Which EU countries export the most arms to Libya? Get the full data here • Get the data • UK arms sales to the Middle East and North Africa EU arms sales to Libya: Libyan soldiers who have defected against Moammar Gaddafi guard anti-aircraft guns in Benghazi Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features • UPDATE, 2 MARCH 2011: The Maltese government claims it accidentally added an extra '0' to its arms figu
反体制デモへの武力弾圧を続けるリビアのカダフィ政権に対する国連安全保障理事会の制裁決議により、ロシアの武器産業が約38億ドル(3100億円)の損失を被る可能性があることが分かった。モスクワの軍事外交筋が27日、インタファクス通信に明らかにした。 リビアは中東・北アフリカ諸国の中で、ロシア製武器の最大の輸入国の一つ。リビアとの契約状況について同筋は「軍事技術協力の契約が20億ドルに上るほか、軍用機とミサイル防衛(MD)システムの供給契約の準備が最終段階にあり、両方合わせた値段は約18億ドル」と説明した。 ロシアのセルジュコフ国防相も同日、記者団に対し、中東諸国の混乱がロシアと各国の軍事協力に悪影響を与えそうだと述べた。(共同)
A company that supplies riot control ammunition and a manufacturer of electrified razor wire were among a UK government arms delegation to Tripoli as recently as three months ago. Amid concern that British equipment may have been used by the Gaddafi regime to suppress unrest in Libya, it has now come to light that representatives of at least 50 UK arms companies accompanied officials to meet milit
Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has denied the violence in Libya is an embarrassment for the party in the wake of the republican… Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has denied the violence in Libya is an embarrassment for the party in the wake of the republican movement's links in the past with Col Muammar Gadafy. He compared the IRA's receipt of arms and explosives from the Libyan leader with Irelan