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smugglingの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 400件

  • Trusted Computing FAQ TC / TCG / LaGrande / NGSCB / Longhorn / Palladium

    `Trusted Computing' Frequently Asked Questions - TC / TCG / LaGrande / NGSCB / Longhorn / Palladium / TCPA Version 1.1 (August 2003) Ross Anderson This document is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. Here are links to translations into Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Hungarian, Greek, Romanian, Polish, Lithuanian and and French. See also the Economics and Security Resource Page which g

    • Shmups 101: A Beginner's Guide to 2D Shooters - RetroGaming with Racketboy

      Presented by BulletMagnet Note from racketboy: Combining to popularity of our Genre 101 series (see Survival Horror 101, Beatem-ups 101, Platformers 101, and Fighters 101) and the expert shmup writing of BulletMagnet (see his guides to shmups for the Playstation, Saturn, and PS2 and the Games That Defined the Shmup Genre) this guide is one of most epic posts ever.  I hope you enjoy the d

        Shmups 101: A Beginner's Guide to 2D Shooters - RetroGaming with Racketboy
      • UN report warns Taliban going ‘door to door’ for wanted

        A threat assessment from the United Nations has warned the Taliban is intensifying a search for people who worked with United States and NATO forces and is going “door to door” to find them. The confidential report – provided by the UN’s threat-assessment consultants and seen by a number of news media – says the group has “priority lists” of individuals it wants to arrest and is threatening to kil

          UN report warns Taliban going ‘door to door’ for wanted
        • 外貨逃避への特効薬、わんこポリス

          クリスマスは終わり、今年もあと3日を残すだけとなったが、欧州懸念は相変わらずくすぶっている。今年は一年中、欧州に振り回された年であったな。 今朝もユーロはスッコーンと下がって、あっさり1.30割れ。 対円だと10年振りの安値ですと。 Euro Falls to 10-Year Low Against Yen as ECB Balance Sheet Reaches Record (Bloomberg, 12/28/2011) (記事から引用)“We’re still so far from being out of the woods that even on a day of being positive, people decided that the euro should continue to fall,” 「状況はまだまだ闇から抜け出れそうもなく、たとえポジティブなニュースのあ

          • Hundreds feared dead in migrant shipwreck off Libya

            Libya shipwreck mapA Somali community leader in Egypt said that some of the dead appeared to have been part of Egypt’s Somali expatriate community. “Families in Egypt are weeping for their children who drowned in the sea,” he said. “I keep seeing pictures of the people who drowned on social media. Some of them were my students.” The 41 survivors included those who had yet to be transferred from th

              Hundreds feared dead in migrant shipwreck off Libya
            • extreme vietnamese street cabling

              10 abandoned subway stations | 10 anti-masturbation devices | 10 antique phonographs | 10 best power strip designs | 10 classic jacob jensen gadgets | 10 classic reel-to-reel recorders | 10 console light guns | 10 dry land submarines | 10 enormous floating cranes | 10 failed automobile manufacturers | 10 flea circus contraptions | 10 gas guzzlers | 10 james dyson inventions | 10 luxury trains | 10

              • Perldition.org - Perldition.org - Hackers

                Los virus son programas maliciosos que se propagan a través de Internet y pueden causar daños graves a los sistemas informáticos. Estos virus se esconden en archivos o correos electrónicos que parecen inofensivos y, una vez que se descargan o abren, infectan el sistema y se propagan a otros dispositivos y redes. Algunos virus pueden robar información confidencial, como contraseñas y números de tar

                • Mieko Kawakami: 'Women are no longer content to shut up'

                  Mieko Kawakami began writing partly to explore the “randomness and strangeness” of life – so it is oddly fitting that the release of her novel Breasts and Eggs (Chichi to Ran in Japanese) has suddenly been upended by a worldwide pandemic. After building up a loyal following in Japan over the decade, Kawakami was all set to go global, attending festivals in the US and Europe, before Covid-19 hit. S

                    Mieko Kawakami: 'Women are no longer content to shut up'
                  • Security Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution Condemning Violent Extremism, Underscoring Need to Prevent Travel, Support for Foreign Terrorist Fighters | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

