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  • Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server

    Goのnet/httpパッケージはとてもよくできており、Webサーバーを動かすのに必要になる「httpコネクションを確立してリクエストを読んでルーティングして……」という手続き的な処理を気にせずとも誰でも簡単にWebサーバーを立てられるようになっています。 ですが、そのnet/httpが代わりにやってくれている「裏側の処理」の部分が気になる、何やっているんだろう?と不思議に思っている方はいませんか? この本では、実際に筆者がnet/httpパッケージのソースコードを読み込んだうえで、「GoのWebサーバーがどのような仕組みで起動・動いているのか」というところについて、図を使いながら解説しています。

      Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server
    • Go な Web Server を Systemd で良い感じに動かすメモ

      Go で Web Server 書く 動作確認するだけのコードなのでなるだけシンプルに書く。んで、 Port 80 を Listen したいけどプロセスは root で走らせたくないので、 systemd でポート開いてそれをプログラム側で使うようにする。 ディスクリプタごにょる部分は coreos/go-systemd がドンピシャなのでこれを使う。 package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "net" "net/http" "github.com/coreos/go-systemd/activation" ) func main() { // Mux を設定する m := http.NewServeMux() m.HandleFunc("/", handler) // Server を設定する s := &http.Server{ Handl

        Go な Web Server を Systemd で良い感じに動かすメモ
      • Webサービスのトラブルの現場 ~ Webサービスの今と昔 ~ / web-server-is-dead

        # PHPカンファレンス2019 https://phpcon.php.gr.jp/2019/ # 参考資料 - https://soudai.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/08/24/030631 - https://github.com/songmu/horenso - https://github.com/ariarijp/mackerel-client-php - https://github.com/noborus/trdsql - https://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2017/mackerel-plugins

          Webサービスのトラブルの現場 ~ Webサービスの今と昔 ~ / web-server-is-dead
        • Core NGINX Developer Forks Web Server Into Freenginx - Phoronix

          Core NGINX Developer Forks Web Server Into Freenginx Written by Michael Larabel in Free Software on 14 February 2024 at 02:54 PM EST. 57 Comments Maxim Dounin as one of the longtime core developers of the Nginx web server announced the creation today of a new fork of the project called Freenginx. Maxim Dounin decided to fork Nginx follow a disagreement with F5, the organization that acquired the N

            Core NGINX Developer Forks Web Server Into Freenginx - Phoronix
          • Writing a Ractor-based web server<!-- --> • Kir Shatrov

            Ractor, the new concurrency primitive in Ruby, has been merged to the upstream few days ago. I’ve been following that PR and watching the author’s talk at RubyKaigi (in Japanese, I wasn't able to find the translated version but it should be available somewhere), which got me excited to try Ractor myself. A web application server is the first thing that comes to mind when playing with concurrency.

            • GitHub - remileduc/sherver: Pure Bash lightweight web server.

              Sherver is a web server that implements part of HTTP 1.0. Even if it is written in a few lines of Bash, it is able to do a lot: no configuration needed: you can just add files either in scripts or in file folders serve any HTML page no matter how complexe (with advanced JavaScript and multiple scripts or files to download...) serve files (text or binary, pictures...) with correct mime type dynamic

                GitHub - remileduc/sherver: Pure Bash lightweight web server.
              • GitHub - lyokha/nginx-haskell-module: A comprehensive web framework aimed at building custom Haskell handlers for the Nginx Web Server

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                  GitHub - lyokha/nginx-haskell-module: A comprehensive web framework aimed at building custom Haskell handlers for the Nginx Web Server
                • Web Server's Default Page

                  This page is generated by Plesk, the leading hosting automation software. You see this page because there is no Web site at this address. You can do the following: Create domains and set up Web hosting using Plesk. Plesk is a hosting control panel with simple and secure web server and website management tools. It was specially designed to help IT specialists manage web, DNS, mail and other service

                  • 「Apache HTTP Web Server」に複数の脆弱性、修正版をリリース

                      「Apache HTTP Web Server」に複数の脆弱性、修正版をリリース 
                    • PlantUML Web Server

                      Create simply and freely UML diagrams from your browser thanks to PlantUML Web Server. Just enter a text diagram, and get the result in PNG or SVG format.

