Google のウェブログ公開ツールを使って、テキスト、写真、動画を共有できます。
Programmers like me are often intimidated by design – but a little effort can give a huge return on investment. Here are one coder’s tips for making any site quickly look more professional. I am a programmer. I am not a designer. I have a degree in computer science, and I don’t mind Comic Sans. (It looks cheerful. Move on.) But although I am a programmer, I want to make my sites look attractive. T
by chiaki Uncategorized “Hatsune Miku has inspired thousands of people to create their own musical recordings and remixes. It’s fitting that she’d become CC-licensed, joining forces with a movement that lives to make sharing and remixing easier. I’m thrilled to welcome to welcome Hatsune to the ranks of CC-licensed works.” –Catherine Casserly, Creative Commons CEO “Crypton’s Hatsune Miku is an ama
Artist Simon Beck must really love the cold weather! Along the frozen lakes of Savoie, France, he spends days plodding through the snow in raquettes (snowshoes), creating these sensational patterns of snow art. Working for 5-9 hours a day, each final piece is typically the size of three soccer fields! The geometric forms range in mathematical patterns and shapes that create stunning, sometimes 3D,
Hi, This afternoon, I migrated one of the main production English Wikipedia slaves, db59, to MariaDB 5.5.28. We've previously been testing 5.5.27 on the primary research slave, and I've been testing the current build for the last few days on a slave in eqiad. All has looked good, and I spent the last few days adapting our monitoring and metrics collection tools to the new version, and building bin
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総務省は2012年12月14日、企業などの組織が無線LANを導入、運用する際に、運用管理者が取るべき情報セキュリティ対策について取りまとめた手引書「企業等が安心して無線LANを導入・運用するために」(案)を策定し、意見募集を開始した。 総務省は、2004年から一般ユーザーを対象に無線LANの安心・安全対策を啓蒙する手引書を公表している。この一般ユーザー対象の手引書を、スマートフォンユーザーの増加を受けて11月に全面的に改定・公表した。これに続いて今回は、一定の技術的知識を持つ管理者がいると想定される企業を対象に、想定される情報セキュリティの脅威や対策を取りまとめた手引書をまとめた。 意見募集期限は2013年1月4日まで。総務省はその後、寄せられた意見を踏まえて正式版を公表する予定である。 [発表資料へ]
新機能 バウチャーによるイベント管理機能をリリースしました。協賛企業の社員や関係者のイベント参加を円滑にすることに活用いただけます。詳しくはヘルプページをご覧ください。 新機能 connpass APIに新しく、所属グループを取得できるAPIやユーザーの参加イベントAPIを追加しました。各APIの詳細な仕様や利用方法につきましては、 APIリファレンス をご確認ください。またAPI利用希望の方は connpassのAPI利用について をご覧ください。 お知らせ 2024年9月1日より、connpassではスクレイピングを禁止し、利用規約に明記しました。以降の情報取得にはconnpass APIをご利用ください。APIご利用についてはヘルプページをご確認ください。
For the third year in a row, let's write some Perl 6 contest code! Perl 6 has had a great year, with its two major implementations growing increasingly mature. Sometimes it's easy to forget all the progress that happens each month. Features and performance have improved all through the year. I think that will show in this year's entries. So here's what's happening: Addendum: Thanks to an anonymous
You each get your own mouse, and you're both always in control. Download PowWow Watch Video This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which PowWow collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the website ("Site"). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by PowWow. Personal identification information W
Without a doubt, you've seen a clock like this in demos of HTML5 Your browser does not support HTML5 ! However, right click and view the source of this page... It is not Javascript code! Intead, you will find Python code in a script of type "text/python" Brython is designed to replace Javascript as the scripting language for the Web. As such, it is a Python implementation (you can take it for a te