                    Security Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution Condemning Violent Extremism, Underscoring Need to Prevent Travel, Support for Foreign Terrorist Fighters At a summit presided over by United States President Barack Obama, opened by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and addressed by scores of national leaders, the Security Council this afternoon called on all States to cooperate urgently o

                    • Kazuho@Cybozu Labs: Firefox の脆弱性報告

                      « [メモ] coLinux | メイン | PERL5WEBDB で Movable Type デバッグ » 2006年06月06日 Firefox の脆弱性報告 昨年報告した Mozilla Firefox の脆弱性が修正されました。 MFSA 2006-33: HTTP response smuggling (mozilla.org) MFSA 2006-33: HTTP レスポンスの不正な挿入 (Mozilla Japan) Mozilla Firefox において HTTP ヘッダ名解釈に関してレスポンス分割が可能な脆弱性 (JVN) Mozilla Firefox において HTTP 1.0 解釈に関してレスポンス分割が可能な脆弱性 (JVN) 「Mozilla Firefox」において HTTP ヘッダ名解釈に関してレスポンス分割が可能な脆弱性注 (IPA) 「Mozilla

                      • 経済制裁が続くロシアにヨーロッパ製マイクロチップを輸入するための仕組みとは?

                        ウクライナ侵攻などで国外からの製品の輸入が規制されているロシアでは、アメリカやヨーロッパで製造されたマイクロチップの輸入も同様に制限されています。しかし、ロシアではヨーロッパ製のマイクロチップが秘密裏に輸入されており、海外メディアのFinancial Timesは、ロシアのマイクロチップ密輸に携わる人物であるマキシム・エルマコフ氏について紹介しています。 The shadowy network smuggling European microchips into Russia https://www.ft.com/content/e70467d7-9df2-4a8c-9d0f-ddc61062b745 フランスの半導体製造企業Ommicなどが製造するマイクロチップは、高性能窒化ガリウムや、ガリウムヒ素集積回路基板など特殊な技術が用いられており、Istokをはじめとするロシアの軍需メーカーに

                        • Islamism and the Syrian Uprising - By Nir Rosen | The Middle East Channel

                          James Clapper, the United States Director of National Intelligence, warned last month of al Qaeda taking advantage of the growing conflict in Syria. The Syrian regime and its supporters frequently claim that the opposition is dominated by al Qaeda-linked extremists. Opposition supporters often counter that the uprising is completely secular. But months of reporting on the ground in Syria revealed

                            Islamism and the Syrian Uprising - By Nir Rosen | The Middle East Channel
                          • curl - CVEs

                            C mistakes The flaws listed as "C mistakes" are vulnerabilities that we deem are likely to not have happened should we have used a memory-safe language rather than C. The C mistakes are divided into the following areas: OVERFLOW, OVERREAD, DOUBLE_FREE, USE_AFTER_FREE, NULL_MISTAKE and UNINIT. Retracted security vulnerabilities Issues no longer considered curl security problems: CVE-2019-15601 - SM

                            • The Hardy Boys - Wikipedia

                              Not to be confused with Hardy Boyz, Hard Boyz, The Hardly Boys or New Zealand Governor-General Michael Hardie Boys. Cover of The Tower Treasure, the first Hardy Boys mystery The Hardy Boys, brothers Frank and Joe Hardy, are fictional characters who appear in several mystery series for children and teens. The series revolves around teenagers who are amateur sleuths, solving cases that stumped their

                                The Hardy Boys - Wikipedia
                              • 「懐疑的で、何事にも動じない冷静なボク(たち)」は、知らず知らずのうちに過激派に利用され、「情勢を大きく動かし」ているというのに。

                                中途半端な英語使いが英国からのニュースを東京で読み、あちこちふらふらうろうろ。時々嘘。 はてブ = http://b.hatena.ne.jp/nofrills Twitter = http://twitter.com/nofrills Twitterのログ = http://twilog.org/nofrills ◆「なぜ、イスラム教徒は、イスラム過激派のテロを非難しないのか」という問いは、なぜ「差別」なのか。(2014年12月) ◆「陰謀論」と、「陰謀」について。そして人が死傷させられていることへのシニシズムについて。(2014年11月) ◆知らない人に気軽に話しかけることのできる場で、知らない人から話しかけられたときに応答することをやめました。また、知らない人から話しかけられているかもしれない場所をチェックすることもやめました。あなたの主張は、私を巻き込まずに、あなたがやってください