                        PlantUML Web Server
                      • GitHub - agrinman/tunnelto: Expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL.

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                          GitHub - agrinman/tunnelto: Expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL.
                        • tunnelto.dev -- expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL

                          Expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL

                            tunnelto.dev -- expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL
                          • Prepare your network or web server for iCloud Private Relay - iCloud - Apple Developer

                            Prepare your network or web server for iCloud Private Relay iCloud Private Relay is an internet privacy service offered as a part of an iCloud+ subscription that allows users on iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey and later to connect to and browse the web more privately and securely. Private Relay protects users’ web browsing in Safari, DNS resolution queries, and insecure http app traffic. Int

                              Prepare your network or web server for iCloud Private Relay - iCloud - Apple Developer
                            • はじめに|Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server

                                はじめに|Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server
                              • Google funds project to secure Apache web server with new Rust component

                                The ISRG says it plans to develop a new module called mod_tls that will do the same thing but using the Rust programming language rather than C. The module will be based on Rustls; a Rust open-source library developed as an alternative to the C-based OpenSSL project. To lead this work, the ISRG management has contracted Stefan Eissing, the founder of software consultancy firm Greenbytes, and one o

                                  Google funds project to secure Apache web server with new Rust component
                                • GitHub - zgw426/Handling_JSON_with_no_web_server_HTML-JavaScript-

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                                    GitHub - zgw426/Handling_JSON_with_no_web_server_HTML-JavaScript-
                                  • GitHub - xnbox/DeepfakeHTTP: DeepfakeHTTP is a web server that uses HTTP dumps as a source for responses.

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                                      GitHub - xnbox/DeepfakeHTTP: DeepfakeHTTP is a web server that uses HTTP dumps as a source for responses.
                                    • GitHub - static-web-server/static-web-server: A cross-platform, high-performance and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡

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                                        GitHub - static-web-server/static-web-server: A cross-platform, high-performance and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡
                                      • JVNVU#92184689: Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4 における複数の脆弱性に対するアップデート

                                        JVNVU#92184689 Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4 における複数の脆弱性に対するアップデート The Apache Software Foundation から、Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4 系における複数の脆弱性に対応した Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4.46 が公開されました。 Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4.20 から 2.4.43 - CVE-2020-9490、CVE-2020-11993 Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4.32 から 2.4.43 - CVE-2020-11984 Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4.1 から 2.4.23 - CVE-2020-11985 The Apache Software Foundation から、A

                                        • GitHub - dzove855/Bash-web-server: A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc...

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                                            GitHub - dzove855/Bash-web-server: A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc...
                                          • GitHub - mufeedvh/binserve: A fast production-ready static web server with TLS (HTTPS), routing, hot reloading, caching, templating, and security in a single-binary you can set up with zero code.

                                            Fast: Binserve is designed to be performant, this is thanks to Actix-Web - one of the fastest web frameworks out there and DashMap for handling routes and the cache storage. (See Benchmarks) Portability: Binserve is cross-platform and portable to any major operating system, like it can run on your Android phone! Routing: Routing is simply matching a URI path to a file or a directory in a JSON file

                                              GitHub - mufeedvh/binserve: A fast production-ready static web server with TLS (HTTPS), routing, hot reloading, caching, templating, and security in a single-binary you can set up with zero code.
                                            • Android Support for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) to Share Business Logic Across Mobile, Web, Server, and Desktop

                                              Android Support for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) to Share Business Logic Across Mobile, Web, Server, and Desktop Posted by Maru Ahues Bouza – Director, Product Management, and Jeffrey van Gogh – Director, Engineering Traditionally, developers must either write code individually for each platform they want to target, or make a number of compromises in order to reuse code across platforms. Android has

                                                Android Support for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) to Share Business Logic Across Mobile, Web, Server, and Desktop
                                              • GitHub - Hyperspace-Logistics/heart: A high performance Lua web server with a simple, powerful API

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                                                  GitHub - Hyperspace-Logistics/heart: A high performance Lua web server with a simple, powerful API
                                                • httpサーバー起動の裏側|Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server

