
ブックマーク / skilldrick.github.io (1)

  • Easy 6502 by skilldrick

    by Nick Morgan, licensed under CC BY 4.0 Fork me on GitHub Introduction Our first program Registers and flags Instructions Branching Addressing modes The stack Jumping Creating a game Introduction In this tiny ebook I’m going to show you how to get started writing 6502 assembly language. The 6502 processor was massive in the seventies and eighties, powering famous computers like the BBC Micro, Ata

    yass 2013/09/08
    "Then why 6502? / an academic exercise, something to expand your mind and your thinking. 6502 was originally written in a different age, a time when the majority of developers were writing assembly directly / So, it was designed to be written by humans. / 6502 is fun. Nobody ever called x86 fun. "
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