
productに関するtushioのブックマーク (2)

  • Pentax Si — Minimally Minimal

    The camera market is currently divided into three segments, the professionals SLRs, the new mirrorless form factor and the compact cameras. The mirrorless cameras are in the Goldilocks zone, where image quality and size are nicely balanced. They however lack ease of use, as use the same convoluted UI paradigm as SLR cameras. For this project, I wanted to do something new. I decided to borrow philo

    Pentax Si — Minimally Minimal
  • 末日拼图游戏

    末日拼图游戏小说简介:  你一觉醒来,发现自己来到了高塔末世,人类住进高塔,塔外都是怪物。而你的眼睛里能够看到奇怪的备注:【一千六百米外藏着两只恶堕,你在极端愤怒时一记滑铲,能把它们喂的饱饱的。】【在你想着蒸煮油炸之前,最好摸摸它的左侧口袋,千万不要养成杀怪不舔包的恶习。】【居然会有人盯着自己的脸看,我承认你的脸很有带入感,假如我是人类的话,我可以给你打9分,当然了,我97分。】【对方是一个等级比你高出太多的大佬,我给你三个建议,跪舔,跪舔,或者跪舔。弱点?不应当,我只是一个能力有限的小备注。】象征末世明珠的高塔,被恶念吸引的塔外畸变怪物,上位者的赌局,探索者的险境,末日中的陷阱,在你的双眼下,都以调皮的风格呈现。(书友群:560205278)201782 相关tag:网游竞技

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