                                                    httpサーバー起動の裏側|Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server
                                                  • GitHub - nodejs/web-server-frameworks: A place for Node.js Web-Server Framework authors and users to collaborate

                                                    Topics which this team discussed or challenges this team decides to take on should fall under one of the goals of the team: Improve Node.js core api support for frameworks Provide feedback and collaboration on Node.js core features and proposals Improve collaboration among framework authors Provide support for frameworks when security issues or bugs arise Be a resource for Node.js security concern

                                                      GitHub - nodejs/web-server-frameworks: A place for Node.js Web-Server Framework authors and users to collaborate
                                                    • GitHub - jstrieb/quickserv: Dangerously user-friendly web server for quick prototyping and hackathons

                                                      QuickServ makes creating web applications dangerously easy, no matter what programming language you use. QuickServ is a dependency-free, statically-linked, single-file web server that: Has sensible defaults Prints helpful error messages directly to the console Runs on any modern computer, with no setup or installation Needs no configuration Knows which files to run server-side, and which to serve

                                                        GitHub - jstrieb/quickserv: Dangerously user-friendly web server for quick prototyping and hackathons
                                                      • LiteSpeed Web Server 最新情報 | OSSサポートのOpenStandia™【NRI】

                                                        LiteSpeed Web Server情報 LiteSpeed Web Serverとは 主な特徴 動作環境 LiteSpeed Web Serverのライセンス 製品ダウンロード 参考情報 オープンソース年間サポートサービス LiteSpeed Web Serverとは LiteSpeed Web Serverとは、LiteSpeed Technologies社の開発するApache-httpサーバ互換のwebサーバです。多くのApacheの機能と互換性があるため、同じconfファイルをそのまま使用してApache-httpサーバとドロップインで入れ替え可能です。 Webサーバのシェア統計調査において2023年2月には11.6%のシェアで4番目に多く使用されているwebサーバとなっています。 Webサーバのシェア統計調査 LiteSpeed Web Serverはプロプライエタリなソフ

                                                        • January 2023 Web Server Survey | Netcraft

                                                          In the January 2023 survey we received responses from 1,132,268,801 sites across 270,967,923 unique domains, and 12,156,700 web-facing computers. This reflects a gain of 6,894,269 sites, but a loss of 270,799 domains and 77,725 computers. Within the top million busiest sites, Cloudflare has jumped from 3rd to 1st place — overtaking both Apache and nginx in a single month — its market share increas

                                                            January 2023 Web Server Survey | Netcraft
                                                          • オープンソースで作成する音声認識Web Server -Vol.02 / 開発者向けブログ・イベント | GMO Developers

                                                            1.完成イメージ Web Speech APIと同じ動作をすることを目標とします。ブラウザ上でリアルタイムに音声認識し短文としてウェブページ上に表示します。 Web Speech APIでの実装は下記となります。htmlファイルとして保存しブラウザで起動すれば動作可能です。 ※インターネット環境が必要です。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Web Speech API</title> </head> <body> <h2>Web Speech API</h2> <button id="start_btn">start</button> <button id="stop_btn">stop</button> <small id="status"></small> <h3>Recognition Resul

                                                              オープンソースで作成する音声認識Web Server -Vol.02 / 開発者向けブログ・イベント | GMO Developers
                                                            • GitHub - benpickles/parklife: Render a Rack app (Rails/Sinatra/etc) to a static build so it can be served by Netlify, Now, GitHub Pages, S3, or any other web server.

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                                                                GitHub - benpickles/parklife: Render a Rack app (Rails/Sinatra/etc) to a static build so it can be served by Netlify, Now, GitHub Pages, S3, or any other web server.
                                                              • メイキング - Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server

                                                                この記事について この記事は、先日公開したZenn本Deep Dive into The Go's Web Serverのメイキングです。 「技術記事ってどうやって書いてるの?」というアウトプット初心者の方々に、あくまで私のやり方ではありますが、メイキング情報をお届けできればと思います。 想定読者 Deep Dive into The Go's Web Serverを読んでいなくてもわかるようにはしていますが、読んでいただいた方がより楽しめるかと思います。 書き始めるまで 突然訪れたネタとの出会い 「Goでのhttpサーバーの中身について書こう」というネタが降ってきたのは、前作であるよくわかるcontextの使い方を書いているときでした。 この本はGoでのcontextパッケージの使用用途をまるっとまとめた本なのですが、contextの機能を実際にフルで使っている例(→第9章)として「ht

