates
    • Gaza hospital: What video, pictures and other evidence tell us about Al-Ahli hospital blast

      BBC Verify is analysing evidence from the Al-Ahli hospital explosion amid competing claims over responsibility.

        Gaza hospital: What video, pictures and other evidence tell us about Al-Ahli hospital blast
      • GitHub - dnakov/little-rat: 🐀 Small chrome extension to monitor (and optionally block) other extensions' network calls

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          GitHub - dnakov/little-rat: 🐀 Small chrome extension to monitor (and optionally block) other extensions' network calls
        • What happened to Vivaldi Social? | Thomas Pike’s other blog

          On Saturday 8 July 2023, user accounts started disappearing from the Vivaldi Social Mastodon instance. What was going on, how did this happen, and what were the consequences? This is a very long blog post, but to be fair, this was also to be a very long weekend. If you want to skip to the conclusion, there’s a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) section at the end. Something’s not right It was around 17

            What happened to Vivaldi Social? | Thomas Pike’s other blog
          • GitHub - ollama/ollama: Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.

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              GitHub - ollama/ollama: Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.
            • GitHub - Mayuresh1611/Paper-Piano: Piano like no other, Piano on Paper

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                GitHub - Mayuresh1611/Paper-Piano: Piano like no other, Piano on Paper
              • Zig, Rust, and other languages | notes.eatonphil.com

                Having worked a bit in Zig, Rust, Go and now C, I think there are a few common topics worth having a fresh conversation on: automatic memory management, the standard library, and explicit allocation. Zig is not a mature language. But it has made enough useful choices for a number of companies to invest in it and run it in production. The useful choices make Zig worth talking about. Go and Rust are

                • 幼児向け英語絵本『Spot’s Windy Day and Other Stories』

                  「スポット」シリーズは、エリック・ヒルによって描かれた、世界中の子供たちに愛される絵本シリーズです。かわいらしい子犬のスポットとその家族や友達の冒険が描かれ、幼児にとってわかりやすく親しみやすいストーリーが特徴です。英語の学習を始めたばかりの子供たちにとっても、楽しく学べる教材として最適です。 ここではそのスポットシリーズから『Spot’s Windy Day and Other Stories』の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現やおすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介、日本語訳などを掲載しています。 あらすじある風の強い日、スポットは凧を持って野原に出かけます。風に乗せて凧を高く揚げることに成功しますが、突然の突風で凧が木に引っかかってしまいます。スポットは凧を取ることができず、少し悲しくなっていると、頭上に何か大きなものが飛んできます。それはカンガルーさんの帽子でした。カンガ

                    幼児向け英語絵本『Spot’s Windy Day and Other Stories』
                  • GitHub - leukipp/cortile: Linux auto tiling manager with hot corner support for Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, Xfwm, KWin, Marco, Muffin, Mutter and other EWMH compliant window managers using the X11 window system. Therefore, this project provides dynamic tilin

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                      GitHub - leukipp/cortile: Linux auto tiling manager with hot corner support for Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, Xfwm, KWin, Marco, Muffin, Mutter and other EWMH compliant window managers using the X11 window system. Therefore, this project provides dynamic tilin
                    • GitHub - solderneer/obsidian-ai-tools: Adding powerful semantic search, generative answers, and other AI tools to Obsidian, using Supabase + OpenAI.

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                        GitHub - solderneer/obsidian-ai-tools: Adding powerful semantic search, generative answers, and other AI tools to Obsidian, using Supabase + OpenAI.
                      • A/HRC/56/55/Add.1: Visit to Japan - Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises

                        • Reddit Migrates Media Metadata from S3 and Other Systems into AWS Aurora Postgres

                          InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architects. View an example

                            Reddit Migrates Media Metadata from S3 and Other Systems into AWS Aurora Postgres
                          • ゲーム翻訳最前線:第6回は小川公貴さん。「In Other Waters」「Citizen Sleeper」「A Space for the Unbound〜心に咲く花〜」など,名作ゲームの裏側を語る

