阪本です。 突然ですが、みなさんはWebアプリを動作させるときに、どのAPサーバを使っていますか? 私は専らTomcatとJBossです。 エンタープライズ向けだと、周りではJBossが多いですね。 JBossは他のAPサーバと比べて何が違うのか? 私は、耐障害性を高めるクラスタリングを行うにあたり、セッションレプリケーションの違いに着目しています。エンタープライズで必ずといっていいほど気にされる、セッションレプリケーションについて、標準機能における各APサーバの動作指定が可能な設定をまとめてみました。 JBoss AS 7 Tomcat 7 Jetty 8 セッション永続化によるレプリケーション ○(JDBC) ○(ファイル/JDBC) ○(JDBC) オンメモリレプリケーション ○(JGroups/Infinispan) ○(TCP) ○(Terracotta) 同期/非同期の指定 ○
Since we discovered how to make Jetty-9 avoid parallel slowdown, we’ve been continuing to work with micro benchmarks and consideration of Mechanical Sympathy to further optimise Jetty-9. As we now about to go to release candidate for Jetty-9, I thought I’d give a quick report on the excellent results we’ve had so far. False Sharing in Queues Queuing is a very important operation in servers like J
Jetty has long had a rich set of JMX mbeans that give very detailed status, configuration and control over the server and applications, which can now simply be accessed with the JMiniX web console: The usability of JMX has been somewhat let down due to a lack of quality JMX management consoles. JConsole and JVirtualVM do give good access to MBeans, but they rely on a RMI connection which can be t
When it comes to choosing a servlet container for your web applications, the decision often boils down to Jetty and Tomcat. Both are open servlet containers that support HTTP server, HTTP client, and javax.servlet container. In this article, we will delve into a comprehensive comparison of Jetty and Tomcat, aiming to provide an in-depth analysis of their performance, features, and advantages. By t
Eclipse Jetty provides a highly scalable and memory-efficient web server and servlet container, supporting many protocols such as HTTP/3,2,1 and WebSocket. Furthermore, the project offers integrations with many other technologies, such as OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS, etc. These components are open source and are freely available for commercial use and distribution under both the EPL2 and Apache2 license
Memory usage comparison of Java Application Servers and Applications How much memory related resources you will need to run a Java application server or a Java application within Java Virtual Machine? To give you an estimate we tested some popular ones and are publishing results below. The survey will be updated as needed. As you start to access your application the memory usage will grow as dynam