                                • Israel intercepts weapons ship heading for Egypt

                                  The Israeli navy has intercepted an Egypt-bound ship carrying a large delivery of weapons off Israel's Mediterranean coast. It said the arms had been sent by Syria to Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. The military said the cargo vessel, the Victoria, had departed from Lattakia port before stopping at Mersin in Turkey, then departing for the port of Alexandria in Egypt. Israel said Turkey ha

                                    Israel intercepts weapons ship heading for Egypt
                                  • * * * * State of the Union 2006 * * * *

                                    January 31, 2006 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT United States Capitol Washington, D.C. 9:12 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and diplomatic corps, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Today our nation lost a beloved, graceful, courageous woman who called America to its founding ideals

                                    • Turkey caught between aiding Turkmen and economic dependence on Russia

                                      The shooting down by Turkish forces of a Russian Su-24 warplane follows rising tension between the two countries over a continuing Russian bombing campaign against ethnic Turkmen villages in north-western Syria, close to Turkey’s border. It also marks the first direct clash between a Nato member and Russia’s armed forces since Vladimir Putin launched his unilateral military intervention in Syria l

                                        Turkey caught between aiding Turkmen and economic dependence on Russia
                                      • Hack of 70 Million Prisoner Phone Calls Indicates Violations of Attorney-Client Privilege

                                        Not So Securus Massive Hack of 70 Million Prisoner Phone Calls Indicates Violations of Attorney-Client Privilege AN ENORMOUS CACHE of phone records obtained by The Intercept reveals a major breach of security at Securus Technologies, a leading provider of phone services inside the nation’s prisons and jails. The materials — leaked via SecureDrop by an anonymous hacker who believes that Securus is

                                          Hack of 70 Million Prisoner Phone Calls Indicates Violations of Attorney-Client Privilege
                                        • BBC News - British man said to be mentally ill executed in China

                                          Page last updated at 12:12 GMT, Tuesday, 29 December 2009 A British man convicted of drug smuggling in China has been executed, the Foreign Office has confirmed. Akmal Shaikh, 53, a father-of-three, of London, had denied any wrongdoing and his family said he was mentally ill. The execution took place despite repeated calls from his family and the British government for clemency. Prime Minister Gor

                                          • BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gazans make new border wall hole

                                            Palestinians have bulldozed down part of the Gaza-Egypt border wall again, hours after Egyptian troops blocked holes recently made by militants. Guards with riot shields stood by and then pulled out of the border areas completely as Palestinians passed through the newly-demolished barrier. Hundreds of thousands have surged into Egypt to buy supplies since the first breaches were made on Wednesday.

                                            • Docs Performance - Lighttpd - lighty labs

                                              Table of contentsPerformance Tuningimportant performance tuning ruleslighttpd configuration performance tuning (technical guidelines)lighttpd configuration for use of operating system (OS) featureslighttpd configuration tuning for high-traffic sites with a large number of connectionslighttpd configuration tuning for low-memory systemslighttpd configuration tuning for lighttpd behind a reverse prox

                                              • WWII Japanese aircraft in postwar French service

                                                France’s chaotic return to it’s Indochina colony after the end of WWII in 1945 saw the surprising use of some former Japanese warplanes, as the Indochina conflict against the communist Viet Minh began. (French air force Ki-43 “Oscar” fighter.) (French navy E13A1 “Jake” seaplane.) August 1945: French military aviation returns to Indochina With the war in Europe just having ended just 3 ½ months pri

                                                  WWII Japanese aircraft in postwar French service
                                                • A glorious match made in Russia

                                                  For months I investigated the past of Jobbik EP-representative and suspected spy, Béla Kovács, and his Russian wife, Svetlana Istoshina, and by the end I had the feeling of being part of a spy movie: I stumbled on parallel marriages, secret Japanese and Austrian husbands and mysterious trips, and I also managed to loosen the tongues of several former KGB-agents. Kovács and his wife concealed facts

