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  • The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog

    On the 11th of January 1982 twenty-two computer scientists met to discuss an issue with ‘computer mail’ (now known as email). Attendees included the guy who would create Sun Microsystems, the guy who made Zork, the NTP guy, and the guy who convinced the government to pay for Unix. The problem was simple: there were 455 hosts on the ARPANET and the situation was getting out of control. This issue w

      The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog
    • Building LLM applications for production

      [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

        Building LLM applications for production
      • ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムの2010-2022年のまとめ - 音楽だいすきクラブ

        「ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバム」の過去13年分*1と番外編の記録をまとめました。各年の記事のリンク、及びベストアルバムのジャケットとベスト50の記録をまとめてあります。また番外編の企画の記録もまとめました。長いので目次もつけました。企画の変化について若干の説明も書いてあります。また記事の終わりには各年のデータも用意しました。ぜひお使いください。 ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムとは? 音楽オタクとは? 2010-2012年 国内のみ アーカイブ 2010年 andymori『ファンファーレと熱狂』 2011年 坂本慎太郎『幻とのつきあい方』 2012年 くるり『坩堝の電圧』 2013-2015年 国内のみ 2013年 Perfume『LEVEL3』 2014年 くるり『THE PIER』 2015年 cero『Obscure Ride』 2016年以降 国内外混合 20

          ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムの2010-2022年のまとめ - 音楽だいすきクラブ
        • The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

          My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone

            The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
          • GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy | Jay Mody

            January 30, 2023 In this post, we'll implement a GPT from scratch in just 60 lines of numpy. We'll then load the trained GPT-2 model weights released by OpenAI into our implementation and generate some text. Note: This post assumes familiarity with Python, NumPy, and some basic experience training neural networks. This implementation is missing tons of features on purpose to keep it as simple as p

            • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

              Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
              • What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

                Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. The pace of improvements in LLMs, coupled with a parade of demos on social media, will fuel an estimated $200B

                  What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)
                • Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

                  I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was. And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with. I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least t

                  • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                    Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                      The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                    • 『君の名は。』への評がいかに快挙か;訳文と感想(ネットで読めるグレッグ・イーガン氏の映画・創作観) - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

                      録り貯めたお正月の特番を消化しているかたのなかには、3が日に地上波初放送された『天気の子』や8日新年一発目の『金曜ロードSHOW!』神木隆之介さんなど豪華吹替キャストによる『パラサイト』をご覧のかたもいらっしゃるんじゃないでしょうか? 今回の記事は、そんな新海誠監督の前作で神木氏主演『君の名は。』にたいするグレッグ・イーガン氏の評価がいかにすごいか、氏のインタビューやエッセイ(『Avatar Review(「アバター」批評)』『No Intelligence Required Her, Ex Machina and Interstellar(知性は不要――「her/世界でひとつの彼女」、「エクス・マキナ」そして「インターステラー」にとって)』)などを勝手に訳して、氏の映画観・創作観と比べることで確かめてみようという感じのやつです。 訳文本文7700字{2230字+5529字(原文730語+

                        『君の名は。』への評がいかに快挙か;訳文と感想(ネットで読めるグレッグ・イーガン氏の映画・創作観) - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
                      • WebKit Features in Safari 17.4

                        Just like Safari 15.4 and Safari 16.4, this March’s release of Safari 17.4 is a significant one for web developers. We’re proud to announce another 46 features and 146 bug fixes. You can experience Safari 17.4 on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS Sonoma 14.4, macOS Ventura, macOS Monterey, and in visionOS 1.1. Architectural improvements It’s always exciting to ship new features that you can use while b

                          WebKit Features in Safari 17.4
                        • Cheating is All You Need

                          Heya. Sorry for not writing for so long. I’ll make up for it with 3000 pages here. I’m just hopping right now. That’s kinda the only way to get me to blog anymore. I’ve rewritten this post so many times. It’s about AI. But AI is changing so fast that the post is out of date within a few days. So screw it. I’m busting this version out in one sitting. (Spoiler alert: There’s some Sourcegraph stuff a

                            Cheating is All You Need
                          • FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog

                            These last two sometimes are referred to as "8 bit" or "10 bit" respectively, especially when talking about videos. That means 8/10 bits per single color channel. TransparencySome image formats support an additional channel together with the red, green, and blue components: the alpha channel. The alpha channel determines how transparent a single pixel is, and it can have different bit-depths, it i

