GitBook brings all your technical knowledge together in a single, centralized knowledge base. So you can access and add to it in the tools you use every day — using code, text or even your voice.
A relevant ad will be displayed here soon. These ads help pay for my hosting. Please consider disabling your ad blocker on Pony Foo. These ads help pay for my hosting. We’ve already covered the different techniques you could use to vastly improve the performance of your front-end applications, their page load time, and the perceived performance (determined by the moment when the human can start in
Following on from our recent blog post about SVG Sprites which gave an introduction and overview to using SVGs in a sprite, this post will outline the processes and tools we use for creating and using an SVG Sprite at Liquid Light. Creating and maintaining large SVG sprites can be cumbersome and time consuming, so we decided to automate the process. Rather than managing a single large SVG sprite a
gulpで使うプラグインやnpmモジュールをピックアップ 更新履歴 2016-03-11 更新 2014-07-25 gulp-bower-files がdeprecateされていた。代替は main-bower-files 2014-07-24 gulp-connect がdeprecateされた。代替は後継の gulp-webserver 2014-06-29 gulp-clean の箇所を修正(shinnn様にご指摘いただきました。感謝!m(_ _)m) 今は使わない方が良いプラグインリスト - gulpjs/plugins - github ↑要チェック。この記事には未反映 Webサーバー、ユーティリティ browser-sync Webサーバー/ライブリロード gulp-webserver Webサーバー/ライブリロード ※browser-syncに乗り換えた gulp-conn
Explorations In Automatically Fixing JavaScript Linting-errors September 30, 2014 Linting is a common step in our JavaScript iteration workflow. Most developers probably use JSHint (or ESLint) for this purpose. However, when a tool is capable of informing you of linting issues, the next logical question is..why can't it fix these issues for us? Is this taking automation too far, or a logical compl
Presented at, September 2014. Video: You've learned the concepts, now meet the tools. High-performance sites need to feel instant and deliver the goods in < 1000ms. In this talk, learn about the bleeding edge tools that can automate keeping your CSS on the fast path. Automate generating critical-path CSS, removing unused CSS, discovering dupli
Time-saving synchronised browser testing. It’s wicked-fast and totally free. npm install -g browser-sync Get Started Your indispensable test assistant. With each web page, device and browser, testing time grows exponentially. From live reloads to URL pushing, form replication to click mirroring, Browsersync cuts out repetitive manual tasks. It’s like an extra pair of hands. Customise an array of s