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packagingの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 259件

  • Webページを丸ごとパッケージングする Web Packagingとは - ASnoKaze blog

    20180824追記 Loading Signed Exchangesについて記事を書きました Loading Signed Exchangesの仕様 (WebPackaging) - ASnoKaze blog 20180208追記 Bundled HTTP Exchangesについて記事を書きました Bundled HTTP Exchanges とは (WebPackagingの議論より) - ASnoKaze blog 20180121追記 署名の仕組みとして Origin-Signed HTTP Exchanges を利用する方向のようです HTTP/2 クロスオリジン サーバプッシュを可能にする提案仕様 - ASnoKaze blog 20171001追記 IETF99にてユースケースについてまずまとめるべき気というフィードバックが有り、それをうけて「Use Cases and

      Webページを丸ごとパッケージングする Web Packagingとは - ASnoKaze blog
    • Packaging Generated Code for gRPC Services

      Blog Introducing BugSnag Real User Monitoring for Flutter & React Native Applications

        Packaging Generated Code for gRPC Services
      • Packaging Of The World – Creative Package Design Archive and Gallery

        Narrow down your search by selecting multiple categories. E.g. Search for European beer packaging concepts made from glass Beer > Europe > Concept > Glass

          Packaging Of The World – Creative Package Design Archive and Gallery
        • Packaged Web Apps (Widgets) - Packaging and XML Configuration (Second Edition)

          Packaged Web Apps (Widgets) - Packaging and XML Configuration (Second Edition) W3C Recommendation 27 November 2012 obsoleted 11 October 2018 This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/OBSL-widgets-20181011/ Latest version: http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets/ Previous versions: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-widgets-20121127/ Latest editor's draft: http://w3c.github.io/packaged-webapps/packaging/ Test suite

          • 思わず買いたくなる。IKEAのダイレクトメールがすごすぎる - IKEA Packaging Design Inspirations -

            ▼ カテゴリーから探す お知らせ (17) アート/デザイン (282) インテリア (371) ガジェット (367) グルメ/キッチン (281) ゲーム (57) ファッション (180) フォト (245) ミュージック (24) 動画/ムービー (340) 広告 (96) 建築/スポット (243) 本 (37) 雑貨 (267)

              思わず買いたくなる。IKEAのダイレクトメールがすごすぎる - IKEA Packaging Design Inspirations -
            • OPF 2.0 v1.0 日本語訳 [Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0 v1.0]

              See related links to what you are looking for.

              • Packaging Templates

                Packaging Templates Click these thumbnails to see a large version of each template.

                • DesignTAXI : LEGO, Donald Trump, Instagram, WTF, Food, PANTONE, Packaging Design, Wes Anderson

                  Watch The ‘World’s Fastest’ Humanoid Robot Run—Yep, They Can Finally Give Chase

                  • Lawson private brand logo & packaging

                    多くの国内コンビニチェーンが統一されたイメージのプライベートブランド商品を 開発・販売しているのに対して、ローソンではコーヒーの「MACHI café」、 スイーツの「Uchi Café」、健康に配慮した「NATURAL LAWSON」、 「からあげクン」や「おにぎり屋」など、商品ジャンルやターゲットごとに複数のブランドを運用している。 これは、まるで商店街のように、専門性が高くて個性豊かなブランドから選べる楽しみを 消費者に提供できる一方で、「ローソン」としてのブランドイメージを訴求しにくいシステムでもある。 そこで、それぞれのブランドの特性を維持しながらも、 ローソンとしての統一感も生まれるVIシステムを検討することに。 まずはローソンのメインロゴから「シルエット」と、ローソンの「L」を抽出し、 視認性が高くて応用がしやすいプライベートブランド専用ロゴ「Lロゴ」を開発。 まるで着ぐるみ

                      Lawson private brand logo & packaging
                    • Poetry - Python dependency management and packaging made easy

                      Introduction Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. Basic usage For the basic usage introduction we will be installing pendulum, a datetime library. Libraries This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through Poetry. Versioning Poetry requires PEP 440-compliant versions for all projects. While Poetry does not enforce any release convention, it use