                            ゲーム翻訳最前線:第6回は小川公貴さん。「In Other Waters」「Citizen Sleeper」「A Space for the Unbound〜心に咲く花〜」など,名作ゲームの裏側を語る ライター:小川公貴 あなたが普段何気なく日本語で遊んでいる,海外で制作されたゲーム。その裏側には,翻訳者たちの大いなる迷いと決断があった――。 本連載「ゲーム翻訳最前線」は,海外ゲームの日本語化を担うさまざまなゲーム翻訳者の皆さんにご登場いただき,ローカライズに頭を悩ませたフレーズについて,訳決定までの思考回路を解説してもらう企画だ。プレイヤーの皆さんも翻訳者になったつもりで,「このシーンはどう日本語にするのがいいだろう?」と考えてみてほしい。最後には記事中に登場した重要単語をまとめるコーナーもあるので,ついでに英語学習もしてみよう。 第6回を担当するのは,「コーヒートーク」シリーズなどの翻

                              ゲーム翻訳最前線:第6回は小川公貴さん。「In Other Waters」「Citizen Sleeper」「A Space for the Unbound〜心に咲く花〜」など,名作ゲームの裏側を語る
                            • Do racehorses even know they're 'racing' each other? It's unlikely

                              When racing season arrives, everyone becomes an expert on the horses that are the stars of the spectacle. TV personalities, professional pundits and form guides talk confidently about the favourite’s “will to win”. In close races, the equine contestants “battle it out”, demonstrating “heart”, “grit” and “determination”. But do horses even know they are in a race, let alone have a desire to win it?

                                Do racehorses even know they're 'racing' each other? It's unlikely
                              • GitHub - gitroomhq/gitroom: 📨 Schedule social media and articles. Exchange or buy posts from other members 👨🏻‍💻. Monitor your GitHub trending, and so much more 📈.

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                                  GitHub - gitroomhq/gitroom: 📨 Schedule social media and articles. Exchange or buy posts from other members 👨🏻‍💻. Monitor your GitHub trending, and so much more 📈.
                                • GitHub - apecloud/kubeblocks: KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane that runs and manages databases, message queues and other data infrastructure on K8s.

                                  KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane software that runs and manages databases, message queues and other data infrastructure on K8s. The name KubeBlocks is inspired by Kubernetes and LEGO blocks, signifying that running and managing data infrastructure on K8s can be standard and productive, like playing with LEGO blocks. KubeBlocks could manage various type of engines, including RDBMSs (MySQL

                                    GitHub - apecloud/kubeblocks: KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane that runs and manages databases, message queues and other data infrastructure on K8s.
                                  • Simon_Sin @Simon_Sin スポニチ、記事をサイレント修正してるな。 読売テレビ社長の発言「松本さんと女性側が番組内で直接対話する」を「それぞれ番組に出てもらえるならば」に書き換えてる。 修正するなら「hh時mm分、会話内容を修正」みたいに修正コメントを残してもらわないと困る https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/4fdba808f78550a225071d1e1c67dd002eaa23ce?source=sns&dv=pc&mid=other&date=2

                                    • GitHub - datarhei/restreamer: The Restreamer is a complete streaming server solution for self-hosting. It has a visually appealing user interface and no ongoing license costs. Upload your live stream to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Vimeo, or other streaming

                                      The Restreamer is a complete streaming server solution for self-hosting. It has a visually appealing user interface and no ongoing license costs. Upload your live stream to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Vimeo, or other streaming solutions like Wowza. Receive video data from OBS and publish it with the RTMP and SRT server.

                                        GitHub - datarhei/restreamer: The Restreamer is a complete streaming server solution for self-hosting. It has a visually appealing user interface and no ongoing license costs. Upload your live stream to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Vimeo, or other streaming
                                      • GitHub - facebookincubator/CG-SQL: CG/SQL is a compiler that converts a SQL Stored Procedure like language into C for SQLite. SQLite has no stored procedures of its own. CG/CQL can also generate other useful artifacts for testing and schema maintenance.

