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testingの検索結果401 - 440 件 / 1676件

  • How GitHub reduced testing time for iOS apps with new runner features

    AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

      How GitHub reduced testing time for iOS apps with new runner features
    • Testing - Command Line Applications in Rust

      Testing Over decades of software development, people have discovered one truth: Untested software rarely works. (Many people would go as far as saying: “Most tested software doesn’t work either.” But we are all optimists here, right?) So, to ensure that your program does what you expect it to do, it is wise to test it. One easy way to do that is to write a README file that describes what your prog

      • Lambda(Node.js)で、VitestのIn-Source Testingをする構成 | DevelopersIO

        はじめに Vitestには、In-Source Testingというテスト方法があります。これは実装とテストコードを同一のファイルに記述できます。Rustは言語レベルでこの機能をサポートしていたりします。 見栄えの感じ方は、個人差はありますがテストコードが小規模だとメリットを感じる人がいると思います。また、同一ファイルに書くことで、プライベート関数を公開せずにテストできます。Javaは、パッケージプライベートという可視性があり、似たようなことができます。 そもそもプライベート関数をテストするべきか?という議論がありますが、本記事ではテストする方法があることの紹介にフォーカスします。個々のプロジェクトが抱えている問題の解決策として有用であれば採用してみてください。 前提 前提となる環境は以下です。 TypeScript Lambda Node.jsランタイム(ts-nodeのESM実行対応が

          Lambda(Node.js)で、VitestのIn-Source Testingをする構成 | DevelopersIO
        • RSpecにおけるparameterized testingとマネーフォワードにおけるその改善 - Money Forward Developers Blog

          こんにちは。 Railsエンジニアのkamillleです。 マネーフォワードのアプリケーションはユーザーの権限やプラン・リクエスト時間等によって異なる振る舞いをするものが多く、そういった機能のテストではparameterized testingを利用することが多いです。マネーフォワードのRailsアプリケーションではテスティングフレームワークとしてRSpecが採用されることが多く、RSpecにおいてどのようにparameterized testingを行っているか紹介したいと思います。 RSpecにおけるparameterized testing RSpecはparameterized testingをサポートしていないので何かしらの拡張を行う必要があります。この拡張としてrspec-parameterizedというgemがあり、このgemが選ばれているケースが多いように思います。rspe

            RSpecにおけるparameterized testingとマネーフォワードにおけるその改善 - Money Forward Developers Blog
          • Getting Started With Property-Based Testing in Python With Hypothesis and Pytest - Semaphore

            Rodrigo has always been fascinated by problem solving and that is why he picked up programming – so that he could solve more problems. He also loves sharing knowledge, and that is why he spends so much time writing articles in his blog mathspp.com/blog, writing on Twitter @mathsppblog, giving workshops and courses, and talking at conferences. His main areas of scientific interest are mathematics (

              Getting Started With Property-Based Testing in Python With Hypothesis and Pytest - Semaphore
            • Choosing a Sequential Testing Framework — Comparisons and Discussions

              Choosing a Sequential Testing Framework — Comparisons and Discussions March 21, 2023 Published by Mårten Schultzberg (Staff Data Scientist) and Sebastian Ankargren (Sr. Data Scientist) TL;DR Sequential tests are the bread and butter for any company conducting online experiments. The literature on sequential testing has developed quickly over the last 10 years, and it’s not always easy to determine

                Choosing a Sequential Testing Framework — Comparisons and Discussions
              • Goのtestingパッケージの基本を理解する - Qiita

                テックタッチアドベントカレンダー11日目を担当する @taisa831 です。10日目は @mxxxxkxxxx の「Go言語 ElastiCacheの その前に」でした。575 の 5 が Go に掛かっていていい感じですね!もちろん内容も良い! 本記事では、Goのtestingパッケージについて書きます。既存記事を調べてみると、そこそこあるけどそこまで多くはない。重厚な記事もあればあっさりした記事もある。ということで深すぎず浅すぎずを目指そうと思います。 「testing パッケージの基本を理解する」なのでGoの testing パッケージ を参考にしました。テストに関しては最初アサーションがないことに戸惑いましたが、慣れたらない方がよく感じてきました。執筆時点でのバージョンはgo1.13.4です。 もっともシンプルなテスト パッケージ/ファイル単位でテスト対象を指定する Benchm

