You can find (just about) anything on Medium — apparently even a page that doesn’t exist. Maybe these stories will take you somewhere new?
We’ve had three minor releases since the last blog post so let’s see what has changed! Formatted JSON responsesIn 0.4.0 we removed the app.jsonSpaces setting — a setting used to specify the formatting of a JSON response. The default values were to pretty-print in development, and compress JSON in other environments. The main issue here is that this can cause unexpected results when running tests i
For a current project at WhoScored, I needed to learn JavaScript, Node.js and WebSocket channel, after seven years of writing web applications with Java and Spring framework. We wanted an application that can send data to thousands of concurrent users, and Node.js appeared to be the right way of doing it with its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that can scale up easily. Firstly, to learn Java
By Jon Tai What is hammerspace?According to Wikipedia, “hammerspace is a fan-envisioned extradimensional, instantly accessible storage area in fiction, which is used to explain how animated, comic, and game characters can produce objects out of thin air.” We recently built a library that stores strings off the ruby heap, but still allows fast access of those strings from within ruby. Applications
調査経緯2013年10月12日土曜日、気温が31度と真夏の様相を見せている中、溜まっている雑務を消化するために常用しているコワーキングスペースの原宿 TERMINAL に向かったが、TERMINALが突然の休みであったことでコワーキングスペース難民になった。仕方なく近隣の電源利用でき、作業可能なコワーキングスペースを探し、もう秋の直中にも関わらず真夏の日差しを受けながら、ようやく辿り着き使ってみたところ、男女交流会(合コン)や男女交際(デート)が開催されており、あまりに集中できない環境であったことから、作業空間のRedundancyの重要性を再認識し、それを高めるため、都内のコワーキングスペースを調査し、精神の安寧を図ることとなった。 前提条件一定期間入居するスタイルの利用ではなく、1日集中して作業を行う場合の1日利用(drop in)で使った場合に、環境面、料金面、その他の側面での使用感
This release of the Koa framework is short but sweet. If anything this is an indication that our design choices with 0.1.0 were pretty solid, we haven’t come across any road blocks yet in terms of design, so from now on it should be mostly polish, which means if you’d like to start building real projects with Koa you should be safe! Socket error handlingKoa now handles socket errors for you and re
Python has a terrible rep when it comes to its parallel processing capabilities. Ignoring the standard arguments about… B—but why!?I love me some Medium, but Medium’s code support is currently pretty terrible. So, rather than taking screenshots of my code (which is a pain), I just moved everything over to a place with native support for monospaced fonts and syntax highlighting. See you there!
One of the most common complaints against client-side JavaScript frameworks is the slow initial load time. There’s definitely some truth in this, but probably not for the reason you’d expect. Rendering the view with JavaScript is usually quite fast, it’s the extra HTTP requests which tend to slow things down. To investigate, let’s work with a vanilla AngularJS app for viewing hikes and inspect its
Although I learned a few programming languages in the past, I had absolutely no experience with them except for Visual Basic, which is barely considered a language. I learned rails the hard way: 18 hours every day for 2 months. No sleep, no partying just pure hard coding. I forbade myself to watch TV, movies or even youtube videos if it wasn’t related to coding. Everything I was doing or reading w
In 2003 the Perl development community was made aware of an algorithmic complexity attack on the Perl’s hash table implementation[1]. This attack was similar to reports over the last few years of attacks on other languages and packages, such as the Java, Ruby and Python hash implementations. Written by Yves Orton The basic idea of this attack is to precompute a set of keys which would hash to the
Deploying — the smell of coffee, the satisfaction of shipping, the excitement of lovingly crafted code going out into the world. It’s hard not to love releasing code, but when it comes to actually writing deployment scripts, it’s one part of programming that most people don’t write home about. In the Ruby world, Capistrano has been the de-facto standard for deploying applications since it’s releas
Chronos is our replacement for cron. It is a distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler which runs on top of Mesos. It’s a framework and supports custom mesos executors as well as the default command executor. Thus by default, Chronos executes SH (on most systems BASH) scripts. Chronos can be used to interact with systems such as Hadoop (incl. EMR), even if the mesos slaves on which execution happen
UPDATE: I’m currently available for Django/Machine-Learning/Design consulting. If you are interested, please contact me: For more info, please check out my firm Math & Pencil UPDATE: Part II of this article can be found here: I started Math & Pencil just about two years ago. Before I started the companies, I had almost zero web development experience (I’m a data guy) - I st
Can you pick out a brand just by their button design? I bet you can. I challenge you to take The Button Test. Get a piece of paper or your favorite text editor and jot down the names of the companies that correspond to each button style. Ready? Go! All Done? How’d you do? Answers at the end of the post. Buttons can make or break your brandButtons can be your site's most recognizable brand element