                                        CG/SQL is a code generation system for the popular SQLite library that allows developers to write stored procedures in a variant of Transact-SQL (T-SQL) and compile them into C code that uses SQLite’s C API to do the coded operations. CG/SQL enables engineers to create highly complex stored procedures with very large queries, without the manual code checking that existing methods require. The full

                                          GitHub - facebookincubator/CG-SQL: CG/SQL is a compiler that converts a SQL Stored Procedure like language into C for SQLite. SQLite has no stored procedures of its own. CG/CQL can also generate other useful artifacts for testing and schema maintenance.
                                        • GitHub - buserror/libmui: Classic MacOS & GS/OS widget library for linux (and other?)

                                          This is a contender for the World Record for Feature Creep Side Project. It is pretty high in the contender list as it's a bolt on to another contender for the World Record for Feature Creep Side Project (the MII Apple //e emulator). It is a library that duplicate a lot of a Macintosh Classic "Toolbox" APIs. It is not a complete implementation, but it is enough to make a few simple applications, a

                                            GitHub - buserror/libmui: Classic MacOS & GS/OS widget library for linux (and other?)
                                          • Debunking the JLPT and Other Japanese Language Tests|Himanshu Jain

                                            It's no secret that speaking Japanese is a requirement if you are looking to work in Japan. There are certainly attempts to promote the use of English, but Japanese is still the main language for conducting business in the country. This is due to the fact that the majority of the market in Japan is made up of Japanese consumers, and there isn't a pressing need for companies to embrace internationa

                                              Debunking the JLPT and Other Japanese Language Tests|Himanshu Jain
                                            • GitHub - shorebirdtech/shorebird: Code Push for Flutter and other tools for Flutter businesses.

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                                                GitHub - shorebirdtech/shorebird: Code Push for Flutter and other tools for Flutter businesses.
                                              • GitHub - jovandeginste/workout-tracker: A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities

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                                                  GitHub - jovandeginste/workout-tracker: A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities
                                                • GA4のレポートで(other)が表示される理由 | アユダンテ株式会社

                                                  Google アナリティクス 4 プロパティ(以下GA4)の設定も完了し、実際にレポートを見る機会が増えてきたと思います。まだ、慣れないGA4のレポートを見ると、(other)という行の存在に気が付くことがあります。(other)はどのようなケースで出現し、どのように解決していくかについて解説します。 GA4のレポートについて標準レポートカスタムレポート探索レポート(other)の出現条件(other)行を出現させないお勧め方法(other)行への対処方法探索レポートを利用するBigQuery Exportを利用する自動拡張セット/拡張データセットリクエストを利用するおわりに GA4のレポートについて (other)行の説明をする前に、GA4のレポートについて説明をします。GA4にログインし、左側上部のメニューを選択することで表示される表やグラフ等をレポートと呼びますが、それぞれのレポート

                                                    GA4のレポートで(other)が表示される理由 | アユダンテ株式会社
                                                  • martin grasser on Twitter: "There was essentially no brief, other than we want a new bird, and it should be as good as the Apple and Nike logo. Twitter had made some sort of flying goose - but Jack wanted something simpler https://t.co/ruR52lZtLL"

                                                    • Great British Getty Images on X: "Racegoers fight each other as they scuffle on the second day of the Grand National Festival horse race meeting at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool, north-west England (2024) #GrandNational https://t.co/5F5wfCFexJ"

                                                      • Borrow checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven (!) Other Memory Safety Approaches

                                                        Borrow checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven (!) Other Memory Safety Approaches A fellow named Zeke came into my server one day. Zeke: "Wait, so with generational references, we now have four ways to do memory safety?" Evan: "In fact, there are fourteen by my count. Maybe more!" 0 Zeke: "Fourteen?!" I've gotten so used to it that it's not surprising to me anymore, so it's always a delight to vicariousl