                  Goのtestingパッケージの基本を理解する - Qiita
                • Rust support - kernel/git/next/linux-next.git - The linux-next integration testing tree

                  This is a draft for linux-next. This message is intentionally bare-bones for the moment. It is not representative of the final contents and will be rebased. Co-developed-by: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@gmail.com> Co-developed-by: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@ldpreload.com> Signed-off-by: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@ldpreload.com> Co-developed-by: Finn Behrens

                  • (Safe) Safe Browsing Testing Links

                    (Safe) Safe Browsing Testing Links Webpage Warnings [A/W/M/L/C] Should show a phishing warning: link [A/W/M/L/C/D] Should show a malware warning: link [Deprecated] Should show a malware warning due to a bad subresource: link [W/M/L/C] Should show a unwanted software warning: link [Deprecated] Should show a malware warning due to bad assets: [ small img, medium img, large img, dynamically loaded im

                    • Swiftの新テストライブラリ「swift-testing」特徴と導入

                      公開日: 2023年10月 本記事は、2023年10月時点の情報に基づいています。swift-testingの進化や変更については、公式のドキュメントや関連リソースを参照してください。 はじめに Swiftの開発環境は日々進化を続けています。その中でもユニットテストの領域において、Appleが最近公開したswift-testingライブラリが注目を浴びています。このライブラリに組み込まれているTestingというフレームワークは、多彩な新機能を持ち合わせており、現在のXCTestから大きく進化しています。現段階ではXcodeとの直接的な統合は見られませんが、将来的には統合される可能性があります。 今回の記事では、この新ライブラリの特徴、XCTestとの違い、そして移行方法について詳しく解説していきます。 背景: なぜswift-testingなのか? XCTestの歴史 XCTestは、も

                      • React Testing Libraryでの WAI-ARIAロールの活用事例

                        “共通化”で失敗したモデリング実例 / Modeling examples of failures due to "commonization

                          React Testing Libraryでの WAI-ARIAロールの活用事例
                        • DataStore and testing

                          In this final post of our Jetpack DataStore series, we will be covering how to test your DataStore successfully. Testing DataStoreEvery good story needs good testing! To wrap up our series, we will go over how to approach testing your DataStore. Again, we’ll be referring to the Preferences codelab as a starting point. However, keep in mind you can use this material for setting up Proto DataStore t

                            DataStore and testing
                          • An Introduction To Python Testing Tools

                            In this article we provide a good understanding of basic Python testing tools. This article is a sponsored article. Articles such as these are intended to provide you with information on products and services that we consider useful and of value to developers If you are not currently testing your code, then it is something you will want to learn and start adding to your projects. Many people have

                            • Better Android Testing at Airbnb, Part 7

                              In the seventh and final installment of our series on Android Testing at Airbnb, we dive into our CI setup and share closing thoughts on where we are going next. In previous articles we’ve looked at Airbnb’s product architecture, the mocking system we built for it, and how this ecosystem enables us to run automated tests on our features. One notable missing piece though has been a discussion of ho

                                Better Android Testing at Airbnb, Part 7
                              • Improving Cross-Browser Testing, Part 1: Web Application Testing Today – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                Improving Cross-Browser Testing, Part 1: Web Application Testing Today Testing web applications can be a challenge. Unlike most other kinds of software, they run across a multitude of platforms and devices. They have to be robust regardless of form factor or choice of browser. We know this is a problem developers feel: when the MDN Developer Needs Assessment asked web developers for their top pain

                                  Improving Cross-Browser Testing, Part 1: Web Application Testing Today – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                • Supercharging A/B Testing at Uber

                                  You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction “Immensely laborious calculations on inferior data may increase the yield from 95 to 100 percent. A gain of 5 percent, of perhaps a small total. A competent overhauling of the process of collection, or of the experimental design, may often increase the yiel

                                    Supercharging A/B Testing at Uber
                                  • Dynamic Application & API Security Testing for Modern Teams

                                    BLOGHow Does StackHawk Work?StackHawk helps teams ship secure software faster and eliminate disruptive fix processes. Read Now

