What to say about Iraq, ten years on? Ten years ago today was the night of “Shock and Awe.” I stood on a Baghdad hotel balcony with three other reporters and we watched, astonished; gasped for air in between blasts; and involuntarily screamed as over two thousand American warheads hit the city around us, wrecking the most iconic buildings in Saddam’s Republican palace complex. The next morning, Ir
今年でイラク戦争開戦10年である。 開戦日の20日に向けて、イラク戦争とは何だったか、特集を組むメディアも少なくない。だが、イラクに自衛隊が駐留していた2006年までの大々的な取り上げ方に比べれば、その扱いは実にわずかだ。消えた芸能人の、「あの人は今」番組レベルかも。 10年という、内容的には意味のない年月を経てとってつけたように思い出すぐらいなら、いっそほっといたほうがいいのではないのか、とすら思う。むしろ、何かのきっかけに忘れがたく思い出すほうが、記憶としては正しい思い出し方だろう。普段は忘れていても、ふと似た顔、似た声の人に出会い、昔の恋人を鮮明に思い出して心を痛める、みたいな。 イラク戦争もまた、「鮮明に思い出させるよく似た出来事」に、私たちはその後繰り返し出会っている。シリアでの内戦状況がそうだし、アルジェリアでの人質事件がそうだ。 イラク戦争とは何だったのか。国際政治的には、9
Fresh evidence has been revealed about how MI6 and the CIA were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein's foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction. Tony Blair told parliament before the war that intelligence showed Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programme was "active", "growing" and "up and running". A special BBC Pa
It is the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, and nine and a half years since I first boarded a troop plane to Basra. I still find the scale of our failure astonishing. It was a war in which 179 British and 4488 American soldiers were killed, and over 40,000 wounded. A trillion pounds was spent by the coalition. And many many Iraqis died. What was the result? Most of us have no precise idea
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