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japanese only kanjiの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 61件

  • Your code displays Japanese wrong

    A static site to link people to when their code is displaying Japanese wrong. View the Project on GitHub heistak/your-code-displays-japanese-wrong Why am I here? If someone gave you a link to this page, that person probably thinks your code displays Japanese wrong. In short, from a native Japanese eye, yѳur ҭєxҭ lѳѳκs κιnd ѳf lικє ҭЋιs. This page will give you a brief description of the glyph appe

    • ID連携の標準化仕様紹介とセキュアな実装のためのアプローチ ~ 2021 - r-weblife

      おはようございます ritou です。 久々に「解説付きスライド全公開」的なやつをやります。 先月、チーム内でID連携のための標準化仕様に関する勉強会(私が一方的に話す会)を行いました。 が、実際はだいぶグダグダになってしまい、これはその後色々付け足してるうちに別物になってしまった資料です。 内容としては、ID連携のための標準化仕様にどのようなものがあるかを知ってもらうための「入門編」のような立ち位置で作りました。 OpenID Connect(やSAMLのような) ID連携のための標準化仕様を紹介しようと思うと、ついつい個別にシーケンスやリクエスト/レスポンスの説明を始めがちですが、初学者が気になるのはそんな細けぇことではないでしょう。 まずは「この仕様で何ができるようになるのだろう」「この仕様では何を実現したいんだろう」と言うところから理解していくのが良いのではないでしょうか。 そこで

        ID連携の標準化仕様紹介とセキュアな実装のためのアプローチ ~ 2021 - r-weblife
      • How does Chrome decide what to highlight when you double-click Japanese text?

        If you double-click English text in Chrome, the whitespace-delimited word you clicked on is highlighted. This is not surprising. However, the other day I was clicking while reading some text in Japanese and noticed that some words were highlighted at word boundaries, even though Japanese doesn't have spaces. Here's some example text: どこで生れたかとんと見当がつかぬ。何でも薄暗いじめじめした所でニャーニャー泣いていた事だけは記憶している。 For exampl

          How does Chrome decide what to highlight when you double-click Japanese text?
        • 1年とちょっと、英語で後輩指導してみた - Qiita

          この記事はDiverse Advent Calendar 2020の16日目の記事です。 日本語 昨年の記事の続きです。 あれから一年経ちました。え、もう1年? ことのあらまし 昨年、インドから来たエンジニアさんが後輩になりました。 それについては昨年のアドベントカレンダーに書いたので、まずはそちらをお読みください。 2ヶ月間、英語で後輩指導してみた 現在の英語スキル そりゃあメキメキ成長しましたよ! 嘘です、見栄を張りました 昨年に自分が書いた記事と比較すれば間違いなくスキルは伸びていると思います。 昨年よりかはスムーズに文章の読み書きができるようになりましたし、件の後輩さんと英語でおしゃべりするにしてもハードルが低くなった気がしています。 (まあ私の場合は言語に関係なく誰と話すのでも緊張したりするんですねどね、コミュ障なので…) 語彙も増えました whether, I wonder /

            1年とちょっと、英語で後輩指導してみた - Qiita
          • 各方面に配慮した桃次郎と桃子[かくほうめんにはいりょしたももじろうとももこ](順不同)≪ふりがなつき≫【There’s English】

            各方面に配慮した桃次郎と桃子[かくほうめんにはいりょしたももじろうとももこ](順不同)≪ふりがなつき≫【There’s English】 昔々(むかしむかし)、あるところにおじいさんとおばあさん(アルファベット順(じゅん))がおりました。『あるところ』というのは日本(にほん)によく似(に)た異世界(いせかい)であり、現実世界(げんじつせかい)とはいかなる関(かか)わりもありませんでした。おじいさんとおばあさんは仲良(なかよ)く暮(く)らしておりましたが、二人(ふたり)の間(あいだ)には子(こ)どもがいませんでした。 ただし、決(けっ)して子(こ)どもがいないから不幸(ふしあわ)せであったというわけではありませんし、勿論養子(もちろんようし)をもらうという選択肢(せんたくし)もあったのですが、お互(たが)いのライフスタイルを尊重(そんちょう)した結果(けっか)、十分(じゅうぶん)な話(はな)

              各方面に配慮した桃次郎と桃子[かくほうめんにはいりょしたももじろうとももこ](順不同)≪ふりがなつき≫【There’s English】
            • GPT-4を使って「やさしい日本語」へ言い換えてみよう - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog

              この記事は、NTTコミュニケーションズ Advent Calendar 2023 20日目の記事です。 はじめに こんにちは。 コミュニケーション&アプリケーションサービス部の吉仲です。 新卒2年目で、普段はB向け/C向けメールシステムと文書要約APIサービスの開発・運用に関する業務に取り組んでいます。 今回は、昨年から引き続き話題の生成AIのひとつ、大規模言語モデル (LLM: Large Language Model) を題材に、LLMを使って文章を「やさしい」表現へ言い換える例を紹介します。 この記事の内容 この記事では、以下の内容を扱います。 やさしい日本語 言い換え技術とテキスト平易化 LLMを使ったやさしい日本語への言い換え 前半にやさしい日本語、言い換え技術・テキスト平易化について簡単に解説し、後半はLLMによるやさしい日本語への言い換えの例を紹介します。 なお、この記事では

                GPT-4を使って「やさしい日本語」へ言い換えてみよう - NTT Communications Engineers' Blog
              • It’s not wrong that "🤦🏼‍♂️".length == 7

                The string that contains one graphical unit consists of 5 Unicode scalar values. First, there’s a base character that means a person face palming. By default, the person would have a cartoonish yellow color. The next character is an emoji skintone modifier the changes the color of the person’s skin (and, in practice, also the color of the person’s hair). By default, the gender of the person is und

                • haku

                  Haku A toy functional programming language based on literary Japanese. Is Haku for you? Haku lets you write programs that look very much like written Japanese. So you need to be familiar with written Japanese to program in Haku. I have added translations and explanations to the documentation. Haku is an experiment, not a practical programming language. Several of its features are rather contrary.

                  • How Vtuber Fansubs Made Their Own International Communication

                    For the past year and a half, I’ve been living in what some netizens describe as a rabbit hole. That is to say, like so many other people, I’ve been watching Vtubers on YouTube. There’s a lot of reasons behind their massive surge in popularity- for one, people are locked indoors and the YouTube algorithm seems pretty adept at recommending them these clips as part of a standard YouTube binge. Secon

                      How Vtuber Fansubs Made Their Own International Communication
                    • Tokyo subway’s humble duct-tape typographer

                      Tokyo’s cavernous train stations seem to be permanent construction zones. There is always some part or another shrouded in white sheets and skirted by a maze of endlessly shifting temporary paths. Walk the bowels of these stations long enough and you may come across Shuetsu Sato 佐藤修悦. Sixty-five year old Sato san wears a crisp canary yellow uniform, reflective vest and polished white helmet. His j

                        Tokyo subway’s humble duct-tape typographer
                      • Japanese Language support · meilisearch · Discussion #532

                        Japanese Languages support officially supported Current behavior, pointed out issues, and Possible enhancement Language Detection Current behavior Meilisearch Language detection is handled by an external library named whatlang, then, depending on the detected Script and Language, a specialized segmenter and specialized Normalizers are chosen to tokenize the provided text. related to: meilisearch#2

                          Japanese Language support · meilisearch · Discussion #532
                        • Chromium Edgeを眺めている - Qiita

                          概要 メインブラウザをFirefoxとGoogle Chrome(両方同じくらい使っていた)からChromium版MS Edge(Canary)に切り替えた。一か月経過してみて、ネット見てGitHubで何かしてツイートしてGMail使ってYouTube見るくらいなら問題ありつつも快適だと思う。ついでにメモしていたものがあるので公開して、気が向いたら更新する。 追記 まめに更新してきたが、9月から少なくともしばらくは更新されない。 追記 2020-01-15オフィシャルリリース 2019年11月初頭のMSIgnite2019でリリース日が発表された。Dev channel update to 80.0.361.5 is live - Microsoft Tech Community - 1070730のコメント欄によるとChromiumのバージョンは79になる。また、従来のEdge(Edge

                            Chromium Edgeを眺めている - Qiita
                          • Why I Don’t Want to Live in Japan Forever

                            “When are you going to come back and live in Japan again?” “Aren’t you going to work here forever?” “There’s so many opportunities for you there with your background and language skills. I have no idea why you wouldn’t work and live there!” “Japan’s amazing! You should live there permanently!” This post is for me. This is for me to get out all the feelings I inevitably can’t express in less than a

                              Why I Don’t Want to Live in Japan Forever
                            • Please do not implement `Enter key to Submit` behaviors by directly hooking into the raw keypress event.