                                                                  メイキング - Deep Dive into The Go's Web Server
                                                                • JEP 408: Simple Web Server

                                                                  Alex Buckley, Brian Goetz, Chris Hegarty, Daniel Fuchs Summary Provide a command-line tool to start a minimal web server that serves static files only. No CGI or servlet-like functionality is available. This tool will be useful for prototyping, ad-hoc coding, and testing purposes, particularly in educational contexts. Goals Offer an out-of-the-box static HTTP file server with easy setup and minima

                                                                  • PHP Built-in web server で .html 拡張子のファイルでもスクリプトを実行させる設定 | DriftwoodJP

                                                                    router.php を利用する。 Web Server がある環境であれば .htaccess ファイルに設定を加える等の方法で扱えます。

                                                                      PHP Built-in web server で .html 拡張子のファイルでもスクリプトを実行させる設定 | DriftwoodJP
                                                                    • ESP32 Web Server - Arduino IDE | Random Nerd Tutorials

                                                                      In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls outputs (two LEDs) using the Arduino IDE programming environment. The web server is mobile responsive and can be accessed with any device that as a browser on the local network. We’ll show you how to create the web server and how the code works step-by-step. If you want to learn more about the ESP32, read Getting Sta

                                                                        ESP32 Web Server - Arduino IDE | Random Nerd Tutorials
                                                                      • GDB Debugger Adds Support For Debuginfod Web Server - Phoronix

                                                                        Show Your Support: This site is primarily supported by advertisements. Ads are what have allowed this site to be maintained on a daily basis for the past 19+ years. We do our best to ensure only clean, relevant ads are shown, when any nasty ads are detected, we work to remove them ASAP. If you would like to view the site without ads while still supporting our work, please consider our ad-free Phor

                                                                          GDB Debugger Adds Support For Debuginfod Web Server - Phoronix
                                                                        • PHPでWebサーバーを作って高速化に挑戦する!/php-web-server

                                                                          PHPerKaigi 2022 Day2 の LTです。

                                                                          • GitHub - baalimago/wd-41: Web-Development 41, a static web server with live-reload

                                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                              GitHub - baalimago/wd-41: Web-Development 41, a static web server with live-reload
                                                                            • GitHub - abhinavsingh/proxy.py: ⚡ Fast • 🪶 Lightweight • 0️⃣ Dependency • 🔌 Pluggable • 😈 TLS interception • 🔒 DNS-over-HTTPS • 🔥 Poor Man's VPN • ⏪ Reverse & ⏩ Forward • 👮🏿 "Proxy Server" framework • 🌐 "Web Server" framework • ➵ ➶ ➷ ➠ "PubSub" fr

                                                                              # On Macbook Pro M2 2022 ❯ python --version Python 3.11.8 ❯ oha --version oha 1.4.3 ❯ ./benchmark/compare.sh CONCURRENCY: 100 workers, DURATION: 1m, TIMEOUT: 1sec ============================= Benchmarking Proxy.Py Server (pid:75969) running Summary: Success rate: 100.00% Total: 60.0006 secs Slowest: 0.2525 secs Fastest: 0.0002 secs Average: 0.0019 secs Requests/sec: 51667.3774 Total data: 56.17 M

                                                                                GitHub - abhinavsingh/proxy.py: ⚡ Fast • 🪶 Lightweight • 0️⃣ Dependency • 🔌 Pluggable • 😈 TLS interception • 🔒 DNS-over-HTTPS • 🔥 Poor Man's VPN • ⏪ Reverse & ⏩ Forward • 👮🏿 "Proxy Server" framework • 🌐 "Web Server" framework • ➵ ➶ ➷ ➠ "PubSub" fr
                                                                              • Simple Web Server

                                                                                • 佐野元春 - Moto's Web Server

                                                                                  DaisyHeads佐野元春公式モバイル・アプリ ニュース速報、楽曲リスト&歌詞検索を配信中 今すぐダウンロード

                                                                                    佐野元春 - Moto's Web Server