WEB制作で必ずと言っていいほど登場するものの1つに「見出し」があります。 そこで今回は、CSSだけで作られている見出しの中でも、実用性が高いものやCSSの最新要素を使ったものを厳選してご紹介します。コピペで簡単に実装できるので、是非使ってみてください。 飾り付きの見出し 擬似要素before、afterを使って飾りをつける見出しです。beforeとafterのcontentプロパティを変更すれば、☆や♡にすることもできます。 同じくbefore、afterを使うパターンです。transformプロパティで斜めにした長方形と長方形を重ねることで三角形を作っています。 beforeとafterを使ったシンプルな見出しです。ボーダーを指定した擬似要素の位置をpositionプロパティで指定しています。 ボーダーがある見出し キャプション付きの見出しです。シンプルなので使いやすいですが、レスポン
Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and more... Video style walkthroughs showing cool stuff being created from scratch
CSS3を使った画像のエフェクトやスタイリングについて、思いつく限り一挙にまとめてみました。 たくさん画像を扱うサイトなどを作る際に、CSSでできる表現のカタログとして使ってもらえたらと思います。 ※ 2/24 「2. めくれた風」を書き忘れていたので追記しました 目次 1. シャドウ 2. めくれた風 3. トイカメラ風トンネル効果 4. カラー調整 5. 回転 6. 角丸 7. 楕円のフレーム 8. 円のフレーム 9. 三角形フレーム 10. 重なった風 11. ぼかし 12. フェード(シャドウ編) 13. フェード(グラデーション編) 14. 反射 15. リボン 16. 差し込んだ風 17. フレームだけを傾ける 18. 半透明フレーム まとめ ※ 実際の表示はこちらから確認できます。 ※ この記事で掲載しているCSSは、シンプルにするためにベンダープリフィックスを付けていません
Pricing Tables Simple responsive pricing tables, in 3 different styles and with a bouncy animation while switching to different plans. A ready-to-use pricing table is one of those resources to have in our toolbox. They are not particular challenging in terms of design and user experience, yet they represent a key section of our web page: it's where the potential client takes action. We put togethe
An animated perspective mockup slideshow with 3D transforms based on the computations made with the help of Franklin Ta’s script. A while back, Franklin Ta wrote an article and made a really useful script for transforming an element in 3D in order to fit in a perspective mockup. In his article, he describes how the helper script can be used to create a 3D matrix transformation for embedding an ifr
A CSS button library built with Sass & CompassDownloadCustomize Buttons 2.0 is coming soon!Enter your email to get notified when it launches! Follow @unicornuirocksTweetFlat Buttonspress me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me press me Glo
3D Animated Mockup A simple template to showcase your application features through a smooth 3d animation, powered by CSS and jQuery. With CSS 3D transformations supported by most modern browsers nowadays, we can enrich our web projects with powerful animations, and be confident most users will enjoy the full experience. Today's template is just an example of how to turn a flat app screen into a 3D
Last year I created a demo showing how CSS 3D transforms could be used to create 3D environments. The demo was a technical showcase of what could be achieved with CSS at the time but I wanted to see how far I could push things, so over the past few months I’ve been working on a new version with more complex models, realistic lighting, shadows and collision detection. This post documents how I did
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. CSS is capable of making all sorts of shapes. Squares and rectangles are easy, as they are the natural shapes of the web. Add a width and height and you have the exact size rectangle you need. Add border-radius and you can round that shape, and enough of it you can turn those rectangles into circle
Why A Single Div? In May of 2013 I attended CSSConf and saw Lea Verou speak about the humble border-radius. It was an eye-opening talk and I realized there was much about CSS behavior I did not fully understand. This reminded me of my time as a fine arts student where I was constantly pushed to become a master of my chosen medium. As a web designer, CSS is my medium and so I challenged myself to l
Web browsers let you customize the look of most aspects of a page using CSS. But when rendering some page elements, web browsers are resistant to your styling efforts. For example, form elements like select menus, radio buttons and checkboxes have a certain look for each operating system, and browsers try to enforce that look in web forms. Web browsers also dictate the way that bulleted and number
Points Of Interest Use this resource to highlight the points of interest of your products. Just a click to open a brief description of each point, allowing your user to get a deep and fast understanding of your product features. Let's say you want to showcase the best features of your new app, and you want users to learn what your app is capable of right from the design screens. A possible approac