
animalに関するujigislabのブックマーク (2)

  • https://www.hotelpalomar-dc.com/

    ujigislab 2014/03/16
  • Birding News and Features — eBird

    This winter's theme is where will crossbills go and will they irrupt south? Both species wandered widely this summer. Cone crops are poor in the Atlantic Provinces and fair to moderate in Western Canada. In Ontario, spruce crops are fair to good west and east of Lake Superior and in central Ontario such as Algonquin Park, but cone abundance diminishes rapidly northwards into the boreal forest. Whi

    ujigislab 2014/03/16
    市民科学のけん引役であるコーネル大学鳥類研究所(スタッフ250人!)のとりくみの一つ、"e-bird" 世界中のボランティアから鳥の分布情報(点情報)をウェブをつかって収集。つきに100万件集まることもあり、既に全地球の
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