                                                    A glorious match made in Russia
                                                  • Project Gutenberg

                                                    Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z other Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z other Languages with more than 50 books: Chinese Danish Dutch English Esperanto Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Latin Portuguese Spanish Swedish Tagalog Languages with up to 50 books: Afrikaans Aleut Arabic Arapaho Bodo Breton Bulgarian Caló Catalan Cebuano C

                                                      Project Gutenberg
                                                    • 中国人排斥法 - Wikipedia

                                                      大陸横断鉄道を建設する中国人移民労働者 中国人による初の大規模な移住は、1848年から1855年にかけてのカリフォルニア・ゴールドラッシュに始まり[1]、その後も大陸横断鉄道の建設などを受け続行。金が豊富にあったゴールドラッシュの初期段階において、中国人は余り受け入れられなかったにしても許容範囲にあった[2]。金が枯渇し競争が激しくなると、中国人と、アイルランド人などその他の移民労働者との対立が表面化することとなる。 しかし1850年代初頭の時点では、州財政の赤字を埋める助けとなる程豊富な税収をもたらしていたため、移民から中国人労働者を排除する考えには抵抗があった[3]。だが同年代の終わりに近付くにしたがい財政事情は好転し、州レベルでの中国人排除に成功[3]。1858年には州議会が「中国人かモンゴロイド人種の」いかなる入国をも違法とする法律を可決するが、同法は1862年州最高裁判所から意見

                                                        中国人排斥法 - Wikipedia
                                                      • Osamu Tezuka - Wikipedia

                                                        Osamu Tezuka (手塚 治虫, born 手塚 治, Tezuka Osamu, )3 November 1928 – 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist and animator. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the Father of Manga" (マンガの父, Manga no Chichi), "the Godfather of Manga" (マンガの教父, Manga no Kyōfu) and "the God of Manga" (マンガの神様,

                                                          Osamu Tezuka - Wikipedia
                                                        • The Agony of Syria | Max Rodenbeck

                                                          Postcolonial governments have often seemed condemned to repeat the sins of the imperialists they replaced, a sad irony that has been especially pronounced in the Middle East. The British in 1920, for instance, pioneered the use of poison gas against civilians in order to subdue a tribal revolt in Iraq. The last known deployment of chemical weapons for mass murder was again in Iraq, in 1988, when S

                                                            The Agony of Syria | Max Rodenbeck
                                                          • wizSafe Security Signal 2023年12月 観測レポート

                                                            2023年12月観測レポートサマリ DDoS攻撃の観測情報 IIJマネージドセキュリティサービスの観測情報 Web/メールのマルウェア脅威の観測情報 セキュリティインシデントカレンダー ソフトウェアリリース情報 2023年12月観測レポートサマリ 本レポートでは、2023年12月中に発生した観測情報と事案についてまとめています。 当月はDDoS攻撃の総攻撃検出件数及び1日あたりの平均件数は先月から減少しました。最大規模を観測した攻撃は主にDNSプロトコルを用いたUDP Amplificationでした。また、当月最も長く継続した攻撃は23分にわたるものであり、主にTCP ACK Floodでした。 IPS/IDSにおいて検出したインターネットからの攻撃について、当月はSQLインジェクションが最も多く観測されています。また、Novell ZENworks Desktop Management

                                                              wizSafe Security Signal 2023年12月 観測レポート
                                                            • In Israel's Gaza Push, No Clear Target Set For Victory

                                                              In Israel-Hamas Conflict In Gaza, No Clear Target Set For Victory Two weeks into the conflict between Hamas militants and the Israel Defense Force in Gaza, more than 700 Palestinians have been killed, close to 150,000 displaced, and 32 Israeli soldiers killed. Despite the increasing number of casualties, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said at a cabinet meeting Thursday that Israel would

                                                                In Israel's Gaza Push, No Clear Target Set For Victory
                                                              • AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A — shufflesharding.com

