Complete API
![Vue.js 2.3 CheatSheet](;version=1;width=512/
A quick cheat sheet and reference guide for Apple's Swift language. This guide intends to cover all the key features of Swift, including Strings, Arrays, Dictionaries and Flow Control. Swift is a new programming language for developing iOS and OS X apps that was introduced by Apple in June 2014. Variables var myInt = 1 var myExplicitInt: Int = 1 // explicit type var x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 // declare
As a local variable: returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes) = ^returnType(parameters) {...}; As a property: @property (nonatomic, copy, nullability) returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes); As a method parameter: - (void)someMethodThatTakesABlock:(returnType (^nullability)(parameterTypes))blockName;
cheat sheet v1.2 Updated 1/4/2016 Operators === !== and or not (strict) == != && || ! (relaxed) >, >=, <, <= +, -, *, / (float) div, rem (integer) binary1 <> binary2! (concat) list1 ++ list2 ! ! (concat) list1 -- list2 (set diff) a in enum ! (membership) ^term (no reassign) Command line elixir [options] file.ex/file.exs iex iex -S script (e.g., iex -S mix) iex --name local iex --snam
About git-flow are a set of git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model. more ★ ★ ★ This cheatsheet shows the basic usage and effect of git-flow operations ★ ★ ★ Basic tips Git flow provides excellent command line help and output. Read it carefully to see what's happening... The macOS/Windows Client Sourcetree is an excellent git gui and provid
Setup ----- git clone <repo> clone the repository specified by <repo>; this is similar to "checkout" in some other version control systems such as Subversion and CVS Add colors to your ~/.gitconfig file: [color] ui = auto [color "branch"] current = yellow reverse local = yellow remote = green [color "diff"] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold [color "status"] add 俺もアーロンチェア使っている。TDDの教科書にも「安い机と高い椅子を使え」という教えがあるように長時間座りつづける以上椅子大事。 extended_globは **/* とか以外にほとんど使わないので、いざ欲しいときに忘れてしまう。プロセス置換もしかり。ここでワンキーでチートシートの表示ができたら嬉しい。普段Rubyばかりでシェルスクリプトを書かないので、苦労すると思うけど、シェル関数で書いてみようかな。 やってみるとあっさりできた。以下を.zshrcに追加してC-M-hを押すと ~/zsh/cheat-sheet.conf が表示されるようになる。当然補完候補の表示同様編集中のコマンドラインは消えない! cheat-sheet () { zle -M "`cat ~