                                      Dynamic Application & API Security Testing for Modern Teams
                                    • 2023年にVisual Regression Testingを始めるならどんな選択肢があるか | ログラス Productチーム アドベントカレンダー 2022

                                      本記事は「株式会社ログラス Product チーム Advent Calendar 2022」12 日目の記事です。はじめにフロントエンドのテスト手法の 1 つに Visual Regression Testing(以下、VRT)があります。 これは、アプリケーションの画面を画像として保存し、画像の差分比較をすることで意図せぬ変更が生じていないかテストする方法です。 ここ数年で広く普及し、用語としても一般的になったように思います。 私も以前、とある OSS に reg-suit & Storycap を使った VRT を導入したことがあるのですが、その後もいくつか VRT のためのライブラリが登場したもののキャッチアップできていませんでした。 そこで今回は知識のアップデートを目的として、ここ最近登場した(と思われる)VRT のライブラリをいくつかご紹介します。 なお、今回紹介するツールはす

                                        2023年にVisual Regression Testingを始めるならどんな選択肢があるか | ログラス Productチーム アドベントカレンダー 2022
                                      • Dynamic A/B testing for machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker MLOps projects | Amazon Web Services

                                        AWS Machine Learning Blog Dynamic A/B testing for machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker MLOps projects In this post, you learn how to create a MLOps project to automate the deployment of an Amazon SageMaker endpoint with multiple production variants for A/B testing. You also deploy a general purpose API and testing infrastructure that includes a multi-armed bandit experiment framework. Thi

                                          Dynamic A/B testing for machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker MLOps projects | Amazon Web Services
                                        • Automated Web Testing | Reflect

                                          So long, selectors Instead of CSS selectors or XPath locators, Reflect uses Generative AI to target elements. Plain-text instructions are translated into actions and assertions automatically. Selectors are notoriously flaky. Reflect's AI engine is present during every test run to ensure that tests automatically adapt to changes in your application over time.

                                            Automated Web Testing | Reflect
                                          • Testing in Airflow Part 2 — Integration Tests and End-To-End Pipeline Tests

                                            Written by Sarang Shinde and Chandu Kavar — Nov 28, 2019 In part 1 of this blog, I explained DAG validation tests, DAG definition tests, and Unit tests. These tests help to verify the syntax and cyclicity in the DAG, upstream and downstream of each task, the logic of the custom operator and sensor, etc. I would recommend reading the first part of this post. In this part, we will cover the integrat

                                              Testing in Airflow Part 2 — Integration Tests and End-To-End Pipeline Tests
                                            • Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Market Size, Share Forecast 2032 | MRFR

                                              Global Market Outlook In-depth analysis of global and regional trends Analyze and identify the major players in the market, their market share, key developments, etc. To understand the capability of the major players based on products offered, financials, and strategies. Identify disrupting products, companies, and trends. To identify opportunities in the market. Analyze the key challenges in the

                                                Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Market Size, Share Forecast 2032 | MRFR
                                              • Top 9 JavaScript Testing Frameworks | LambdaTest

                                                The Largest Online Testing Conference Is Now Live: TestMu 2024 (Recordings Available) Watch Now

                                                  Top 9 JavaScript Testing Frameworks | LambdaTest
                                                • HTTPie CLI: HTTP & API testing client

                                                  HTTPie for TerminalA simple yet powerful command-line HTTP and API testing client for the API era. Designed for APIsWe built HTTPIe from the ground up for painless testing and debugging of APIs, HTTP servers, and web services. Expressive and intuitive syntaxFirst-class JSON supportColorized and formatted terminal outputSensible defaults for the API eraPersistent sessionsForms and file uploadsHTTPS

                                                    HTTPie CLI: HTTP & API testing client
                                                  • React テストコード(Jest, React Testing Library)の学びと Tips - Qiita

                                                    はじめに 早いもので2023年も終わりが近づいてきました。皆様はいかがお過ごしでしょうか。毎年アドベントカレンダーの時期になると、今年一年で学び経験した技術の知識を棚卸しするために記事を書いています。2023年はよくテストを書いた年でした。React のテストコードで学んだことを書き記します。 テストにはいわゆる手動テストと自動テストがあります。どちらも必要ですし、用いる手法はケースバイケースなのかなと思います。テストにかける時間や労力は短期的に見るか長期的に見るかで手動テストと自動テストのどちらが良いかは一概には言えません。多くの場合は組み合わせて行うと思います。 テストレイヤーの切り方として、Ice-Cream Cones, Testing Pyramids, Testing Trophy など様々な考え方があります。上層ほど高コスト・低速。下層ほど低コスト・高速と言われています。 出

