We describe a design for generics in Go inspired by previous work on Featherweight Java by Igarashi, Pierce, and Wadler. Whereas subtyping in Java is nominal, in Go it is structural, and whereas generics in Java are defined via erasure, in Go we use monomorphisation. Although monomorphisation is used widely, we are one of the first to formalise it. Our design also supports a solution to The Expres
■Major 2nd Album『XXL』http://amzn.asia/binCUvk ダウンロードはこちら→ https://okazakitaiiku.lnk.to/xxl_dl ■「MUSIC VIDEO」が「第20回文化庁メディア芸術祭」で「エンターテインメント部門 新人賞」を受賞した岡崎体育×寿司くんコンビが放つ新MV「感情のピクセル」公開! ■岡崎体育オフィシャルサイト:http://okazakitaiiku.com <プロフィール>京都在住の男性ソロプロジェクト。地元のスーパーマーケットで働きながら、自身の出自に因んだ音楽スタイル「盆地テクノ(BASIN TECHNO)」を掲げ、2012年より活動を開始。2016年4月に公開した「ミュージックビデオあるある」を題材にした「MUSIC VIDEO」が大きな話題を呼び、同年5月発売のメジャーデビューアルバム『BASIN
Keynote talk from Erlang USer Conference 2016 http://www.erlang-factory.com/euc2016/ Erlang and Haskell are childhood friends who grew up together. Throughout the years, they have learnt a lot from each other. And just because they have become adults does not mean the learning stops. GHC translates all of Haskell into a tiny but super-expressive intermediate language called Core, does a lot of o
Summary Bryan O'Sullivan presents a case study of a small startup that chose Haskell for its server-side code, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of using Haskell to quickly create a solid solution. Bio Bryan O'Sullivan is an Irish hacker, writer, and entrepreneur who lives in San Francisco. He has written books on leading-edge topics in distributed systems and functional programming, inc
A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for mobile manipulation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain, help with navigation and manipulate objects. This version of Atlas is about 5' 9" tall (about