                              FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
                            • Confessions of an Ex Philosopher - リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology

                              Confessions of an Ex Philosopher 元哲学者の告白 To begin with, I have yet to ask the author for the translation permission as the article was written anonymously. If any request arises to retract this translation by the author or anyone concerned, I hereby promise that I will do so as immediately as possible. 初めに、私はこの記事の著者に翻訳許可を得ていません。記事が匿名で書かれていたためです。もしも、著者及びその関係者からこの翻訳を取り下げるよう要請があれば、可能な限りすぐにそうすると、ここに私は

                                Confessions of an Ex Philosopher - リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology
                              • h1-h4 [更新済み].ai

                                International Planning Division, International Affairs Department, NagoyaUniversity 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 157 158 159 164 166 167 170 171 176 177 178 179 180 1 1

                                • Twitter, cut in half

                                  “Elon Musk holding a chainsaw,” Stable Diffusion I. The Snap The email went out at 5:21 PT PT on Thursday. For a full week, Twitter employees had waited in hopes of hearing something directly from their new owner. Instead, they had heard only from Elon Musk’s intermediaries, and even then usually not directly. Managers would share some strange new edict — print out your code; scratch that, now shr

                                    Twitter, cut in half
                                  • Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products

                                    Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products [ llm engineering production 🔥 ] · 66 min read Discussions on HackerNews, Twitter, and LinkedIn “There is a large class of problems that are easy to imagine and build demos for, but extremely hard to make products out of. For example, self-driving: It’s easy to demo a car self-driving around a block, but making it into a product takes a decade.”

                                      Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products
                                    • The Lumpenbourgeoisie

                                      There’s a scene in the Norwegian movie The Worst Person In the World in which one of the main characters, a comic book artist, is being interviewed on TV about his early work. The interview quickly turns into an inquisition. The comic that had made the middle-aged artist famous decades before was classic 90s-style underground pop culture: raunchy, rude, vulgar, obscene, and deliberately offensive,

                                        The Lumpenbourgeoisie
                                      • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

                                        The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

                                          The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
                                        • The part of PostgreSQL we hate the most | OtterTune

                                          There are a lot of choices in databases (897 as of April 2023). With so many systems, it’s hard to know what to pick! But there is an interesting phenomenon where the Internet collectively decides on the default choice for new applications. In the 2000s, the conventional wisdom selected MySQL because rising tech stars like Google and Facebook were using it. Then in the 2010s, it was MongoDB becaus

                                            The part of PostgreSQL we hate the most | OtterTune
                                          • Shinichiro Watanabe On Making ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And What He Thinks Of The Live-Action Adaptation

                                            Moving to Tokyo, Watanabe went to work at Sunrise and met Ryosuke Takahashi, who took a shine to him. However, he wasn’t expecting such a formal dress code for the examination. “I went and took the entrance examination at Sunrise. I assumed it was a fairly casual type of industry, so I turned up in a t-shirt and some jeans. Whereas everyone else was in a suit, which was a bit of a shock. There als

                                              Shinichiro Watanabe On Making ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And What He Thinks Of The Live-Action Adaptation
                                            • Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate

                                              Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 1665 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 21 Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac ProNick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac FreeI discovered it took a lot of discipline to stay on track but after making such an effort for the week I will find it difficult to go back to the way I was before. The sustainable living p

                                                Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate
                                              • A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine

                                                In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered CSS Auditing Tools and CSS Generators, and this time we look into reliable accessible components: from tabs and tables to toggles and tooltips. Table of ContentsBelow you’ll find an alphabetical list of all accessible components. Skip the table of contents, or j

                                                  A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine
                                                • Thinking Fast and Slow – Replicability-Index

                                                  2011 was an important year in the history of psychology, especially social psychology. First, it became apparent that one social psychologist had faked results for dozens of publications (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diederik_Stapel). Second, a highly respected journal published an article with the incredible claim that humans can foresee random events in the future, if they are presented without

                                                    Thinking Fast and Slow – Replicability-Index
                                                  • Make Something Wonderful | Steve Jobs

                                                    Make Something WonderfulSteve Jobs in his own wordsThere’s lots of ways to be, as a person. And some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there. And you never meet the people. You never shake their hands. You never hear their story or tell

