We’ve seen in the previous blog posts how Clojure’s persistent vectors work (if you’re interested, you can start at part 1). In part 3, we discovered how the persistent vector tail increases performance. However, in very performance critical code, this optimisation in itself is not enough: In many cases, this is because memory allocations are very resource consuming. You have to allocate memory, a
In the previous post about Clojure’s persistent vectors (read it, if you haven’t already), we kind-of understood how insertion, updates and popping elements in a vector worked. We did not really understand how to get to the right element, and I will cover that along with how lookup works in this post. To understand how we pick the right branch, I think it’s good to give the proper name of the stru
★ Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors, pt. 1 posted 25 Sep 2013 You may or may not heard about Clojure’s persistent vectors. It is a data structure invented by Rich Hickey (influenced by Phil Bagwell’s paper on Ideal Hash Trees) for Clojure, which gives practically O(1) runtime for appends, updates, lookups and subvec. As they are persistent, every modification creates a new vector instead