                                                                In the time it takes to read this sentence, the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service will handle several billion requests. Pretty close to every one of those requests is authenticated using the AWS SIGv4 protocol, before IAM authorization policy is applied to check if the request is allowed or not. I didn’t have a hand in designing the AWS SIGv4 protocol so hopefully it’s not too biase

                                                                  AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A — shufflesharding.com
                                                                • PEP 383 – Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces | peps.python.org

                                                                  PEP 383 – Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 22-Apr-2009 Python-Version: 3.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Discussion References Copyright Abstract File names, environment variables, and command line arguments are defined as being character data in POSIX;

                                                                    PEP 383 – Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces | peps.python.org
                                                                  • BBC NEWS | Europe | Vatican deplores Gaza situation

                                                                    Page last updated at 05:37 GMT, Thursday, 8 January 2009 The Pope's justice minister, Cardinal Renato Martino, has sharply criticised Israel's actions and likened the Gaza Strip to a "big concentration camp". Correspondents say his words mark the Vatican's toughest comments since Israel began its offensive with intensive air attacks 12 days ago. He accused both sides of only thinking of their own

                                                                    • Buy Steroids Online USA - Guide to Buying Steroids Online

                                                                      But the prednisone demons are longitudinal designs may can aid in the promotion of far more serious conditions. When taken orally (in pill form), there is a greater risk kan de injectieplaats rood en warm the site to the side. Methyltestosterone is a very basic anabolic-androgenic possession of a firearm without a license after he was accused 4lbs of fat loss , over the course of 12 weeks (4). Due

                                                                      • The Great Tripoli Uprising

                                                                        As dawn broke Sunday in Libya, revolutionaries were telling Aljazeera Arabic that much of the capital was being taken over by supporters of the February 17 Youth revolt. Some areas, such as the suburb of Tajoura to the east and districts in the eastrn part of the city such as Suq al-Juma, Arada, the Mitiga airport, Ben Ashour, Fashloum, and Dahra, were in whole or in part under the control of the

                                                                          The Great Tripoli Uprising
                                                                        • oss-security mailing list

                                                                          107 Recent messages: 2024/03/08 #1: Re: help wanted - bring more issues in here (Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith@...cle.com>) 2024/03/07 #3: OSSN-0093: Unresolved Vulnerability in OpenStack Murano (Jeremy Stanley <fungi@...goth.org>) 2024/03/07 #2: Re: help wanted - bring more issues in here (Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi046@...tawa.ca>) 2024/03/07 #1: help wanted - bring more issues in here (Solar

                                                                          • mindmanager smart kostenlos : junyf

                                                                            = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link mindmanager smart kostenlos= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 26. Apr. 2017. Sie haben hier die Möglichkeit, den Lizenzschlüssel für MindManager Smart kostenlos anzufordern. Der Schlüssel wird Ihnen per E-Mail an die. No specific info about version 2

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                                                                            • Counterinsurgency (Final Draft - June 2006)

                                                                              FAS Note: This “final draft” of FM 3-24 on Counterinsurgency has been superseded by the final version of the document dated 15 December 2006 and posted here: http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-24.pdf FM 3-24 FMFM 3-24 June 2006 (Final Draft) COUNTERINSURGENCY (FINAL DRAFT—NOT FOR IMPLEMENTATION) Distribution Restriction: The material in this manual is under development. It is NOT approved doct

                                                                              • Sunday Assembly Pdx

                                                                                Based on projections from marketplace analysts, a few with the ideal investment decision possibilities for the future 10 years may possibly include things like gold, silver, and meals. These projections replicate the rising financial uncertainty getting commonplace in many regions of the globe. Read more now on what is a benefit of investing in precious metals? Food stuff as an Investment All a fe

                                                                                • Nuclear terrorism - Wikipedia

                                                                                  Nuclear terrorism refers to any person or persons detonating a nuclear weapon as an act of terrorism (i.e., illegal or immoral use of violence for a political or religious cause).[1] Some definitions of nuclear terrorism include the sabotage of a nuclear facility and/or the detonation of a radiological device, colloquially termed a dirty bomb, but consensus is lacking. In legal terms, nuclear terr

                                                                                    Nuclear terrorism - Wikipedia