はじめに 前回のデモで iPad と HoloLens を OSC で通信しようとした際に通信周りが面倒だったのでまとめておきます。 tips.hecomi.com ちなみに OSC はアドレス付きのデータを扱えるプロトコルで、UDP ベースのものがよく使われます。 OpenSound Control - Wikipedia Open Sound Control - Oss4art 薄いプロトコルなので速いですし、生の UDP よりもアドレスや型情報がついている分、圧倒的に使いやすいのでオススメです。 デモ 前回の一例ですが、ここではタッチ座標を iPad から OSC で送信して、それを HoloLens 側で受け取って、その位置に線を描く、というものになっています。 概要 Unity では System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient クラスを利用して簡単に UDP 通信が
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? iOS 11から利用できるようになるARKitについて概要をまとめます。この記事では概念や機能として何ができて何が難しいのかを書いているので、エンジニアのみならずサービスや企画を考える方にも参考になるかもしれません。具体的なUnityでの実装方法は別途記事を書く予定です。 注意点: Unity ARKit Pluginに基づいた情報のため、iOSのネイティブコードでARKitを直接利用する場合とは異なる部分があるかもしれません。 情報は2017/06/17時点のものです。 サマリー ARKitができる事 ポジショントラッキング 平面検出
SMI Eye Tracking Glasses, the eye tracking glasses by SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH (SMI), are a mobile eye tracker and a powerful gaze tracking device for mobile eye tracking studies in real-world research.SMI Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0: More applications, more possibilities Since its launch, SMI Eye Tracking Glasses have revolutionized the way consumer researchers, sports scientists, usability ex
An Augmented Reality System and its Calibration based on Marker Tracking Hirokazu Kato*1 , Mark Billinghurst*2 , Koichi Asano*1 and Keihachiro Tachibana*1 Abstract - We describe a fiducial marker tracking method for an augmented reality system. Square markers are used for fast precise registration and a camera model that includes a distortion function is also employed. We also describe a system ca
Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://full.sc/12xcByI Our Aviation team demonstrated a non-destructive test on a GE 90 engine with a Glass-enabled crew. This prototype presents an opportunity that is right around the corner and will yield incredible efficiencies in maintenance. GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solut
New technologies that have sprung up over the years have been adopted by educationists in a drive to improve the quality of education. Google glass integrated with augmented reality is one technology that also has potential in the education sector. Though the technology is still in the development stage, it is already making inroads into the medical sector, architecture and even in the movie indus
A man controls Google Glass using the touchpad built into the side of the device. An optical head-mounted display (OHMD) is a wearable device that has the capability of reflecting projected images as well as allowing the user to see through it. In some cases, this may qualify as augmented reality (AR) technology. OHMD technology has existed since 1997 in various forms, but despite a number of atte
Since the announcement of Google Glass back in 2012, there has been a huge hype over the face-worn computer. While it’s the most discussed of its type, Glass is surely not the only smart glasses in development and unlike Google a few other companies have already brought their smart glasses to the market. To give you an idea of what the industry is working on and what different kinds of approaches