                      • uv: Python packaging in Rust

                        TL;DR: uv is an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust, and designed as a drop-in replacement for pip and pip-tools workflows. uv represents a milestone in our pursuit of a "Cargo for Python": a comprehensive Python project and package manager that's fast, reliable, and easy to use. As part of this release, we're also taking stewardship of Rye, an experimental Python

                          uv: Python packaging in Rust
                        • npm Blog Archive: npm and front-end packaging

                          The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. We’ve known for a while that front-end asset and dependency management is a huge use-case for npm and a big driver of Node.js adoption in general. But how big, exactly? It’s a hard question to answer. The list of most-downloaded packages on npm is not very helpful: packages

                          • Japanese Packaging Design Scrapbook - Off the Shelf

                            A Japanese Packaging Design Scrapbook

                            • Inspirational Packaging for Web Designers

                              Packaging is always inspirational. It's one of our favorite subjects, perhaps because it's about real materials, something web designers don't get to enjoy so often. Packaging selections didn't used to be a regular feature on our blog, but we've decided to make a monthly selection thanks to the number of visually outstanding projects that are out there. The creativity to be found in this area is a

                                Inspirational Packaging for Web Designers
                              • 35 Fresh Packaging Design Examples For Inspiration

                                A packaging design is a common design element that represents a product and shows the values and goals of your company. The packaging design for products really has to make a good first impression and be original. This design can really make or break a product depending on its effort to be seen. The simple design without doubt is remember by the audience, but in term of complex or clutter design c

                                  35 Fresh Packaging Design Examples For Inspiration
                                • Giving up on Ruby packaging – Lucas Nussbaum's Blog

                                  I have finally reached a decision regarding my involvement in the Debian Ruby packaging efforts. I have decided to stop. This has been a very hard decision to make. I have invested huge amounts of time in that work over the years. I still love the language, and will continue to use it on a daily basis for my own developments. I still hope that it will succeed. I know that some people will be disap

                                  • GitHub - python-poetry/poetry: Python packaging and dependency management made easy

                                    [tool.poetry] name = "my-package" version = "0.1.0" description = "The description of the package" license = "MIT" authors = [ "Sébastien Eustace <sebastien@eustace.io>" ] repository = "https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry" homepage = "https://python-poetry.org" # README file(s) are used as the package description readme = ["README.md", "LICENSE"] # Keywords (translated to tags on the package i

                                      GitHub - python-poetry/poetry: Python packaging and dependency management made easy
                                    • GitHub - sstephenson/sprockets: Rack-based asset packaging system

                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                        GitHub - sstephenson/sprockets: Rack-based asset packaging system
                                      • Web Packaging - Use cases and Loading

                                        For #webpackaging_study Feb 23, 2018 https://web-study.connpass.com/event/78978/Read less

                                          Web Packaging - Use cases and Loading
                                        • Swear Words — a design studio specialising in brand identity and packaging design.

                                          Carrajung EstateReconnecting a brand with their place and purpose.

                                            Swear Words — a design studio specialising in brand identity and packaging design.
                                          • Beautiful and Expressive Packaging Design — Smashing Magazine

                                            Packaging design has the primary goal to attract customers’ attention. For this purpose, package designs can not simply inform the customers, but also provoke feelings and communicate emotions. An effective packaging looks attractive, impresses with its creativity and is just nice to have on the shelf. Packaging design has the primary goal to attract customers’ attention. For this purpose, package

                                            • LOVE. - Creative Advertising, Packaging Design and Branding Agency

                                              Brand Strategy & Design / Identity Design / Packaging Design / Spaces / Comms / Activations WILDMOOR William Grant & Sons have built up an unrivalled stock of high-aged single malt whiskies, some of which, under the expert stewardship of Malt Master, Brian Kinsman, have been lovingly blended to be reflective of the epic, rugged beauty of Scotland’s wilder places. A precious flavour map spanning mo

                                                LOVE. - Creative Advertising, Packaging Design and Branding Agency
                                              • GitHub - WICG/webpackage: Web packaging format

