The new Pope, Francis the Humble, as he perhaps would like to be known, is an Argentine with a cloudy past. This in itself is not an offense but, rather, is in keeping with a religious institution that has long been marked by secrecy. From the smoke signals with which the papal conclave makes the fact, if not the process, of its decision known to the world to the wide-ranging coverups of sexual ab
(左)「これが弟のホルヘです」と話すノルマ・ナカムラさん(右)アルゼンチンの軍事政権に拉致された弟ホルヘさんの写真をもつエルサ・オオシロさん。ホルヘさんは詩や音楽が好きで、バンドでギターを弾いていた=いずれもブエノスアイレス、平山亜理撮影 南米アルゼンチンの日系人たちが三十数年前、拉致された。当時の軍事独裁政権に反対し、左翼活動への関与を疑われたためだ。多くの人の消息が今も分かっていない。家族は「身内の恥」と、長く沈黙を続けた。だが年々困難になる真相究明のため、やっと声を上げ始めた。 ■左翼活動疑われ連行 日系2世のエルサ・オオシロさん(57)の弟ホルヘ・オオシロさん(当時18)が姿を消したのは、1976年11月のことだった。 高校生だったホルヘさんは社会党の青年部に所属し、機関誌を配っていた。夜中、ブエノスアイレスの自宅に武装した男たちがなだれ込み、無言のままホルヘさんを連れ去った。 同
Cristina Kirchner said David Cameron was running a 'crude colonial power in decline' after he declared the Falklands should remain British for as long as their inhabitants wish. Photograph: Horacio Villalobos/EPA Cristina Kirchner said David Cameron was running a 'crude colonial power in decline' after he declared the Falklands should remain British for as long as their inhabitants wish. Photograp
Argentina's former military ruler Reynaldo Bignone has been sentenced to 25 years for human rights abuses committed almost three decades ago. Gen Bignone, 82, ordered abductions and torture while second in command of the country's largest torture centre between 1976 and 1978. Relatives of victims held up photos of their loved ones and cheered at the end of the trial in Buenos Aires. Six officials