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批評ベーシックと批評で英会話に関するsuiyoのブックマーク (1)

  • Takaaki Yoshimoto - Wikipedia

    Takaaki Yoshimoto (吉 隆明, Yoshimoto Takaaki, 25 November 1924 – 16 March 2012), also known as Ryūmei Yoshimoto, was a Japanese poet, philosopher, and literary critic. As a philosopher, he is remembered as a founding figure in the emergence of the New Left in Japan, and as a critic, he was at the forefront of a movement to force writers to confront their responsibility as wartime collaborators. Yos

    Takaaki Yoshimoto - Wikipedia
    suiyo 2012/01/15
    Yoshimoto, who had pursued a theory of war responsibility of the literati, supported the movement against the 1960 ANPO treaty as an expression of the contradictions of the postwar order fifteen years after the end of the war.
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