                              Please do not implement Enter key to Submit behaviors by directly hooking into the raw keypress event. 🙏🏻Last Updated: Oct 05, 2023 Setting the Enter key as a send trigger can make it challenging for Japanese users utilizing Safari to use the form. In Japanese, users compose text using the Enter key to convert into Kanji. If the Enter key is set as the send trigger, the text might be submitted p

                                Please do not implement `Enter key to Submit` behaviors by directly hooking into the raw keypress event.
                              • Requirements for Japanese Text Layout - 日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版)

                                This document describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, SVG and XSL-FO. The document is mainly based on a standard for Japanese layout, JIS X 4051, however, it also addresses areas which are not covered by JIS X 4051. This version integrates errata and links to related materials. この文書は,CSS,SVGおよびXSL-FOなどの技術で実現が求められる一般的な日本語組版の要件を記述したものです.この文書は,主としてJIS X

                                • Unicode is harder than you think · mcilloni's blog

                                  Reading the excellent article by JeanHeyd Meneide on how broken string encoding in C/C++ is made me realise that Unicode is a topic that is often overlooked by a large number of developers. In my experience, there’s a lot of confusion and wrong expectations on what Unicode is, and what best practices to follow when dealing with strings that may contain characters outside of the ASCII range. This a

                                  • Your code displays Japanese wrong | Hacker News

                                    That's extremely interesting, if not depressing.So, if I have to display user-entered text (usernames, posts, comments, messages, form data, etc), and I want to do The Right Thing™: - I cannot rely on user locale, because it might be set to something generic like English, or the user may be bi-lingual. - I cannot rely on location, because the user may be traveling to a different CJK region, or som

                                    • The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language

                                      When I tell people around the world that I've been living in Japan for over a decade, many look both impressed and mystified at once. The place has a good reputation. Some folks are in awe at the temples and the gardens, others at the nature or the food. The extreme tidiness and civility of the local culture are the target of universal admiration. But many of those same people see the local langua

                                        The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language
                                      • How to Celebrate Chinese New Year in Japan 2024

                                        The Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, is normally celebrated around late January till sometime in the end of February. The celebration takes place from the first moon of the year and honors old traditions, customs and superstitions that date back to early Chinese legends. In Japan, although it’s not common to celebrate the Lunar New Year, there are celebrations in the Chukagai (C

                                          How to Celebrate Chinese New Year in Japan 2024
                                        • 日本語書記技術WG報告書(2019年3月31日付)

                                          慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 Advanced Publishing Laboratory 日本語書記技術WG報告書 2019年3月31日 目 次 日本語書記技術 WG の議論の概要… …………………………… 小林龍生…   5 EPUB は Web ではない…………………………………………… 村 田   真… 19 Is EPUB part of the web?… ………………………………… Florian Rivoal… 23 リフロー可能なドキュメント環境とは………………………… 木田泰夫… 29 簡便な行組版ルール(案) … ……………………………………… 小 林   敏… 35 読み効率を高める日本語電子リーダー設計の試み…………… 小林潤平… 49 組版についてのアクセシビリティ要件………………………… 村 田   真… 57 ルビの簡便な配置ルール(案) … ………………………

                                          • Types of Employment Contracts in Japan: A Guide to Seishain and Haken Contracts, among others

                                            Understanding the types of Japanese employment contracts and lingo is an essential prerequisite to a successful job hunt in Japan. Understanding Seishian and Haken contracts is essential before you move to Japan. The reason is if a foreigner is finding a job from overseas, the offered employment contract would generally be a Seishain or Haken. Foreigners new to Japan often wonder what is a ‘Seisha

                                              Types of Employment Contracts in Japan: A Guide to Seishain and Haken Contracts, among others
                                            • Inside Hiragino: Hiragino Shock and Apple Publishing Glyph Set

                                              The Hiragino fonts in OS X The transition to Mac OS X [macOS X] was a very interesting time for the Japanese publishing industry. In his first official appearance in Japan after returning to Apple, Steve Jobs turned the publishing industry on its head when he announced at MacWorld Tokyo 2000 that Apple would bundle professional Japanese fonts licensed from Dainippon Screen with extended character

                                              • The careful cultivation and localization of Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin

                                                If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. The careful cultivation and localization of Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Edelweiss and XSeed discuss the historical Japanese roots of the in-depth rice farming sim, and the challenges of bringing it West The research developer Edelweiss conducted in order to make Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin included t

                                                  The careful cultivation and localization of Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
                                                • What Digital Product Designers can learn from the Japanese Culture

                                                  When it comes to navigating digital complexity and drawing inspiration from the traditional culture, the Japanese know exactly what they are doing. We wanted to discover what we, as Scandinavian designers, could learn from Japanese design and culture. So we from Design Matters, spent five days in Tokyo to find new perspectives on digital design. Written by Giorgia Lombardo, Head of Brand and Commu

                                                    What Digital Product Designers can learn from the Japanese Culture
                                                  • Useful Common Japanese Phrases and Words

                                                    Knowing the basic Japanese phrases commonly used in daily communication is extremely helpful if you plan to stay in Japan. These phrases will be handy even if you visit Japan, especially for business. Most of these common Japanese phrases for day-to-day conversation are not just for communication but reflect the deep-rooted cultural values of Japanese society. Therefore, learning and using these p

                                                      Useful Common Japanese Phrases and Words
                                                    • Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo

                                                      Whether you plan to visit Tokyo as a tourist, for business, or to live there, this insider’s guide to Tokyo is for you. As an insider living in Tokyo for a long, I will let you know about the places and activities that a tourist should not miss while planning to discover Tokyo. Tokyo: A City with Things to Do for Every Age Group and Taste Tokyo, being the largest metropolis by population and havin

                                                        Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo
                                                      • Akiya in Japan: How to Buy Cheap Abandoned Houses

                                                        We have long heard that houses in Japan are expensive. Then, all of a sudden, someone tells you that you can buy a cheap house in Japan. Imagine the waves such a statement will cause. The same thing happened with the Akiya phenomenon in Japan. Akiya, or abandoned cheap houses, has always existed in Japan. However, lately, this has become a buzzword, especially among foreigners, both in and out of

                                                          Akiya in Japan: How to Buy Cheap Abandoned Houses
                                                        • 51 Most Common Kanji Radicals for Jōyō Kanji and Their Meanings

                                                          Kanji radicals, often termed “部首” (bushu) in Japanese, are kanji characters’ foundational components or building blocks. Therefore, these elemental parts are essential clues to a kanji’s meaning or pronunciation. Moreover, these common Kanji radicals offer a systematic way to categorize and recall the vast characters. By remembering these most common Kanji radicals and their meanings, one gains in

                                                            51 Most Common Kanji Radicals for Jōyō Kanji and Their Meanings
                                                          • Living in Kyoto - 2023 Guide

                                                            The old capital city of Kyoto is famous as the center of history and traditional Japanese culture. The city draws in many tourists from all over the world. Tourists marvel at the ancient temples, experience the tranquil gardens, and explore the scenic districts. Kyoto Prefecture is more refined and undoubtedly slower-paced than Tokyo or even Osaka. Therefore, its unique lifestyle makes Kyoto a ref

                                                              Living in Kyoto - 2023 Guide
                                                            • Kanji for Country: 国 (Kuni, Koku)

                                                              国 is the Kanji for “country” in Japanese. The pronunciation of the Kanji 国 is “kuni” (くに) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “koku” (コク) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). The Kanji 国 is constructed with 8 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N5 syllabus (please check the list of JLPT N5 Kanji). In Japanese schools, this Kanji is taught in grade 2. This is an easy-to-remember Kanji with a

                                                                Kanji for Country: 国 (Kuni, Koku)
                                                              • The Best Souvenirs in Japan

                                                                Wasabi snacks Wasabi has become more common overseas as Japanese restaurants have spread around the globe. Most commonly known as a condiment for sushi and sashimi, this horseradish-like root is made into a paste that can be used in many ways. These days, Japan is producing many wasabi-flavored snacks. Nuts, peas, rice crackers, candies, chips and so on. In the Shizuoka and Kanto area, you can eve

                                                                  The Best Souvenirs in Japan
                                                                • Kanji for 'Before' or "In Front Of": 前 (Mae)

                                                                  The Japanese kanji for “before” or “In front of” is 前 (mae). The pronunciation of the Kanji 前 is “mae” (まえ) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “zen” (ゼン) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). The shape of this kanji is rather simple, and its shape has a clear origin. However, the pronunciations can change based on the word the kanji is used in. The Kanji 前 is constructed with 9 strokes. This Kanji

