An Open Letter to David Cameron’s Parents August 10, 2011 in whingeing | Tags: #ukriots, Andy Hayman, Bernie Ecclestone, boris johnson, corruption, david cameron, ed vaizey, Hazel Blears, London, Michael Gove, Tony Blair, uk riots Dear Mr & Mrs Cameron, Why did you never take the time to teach your child basic morality? As a young man, he was in a gang that regularly smashed up private property. W
Why is it that the same areas always erupt first, whatever the cause? Pure accident? Might it have something to do with race and class and institutionalised poverty and the sheer grimness of everyday life? The coalition politicians (including new New Labour, who might well sign up to a national government if the recession continues apace) with their petrified ideologies can’t say that because all
There has been much speculation about who the rioters are. This is a snapshot of the suspected rioters who were due to appear at one London magistrates' court in the course of one day. As of 11 August, there have been more than 1,500 arrests across England and those who have been charged are being fast-tracked through the criminal justice system. They are appearing at magistrates' court within hou
ロンドンで大規模な暴動が起きて、日本でも報道されています。組織な暴動ではないようで、指導的な人物や政治的メッセージもなく、略奪や放火など暴力が繰り返されています。中心となっているのは若者たちで、ブラックベリーという最新式の高価なケータイ電話が情報拡散に使われているため、中心層は最貧困層ではないとみなされています。 もうすでにweb上では指摘がありますが、イギリスの都市構造は、数年前にパリで暴動が起きたフランスのものとは違います。フランスの場合は、郊外に移民・貧困層を住まわせる都市政策をとってきました。しかし、イギリスの場合は、ロンドンの中心部に散らばるようにいくつかの低所得層が集まって住むエリアがあります。このエリアに住む人々は、他地域に比べて失業率が高く、教育を受ける期間が短い傾向が社会学調査によってはっきりしています。これをインナーシティ問題といいます。web上で教科書的な資料がアップ
Libyan state television has claimed British prime minister David Cameron has used Irish and Scottish mercenaries to quell this… Libyan state television has claimed British prime minister David Cameron has used Irish and Scottish mercenaries to quell this week's riots in England. "The rebels of Britain approach Liverpool in hit-and-run battles with Cameron's brigades and mercenaries from Ireland an
The BBC's head of newsgathering has admitted that the corporation should not have described the London rioters as "protesters" after Saturday night, when a peaceful demonstration provided the initial spark for three days of escalating disturbances across the capital. The BBC was criticised on Tuesday for continually referring to the looters and rioters as "protesters" – three days after the peacef
The unfortunate riots in Tottenham in London tell us a great deal about the problems of immigrant communities, and what they say to us most eloquently is that people want to be treated with justice. They want to be treated in accordance with a rule of law, and not singled out for extra policing on the basis of racial profiling. The demonstrations were set off by the police shooting of an African-C
英ロンドン(London)北部のトッテナム(Tottenham)で若者が警官に射殺された事件をきっかけに6日に発生した暴動は、8日夜から9日未明にかけて市内および郊外各地に広がり、ロンドンは混乱の様相を呈している。さらに暴動は、中部バーミンガム(Birmingham)やリバプール(Liverpool)にも飛び火。デービッド・キャメロン(David Cameron)は非常事態に対処するため、伊トスカーナ(Tuscany)での休暇を切り上げ、英国に向かっている。 ロンドンとその郊外では南部クロイドン(Croydon)、ペッカム(Peckham)、ルイシャム(Lewisham)、クラパム(Clapham)、東部ハックニー(Hackney)、北部カムデン(Camden)、西部イーリング(Ealing)などで、若者らが路上に繰り出し、建物への放火や店舗の略奪を行っており、機動隊が収拾にあたっているが