                                                      React テストコード(Jest, React Testing Library)の学びと Tips - Qiita
                                                    • Load Testing with Koi Pond - Slack Engineering

                                                      How Slack models and tests with incredibly large groups of users Complex systems are difficult to reason about at scale; we often can’t accurately extrapolate system behavior and performance, so we need to derive that data empirically. We use load testing to do just that: find the limits of our systems and weed out bugs at a large scale in a controlled environment. Slack is a pretty complex system

                                                        Load Testing with Koi Pond - Slack Engineering
                                                      • Test Flakiness - One of the main challenges of automated testing (Part II)

                                                        There are two main reasons for flaky automated tests. 1) Poor Locator Strategy. Find a methodology that is testable before you have to depend upon it in your automated testing. I just posted a video on this topic a week ago, which shares why our team exclusively utilizes xPath for some of the most reliable locators you can build. Realize xPath has got a bad rap and is often demonstrated online in

                                                          Test Flakiness - One of the main challenges of automated testing (Part II)
                                                        • Rsgt2021 exploratory testing

                                                          6. 探索的テスト by Erisabeth Hendrickson 直近の実験から得た”気づき”を次の実験へ活用し、テスト設計と実 行を同時に行い、システムについて学習していくこと Simultaneously designing and executing tests to learn about the system, using your insights from the last experiment to inform the next. 「対象となるソフトウェアを動かしながら、テスト設計~実行~ フィードバックを行っていく対話型のソフトウェアテスト」 探索的テストとは? 6 Ref. Explore It!

                                                            Rsgt2021 exploratory testing
                                                          • GitHub - facebookincubator/CG-SQL: CG/SQL is a compiler that converts a SQL Stored Procedure like language into C for SQLite. SQLite has no stored procedures of its own. CG/CQL can also generate other useful artifacts for testing and schema maintenance.

                                                            CG/SQL is a code generation system for the popular SQLite library that allows developers to write stored procedures in a variant of Transact-SQL (T-SQL) and compile them into C code that uses SQLite’s C API to do the coded operations. CG/SQL enables engineers to create highly complex stored procedures with very large queries, without the manual code checking that existing methods require. The full

                                                              GitHub - facebookincubator/CG-SQL: CG/SQL is a compiler that converts a SQL Stored Procedure like language into C for SQLite. SQLite has no stored procedures of its own. CG/CQL can also generate other useful artifacts for testing and schema maintenance.
                                                            • Android Test Night #8を開催しました - DeNA Testing Blog

                                                              こんにちは。SWETのAndroidチームに所属している外山(@sumio_tym)です。 2023/03/10にAndroid Test Night #8を開催しました。 約3年ぶりのオフライン開催で、懇親会も実施しました(同時にオンラインでも配信しました)! 本記事では、今回の発表のスライドを紹介していきます*1。 聴衆の反応 Android Test Night #8 で盛り上がっている様子にtweetをまとめました。 発表スライド紹介 @STAR_ZERO「Coroutines Test 入門」 1つめは@STAR_ZEROさんによるKotlin Coroutineが関係するテストの書き方についての発表でした。 suspend関数のテスト、メインスレッドの差し替え方法、Flowのテスト例が簡潔にまとめられており、とても参考になりました。 ついつい忘れてしまいがちなStandardT

                                                                Android Test Night #8を開催しました - DeNA Testing Blog
                                                              • Comparing the best Node.js unit testing frameworks - LogRocket Blog

                                                                Jeremy Kithome Software developer. #MUFC to infinity and beyond! Fortune favors the bold. From tomato farmer to API farmer. Editor’s note: This comparison of Node.js unit testing frameworks was last updated on 3 July 2023 to include the most recent survey data, and other popular testing frameworks, such as Supertest and Webdriver. In this Node.js unit testing guide, I’ll provide some reasons why y