                                                                    Kanji for 'Before' or "In Front Of": 前 (Mae)
                                                                  • Kanji for Long: 長 (Naga-i)

                                                                    The Japanese kanji for “Long” is 長. The pronunciation of the Kanji 長 is “naga-i” (なが-い) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “chou” (チョウ) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). However, the Kanji 長 is also pronounced as “osa” (おさ) in it’s Japanese reading. The reading “osa” is for words when this Kanji extends its meaning from long to mean the head of a group, chief, leader, elder, the greatest of al

                                                                      Kanji for Long: 長 (Naga-i)
                                                                    • Kanji for Temple: 寺 (Tera)

                                                                      The Japanese Kanji for “temple” is 寺. The Kunyomi or the Japanese pronunciation of the Kanji 寺 is tera (てら), and the Onyomi (Chinese) pronunciation is ji (ジ). Temple’s Kanji is part of JLPT N2 and is taught in grade 2 in Japanese schools. Origin of Shape 寺 Temple’s Kanji 寺 is constructed with 6 strokes. At first glance, the construction of the Kanji 寺 seems to have two Kanji characters as follows:

                                                                        Kanji for Temple: 寺 (Tera)
                                                                      • Common Greetings in Japanese - Learn how to greet your friends, family, and colleagues

                                                                        Learning and knowing the common greetings of any language is the first step of not only learning the language. Let us discuss the common Japanese greetings and their origins which will help you not only in interacting with the natives and integrating with the society. Learning Japanese is difficult for English speakers. The grammar rules are completely different from English, and kanji seems nearl

                                                                          Common Greetings in Japanese - Learn how to greet your friends, family, and colleagues
                                                                        • Kanji for Mountain: 山 ("Yama" or "San")

                                                                          The kanji for “mountain” in Japanese is 山. The Kunyomi, or the Japanese pronunciation of the Kanji 山 is yama (やま). The Onyomi (Chinese) pronunciation of this Kanji is san (サン), when used in compound words like “Fujisan” (Mt. Fuji) or “Hakusan” (Mt. Haku). The onyomi, or Chinese reading, is “san” or “zan.” Mountain’s Kanji is constructed with 3 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N5 syllabus

                                                                            Kanji for Mountain: 山 ("Yama" or "San")
                                                                          • Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby

                                                                            Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby W3C First Public Working Draft 09 June 2020 This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-simple-ruby-20200609/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/simple-ruby/ Latest editor's draft:https://w3c.github.io/simple-ruby/ Editors: Florian Rivoal (Invited Expert) Atsushi Shimono (W3C) Richard Ishida (W3C) Author: Toshi Kobayashi Participate: GitHub

                                                                            • Kanji for "Gold" and "Money": 金 (kin / kane)

                                                                              The Japanese Kanji for “Gold” is 金. Moreover, because of the historical and practical associations between the precious metal (Gold) and monetary systems, the Kanji 金 also means “money.” However, the primary meaning of 金 is “metal” in general though it denotes the metal gold more specifically. The kun’yomi (Japanese reading) pronunciations of the Kanji 金 are “kane” (かね) and “kana” (かな), and the on

                                                                                Kanji for "Gold" and "Money": 金 (kin / kane)
                                                                              • Transportation in Japan: An Intro to Travel in Japan

                                                                                Public transportation in Japan is often lauded as being some of the best in the world. With its small size and extensive web of efficient transport systems, including the bullet trains (Shinkansen), Japan is undoubtedly one of the world’s easiest places to travel! However, while relying solely on the incredible bullet trains is tempting, you’ll potentially miss out on traveling while enjoying the

                                                                                  Transportation in Japan: An Intro to Travel in Japan
                                                                                • Take A Look At The Unique And Amazing Japanese Culture, Some Of Which Are Similar To Indonesia

                                                                                  Take A Look At The Unique And Amazing Japanese Culture, Some Of Which Are Similar To Indonesia JAKARTA - Japan is famous for its amazing customs and culture. This culture is believed to be the reason why Japan is very advanced in terms of technology and human resources. Because of its popularity, the culture of Japanese society has been adapted by many other countries. Japanese culture is spread m

                                                                                    Take A Look At The Unique And Amazing Japanese Culture, Some Of Which Are Similar To Indonesia