                                                      Make Something Wonderful | Steve Jobs
                                                    • Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine

                                                      I have read from Unity Blog long time ago that talks about project stripping, explaining reproduce steps, making it easier for the QA team to make it... It's scary. If you are Unity devs, you know the feeling of checking Unity Hub every morning for update, and hope that it will randomly fix your years old bug, while introducing the less amount of new bugs as possible. It really make you sweats ner

                                                        Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine
                                                      • Definitely Typed: The Movie | johnnyreilly

                                                        OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET This post is a a little different from most that sit on my site. It's the story of the Definitely Typed project, of which I was an early member. It had a seismic impact on the development of TypeScript. When exchanging messages with Andrew Branch (member of the TypeScipt team), I realised it was an untold story, and perhaps I should tell it, b

                                                          Definitely Typed: The Movie | johnnyreilly
                                                        • 映画『るろうに剣心 最終章 The Final』感想。新田真剣佑というただの雪代縁 - 社会の独房から

                                                          新田真剣佑といえば筋肉である。鍛え抜かれたマッスルである。 それなのに彼の甘いマスクばかり注目され、演じる役もその方向ばかり。 眼鏡の貧弱キャラとか、頭脳派キャラとか。 何か違う。甘いマスクも素晴らしいが、それだけでは彼の魅力がイマイチ引き出せてない気がしてならない。クソクソ叩かれた実写『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』でも虹村億泰役に新田真剣佑を選んだのは偉かった。 『カイジ ファイナルゲーム』では内気な性格で顔も今にも泣きそうな表情をしているのに着ているスーツは筋肉であまりにもぴっちぴち過ぎて、「これ後半で怒りと共に筋肉が盛り上がって服が破れる描写あるな」と思ってたのにそんなことなく作品が終わってしまい悲しくなってしまった。 そりゃ、新田真剣佑も日本ではなく海外を拠点に活動を始める訳である。 比較的細身の男性が好まれる日本より「海外行くなら筋肉持ってけ」という古来からの諺があるほど海外では逞しい

                                                            映画『るろうに剣心 最終章 The Final』感想。新田真剣佑というただの雪代縁 - 社会の独房から
                                                          • 【2010年代】アニメ円盤売上ランキング早見表!(2010年冬~2019年秋、映画・OVA・配信も) - 同じ穴の貉 | たゆすとのゲーム・アニメブログ

                                                            タイトル通り、2010年代(2010年~2019年)における「アニメの円盤売上」を一覧のランキング形式でまとめてみた。 ランキングはクールごとに分けてあり、データが獲得できた範囲で映画・OVA・配信の売上も別枠で記載してある。 ランキングの注意事項 売上の数字は”巻平均”(全巻の累計売上を足し、巻数で割った数) 売上が計測不能の作品はランク外ということで除外 「※」は詳しいデータを入手できなかったため、最低限これだけは売れているという数字 データはアニメDVD・BD売り上げ一覧表まとめWikiを参考 お探しの作品がランキングに無かったら、売上の数字が出なかったんだと思っておいてほしい。 じゃあ早速アニメの円盤売上ランキングを見て行こうか!…と言いたいところだが。 その前にまずは、アニメ円盤売上のデータを見て行くうえでの基礎知識を。 はやくランキングを見せろ 円盤とは? アニメ”円盤”の基礎

                                                              【2010年代】アニメ円盤売上ランキング早見表!(2010年冬~2019年秋、映画・OVA・配信も) - 同じ穴の貉 | たゆすとのゲーム・アニメブログ
                                                            • Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment

                                                              by Hugo Barra (former Head of Oculus at Meta) Friends and colleagues have been asking me to share my perspective on the Apple Vision Pro as a product. Inspired by my dear friend Matt Mullenweg’s 40th post, I decided to put pen to paper. This started as a blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier

                                                                Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment
                                                              • Why I Don’t Want to Live in Japan Forever

                                                                “When are you going to come back and live in Japan again?” “Aren’t you going to work here forever?” “There’s so many opportunities for you there with your background and language skills. I have no idea why you wouldn’t work and live there!” “Japan’s amazing! You should live there permanently!” This post is for me. This is for me to get out all the feelings I inevitably can’t express in less than a

                                                                  Why I Don’t Want to Live in Japan Forever
                                                                • Why Obama Fears for Our Democracy