                                                                  Comparing the best Node.js unit testing frameworks - LogRocket Blog
                                                                • Coronavirus Testing Criteria and Numbers by Country - Worldometer

                                                                  * as of March 1. On March 2, the "Total tested" figure was removed from CDC's website. As of February 26, 2020 UK: 7,132 concluded tests, of which 13 positive (0.2% positivity rate). [source] Italy: 9,462 tests, of which 470 positive, awaiting results: unknown (at least 5.0% positivity rate). [source] France: 762 tests, of which 17 positive, 179 awaiting results (at least 2.2% positivity rate). [s

                                                                    Coronavirus Testing Criteria and Numbers by Country - Worldometer
                                                                  • Testing · Get Started with Nuxt

                                                                    Nuxt offers first-class support for end-to-end and unit testing of your Nuxt application via @nuxt/test-utils, a library of test utilities and configuration that currently powers the tests we use on Nuxt itself and tests throughout the module ecosystem. InstallationIn order to allow you to manage your other testing dependencies, @nuxt/test-utils ships with various optional peer dependencies. For e

                                                                      Testing · Get Started with Nuxt
                                                                    • 「swift-testingはじめました」 Quick/Nimbleからの置き換えの最初の一歩

                                                                      potatotips#88での登壇資料になります。 WWDC2024で「swift-testing」に関するセッションが公開されていた経緯や、同僚が個人開発で利用していた事から関心を持ち、自分が携わるiOSプロジェクト内でも導入してみる前段の調査内容をまとめた資料になります。 自分もこれまで…

                                                                        「swift-testingはじめました」 Quick/Nimbleからの置き換えの最初の一歩
                                                                      • Deno 1.36: More flexible security and expanded testing APIs

                                                                        Read on to learn more about the latest features and fixes available in Deno 1.36! Deno 1.36 at a glance 🔐 More flexible security options for Deno programs Secure your programs at runtime with --deny-* flags, which enable you to configure deny lists for domains, file paths, and other resources to which access should be restricted. 🧪 Expanded options for testing and benchmarking New test result fo

                                                                          Deno 1.36: More flexible security and expanded testing APIs
                                                                        • Autonomous testing of services at scale

                                                                          The components of an integration test. The testing infrastructure provides the foundation on top of which engineers write their tests, and the execution platform for running them. Enabling developers to prototype, test, and iterate on new features quickly is important to Facebook’s success. To do this effectively, it’s key to have a stable infrastructure that doesn’t introduce unnecessary friction

                                                                            Autonomous testing of services at scale
                                                                          • Beyond automatic accessibility testing: 6 things I check on every website I build

                                                                            I just finished an accessibility audit for a client and I decided to share some quick checks I perform in every site I audit and build. It’s something that you can apply to your project right away, you don’t have to learn a tool or a software. Step 0: Automatic tests The first thing I do is run accessibility checks in Lighthouse to figure out if anything obvious is wrong. Automatic accessibility t

                                                                              Beyond automatic accessibility testing: 6 things I check on every website I build
                                                                            • Agile Testing Days 参加報告 #D3QA #AgileTD / Report on Agile Testing Days

                                                                              D3イベント『海外テスト系カンファレンス参加報告』での発表資料です。 https://d-cube.connpass.com/event/155527/

                                                                                Agile Testing Days 参加報告 #D3QA #AgileTD / Report on Agile Testing Days
                                                                              • GitHub - pschanely/CrossHair: An analysis tool for Python that blurs the line between testing and type systems.

                                                                                An analysis tool for Python that blurs the line between testing and type systems. THE LATEST NEWS: The new CrossHair VSCode extension can work in the background and provide in-line errors when it finds a counterexample, just like a linter or type-checker. Try it out and tell me what you think! If you have a function with type annotations and add a contract in a supported syntax, CrossHair will att

                                                                                  GitHub - pschanely/CrossHair: An analysis tool for Python that blurs the line between testing and type systems.
                                                                                • COVID-19 Testing Project

                                                                                  Team We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers and physicians at UCSF, UC Berkeley, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, and Innovative Genomics Institute. Project overview Antibody tests for prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus are urgently needed. We are performing head-to-head comparisons of commercially available lateral flow assays (also known as rapid serology tests) and ELISA immunoassays. Importantl