
ブックマーク / www.scientificamerican.com (1)

  • How a New Father's Brain Changes

    The birth of a child leaves its mark on the brain. Most investigations of these changes have focused on mothers, but scientists have recently begun looking more closely at fathers. Neural circuits that support parental behaviors appear more robust in moms a few weeks after the baby is born, whereas in dads the growth can take several months. A study in Social Neuroscience analyzed 16 dads several

    How a New Father's Brain Changes
    stealthinu 2017/06/21
    子どもができると身軽じゃなくなるからどうしても保守的になるよね、と思ってたが、脳自体も子どもが出来たことで変質するのか… やっぱ結局はDNAの乗り物にすぎないのだなあ。
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