                                                                  Painting: JORDAN CASTEEL, BARACK, 2020. OIL ON CANVAS, 30 x 45”. COURTESY THE ARTIST AND CASEY KAPLAN, NEW YORK. Barack Obama was describing to me the manner in which the Mongol emperor and war-crimes innovator Genghis Khan would besiege a town. “They gave you two choices,” he said. “‘If you open the gates, we’ll just kill you quickly and take your women and enslave your children, but we won’t sla

                                                                    Why Obama Fears for Our Democracy
                                                                  • The rise and fall of D&D in Japan

                                                                    In 1985, Dungeons & Dragons (hereafter referred to as D&D) exploded onto the scene in Japan, achieving massive popularity. The Japanese version of the Basic Rule Set (known as the “red box”) sold an impressive 100,000 copies in its first year. The following year, the gaming magazine “Comptiq” published a series of articles titled _D&D Magazine Live: Record of Lodoss War Replay_, which presented a

                                                                      The rise and fall of D&D in Japan
                                                                    • Disney Censors Same-Sex Affection in Pixar Films, According to Letter From Employees

                                                                      Disney Censors Same-Sex Affection in Pixar Films, According to Letter From Employees In a statement attributed to “the LGBTQIA+ employees of Pixar, and their allies” obtained by Variety, employees of the animation studio allege that Disney corporate executives have demanded cuts from “nearly every moment of overtly gay affection… regardless of when there is protest from both the creative teams and

                                                                        Disney Censors Same-Sex Affection in Pixar Films, According to Letter From Employees
                                                                      • Paul Le Roux - Wikipedia

                                                                        Early life[edit] Le Roux was born on 24 December 1972, at Lady Rodwell Maternity Home in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and given up for adoption. His birth certificate gives his first name as "unknown" and makes no mention of his father.[4][6][7] His biological mother's identity has not been disclosed; one source claims she was a poor teenager, while another states that his maternal grandmother was married t

                                                                          Paul Le Roux - Wikipedia
                                                                        • How Netflix Really Uses Java

                                                                          Transcript Bakker: I'm going to talk about how Netflix is really using Java. You probably know that Netflix is really just about RxJava microservices, with Hystrix and Spring Cloud. Really, Chaos Monkeys are just running the show. I'm only half getting here because a few years ago, this was actually mostly true, maybe except the Chaos Monkeys. This stack was something that we were building on in t

                                                                            How Netflix Really Uses Java
                                                                          • Youtube Video Converter Mp3 Free Download For Mac

                                                                            Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 4539 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 9 Convert YouTube videos to MP4, MP3 in HD with our YouTube Converter and Downloader. No software download needed. Easy, fast and free! To search the Internet, YouTube to MP3 converters are everywhere, but there are few ones that can download and convert YouTube to FLAC on Mac and Windows.Free Download Online Videos in Click

                                                                              Youtube Video Converter Mp3 Free Download For Mac
                                                                            • Yoko Kanno On Her Music For ‘Escaflowne’, ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And Letting Her Imagination Run Free

                                                                              'Macross Plus' was one of Yoko Kano's earliest and formative productions. Big West “When I left Yamaha, at around 9 or 10 years old, I started to learn under a proper piano teacher. However, they were located in the neighboring prefecture, so it took about 3 hours to get there. As I was learning piano, a big part of that was learning about harmony but I didn't seem to pay much attention to that at

                                                                                Yoko Kanno On Her Music For ‘Escaflowne’, ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And Letting Her Imagination Run Free
                                                                              • Database Fundamentals

                                                                                About a year ago, I tried thinking which database I should choose for my next project, and came to the realization that I don't really know the differences of databases enough. I went to different database websites and saw mostly marketing and words I don't understand. This is when I decided to read the excellent books Database Internals by Alex Petrov and Designing Data-Intensive Applications by

                                                                                • Today, the Trident Era Ends

                                                                                  When I was a child, I was always fascinated by stories about ancient civilizations. I devoured books about Atlantis, or the story of Heinrich Schliemann's discovery of Troy, stories about the Greek, the Romans, the Inca Empire, or Ancient Egypt. And I was always fascinated by the extent of their capabilities in the fields of astronomy, math, and medicine, their incredible achievements, like buildi

                                                                                    Today, the Trident Era Ends