                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                  GitHub - WICG/webpackage: Web packaging format
                                                • 36 Beautiful Packaging Designs For Inspiration - DzineBlog.com

                                                  Packaging is one of the most common example of graphic design. Apart from displaying the important information, the packaging has become an important sales tool.With the use of illustration, color, typography and even various packaging materials,A beautiful and attractive packaging can boost the selling and stands out from the rack of competitors.here we presents some cooooool packaging designs to

                                                  • Packaging Materials Suppliers

                                                    Packaging MaterialsAre you looking for the perfect packaging product? Look no further than Vertapak for all your Packaging Material needs. VertaPak can assist you from start to finish; the whole process begins with a full consultation to allow our comprehensive service to meet your exacting requirements. With over 30 years’ experience within the Packing Materials industry, our team of specialists

                                                    • EPUB仕様書 Open Packaging Format (OPF) の日本語訳を公開します - 08th Grade Syndrome

                                                      気がつけば前回から2カ月も時間が空いてしまいました。お待ち頂いていた方(がいれば)ごめんなさい。2番目の EPUB 仕様書、OPFの日本語訳になります。 OPF 2.0 v1.0 日本語訳 OPFはタイトルや著者・出版社などのメタデータや、マニフェストと呼ばれる構成ファイルの一覧などを記述して、出版物を構成する様々なファイルを一冊の本として束ねあげる役割を持つXMLファイルだと理解してよいかと思います。 OPSの日本語訳を公開した10月に比べると、EPUBは日本語圏での情報も注目度も増し増しになっているように感じられ、何となく嬉しいです。 相変わらず翻訳のクオリティが残念なことになっているかもしれません。お気づきの点がありましたら、ご連絡ください。itshustletime(あっとまーく)gmail.com です。 関連エントリ 電子書籍形式 EPUB の仕様書の一つ Open Publi

                                                      • Museum of American Packaging

                                                        These are some of the items I've collected through the years.

                                                          Museum of American Packaging
                                                        • Extension Packaging - MDC

                                                          拡張機能は、利用者がダウンロードやインストールできる Installable Bundleの形式または、pre-パッケージされてアプリケーションまたは拡張プログラムと共に提供されます。拡張機能はXULプログラムの機能を拡張するための chrome、コンポーネント、およびその他のファイルを提供するのに ディレクトリ構造を使っています。 すべての拡張は、拡張機能についてのメタデータ(ユニークID、バージョン、制作者、および互換性情報など)を含むinstall.rdfファイルを備えなければなりません。。 拡張機能のファイルとinstall.rdfの用意ができたら、いくつかの方法で拡張機能のインストーラを作ります: 拡張機能ディレクトリをユーザがインストールできる XPI (xpinstall) ファイルにZIP圧縮、ユーザのアプリケーション profile ディレクトリに拡張機能ディレクトリを解

                                                          • Packaging design inspiration - DzineBlog.com

                                                            Packaging is one of the most common example of graphic design. Apart from displaying the important information, the packaging has become an important sales tool.With the use of illustration, color, typography and even various packaging materials,A beautiful and attractive packaging can boost the selling and stands out from the rack of competitors.here we presents some coool packaging deisgns to in

                                                            • GitHub - frehner/modern-guide-to-packaging-js-library: A guide to help ensure your JavaScript library is the most compatible, fast, and efficient library you can make.

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                GitHub - frehner/modern-guide-to-packaging-js-library: A guide to help ensure your JavaScript library is the most compatible, fast, and efficient library you can make.
                                                              • Kpt: Packaging up your Kubernetes configuration with git and YAML since 2014

                                                                The latest news from Google on open source releases, major projects, events, and student outreach programs. Kubernetes configuration manifests have become an industry standard for deploying both custom and off-the-shelf applications (as well as for infrastructure). Manifests are combined into bundles to create higher-level deployable systems as well as reusable blueprints (such as a product offeri

                                                                  Kpt: Packaging up your Kubernetes configuration with git and YAML since 2014
                                                                • Omnibus Chef Packaging を試してみた - P A R A G R A P H S

                                                                  Omnibus Chef Packaging | Opscode.com ちょっと古いネタだけど、2012/06/29 にリリースされた "Omnibus Chef Packaging" というやつを試してみた。「Chef をパッケージ化して一括インストールする仕組み」という感じだと思う。 特徴としては「CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu/Amazon Linux のように複数のプラットフォームで利用できる」というのと「chef-solo や chef-client を実行するのに必要なソフトウェア (ruby とか rubygems) を /opt/chef というディレクトリ配下に隔離して置いてくれる」の 2 つが挙げられる。 使ってみた 使い方は簡単で、このページでインストールしたい OS・バージョンを選択し、表示されたコマンドを OS 上で実行するだけ。CentOS・5.x

                                                                    Omnibus Chef Packaging を試してみた - P A R A G R A P H S
                                                                  • Python Packaging: Hate, hate, hate everywhere

                                                                    Python Packaging: Hate, hate, hate everywhere written on Friday, June 22, 2012 I admit that I was a huge fan of the Python setuptools library for a long time. There was a lot in there which just resonated with how I thought that software development should work. I still think that the design of setuptools is amazing. Nobody would argue that setuptools was flawless and it certainly failed in many r

                                                                    • PackagingBlog / Best Packaging Designs Around The World

                                                                      I'm excited to announce to my valued readers that Packaging World is merging with The Dieline, the #1 Package design site. I will continue to blog as Senior Editor on The Dieline from now on! Make sure you visit TheDieline.com to see my latest updates on the best packaging designs from all over the world! Please keep sending me your best package designs at skucukaga(at)gmail.com

                                                                      • Packaging a python library - Thoughts on packaging python libraries

                                                                        Packaging a python library 25 May 2014 (updated 30 September 2019) Note This is about packaging libraries, not applications. ⸻ All the advice here is implemented in a project template (with full support for C extensions): cookiecutter-pylibrary (introduction). I think the packaging best practices should be revisited, there are lots of good tools now-days that are either unused or underused. It's g

                                                                        • Estrategia de marca, diseño, publicidad, packaging, Estudio Salterain, Uruguay

                                                                          Estudio Salterain es una agencia independiente de diseño de marcas, publicidad, packaging y estrategia, fundada en Montevideo a fines de 2008.

                                                                          • 30 amazing packaging designs for your inspiration

                                                                            Packaging is one of the aspects of design that we see the most, we get packaged products at home, work or wherever we go. The following are great example of well done packaging that add value to the product. 1. Otokoyama Sake 2. Fixa 3. Kleenex slice of summer 4. Kraftstoff Vodka 5. Waitrose Infused Olive Oil 6. Nestea 7. Waitrose 8. Handy Wipes 9. Coach 10. Lucia 11. Fortnum & Mason 12. Samurai V

                                                                              30 amazing packaging designs for your inspiration
                                                                            • How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at least tw

                                                                              There is an area of Python that many developers have problems with. This is an area that has seen many different solutions pop up over the years, with many different opinions, wars, and attempts to solve it. Many have complained about the packaging ecosystem and tools making their lives harder. Many beginners are confused about virtual environments. But does it have to be this way? Are the current

                                                                              • RT:50 Clever, Quirky and Beautiful Packaging Designs | Design Shack

                                                                                This week has been all about branding and package design. We’ve gone over some tips for creating effective packaging and taken an in-depth view of the branding histories of Coca-Cola and Pepsi to see what we could learn about the power of a good brand. Today we’ll finish off the week with a roundup of awesome packaging concepts from Behance and Packaging of the World. The Ultimate Designer Toolkit

                                                                                  RT:50 Clever, Quirky and Beautiful Packaging Designs | Design Shack
                                                                                • Jammit: Industrial-strength asset packaging for Rails

                                                                                  Jammit is an industrial-strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression that you'd expect, as well as YUI Compressor, Closure Compiler, and UglifyJS compatibility, ahead-of-time gzipping, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional Data-URI / MHTML image and font embedding. Current Version: 0.7.0 You can report bugs and discuss

                                                                                    Jammit: Industrial-strength asset packaging for Rails