Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
iPhone 3GS から毎年機種変更をしてきた私。今回のiPhone 5s では初めて買い換えを見送る予定をしていますが、野暮用が有り東京に用事があったため、その足で、アップルストア銀座を探索してみましたよ〜。 アップルストア銀座に到着したのは午後7時半頃。既に300名を超える列ができていました。Twitterで知り合いを探しながら列を歩きます(^^)/。 そうそう、今日は中秋の名月。ばっちり満月の日に当たるのは結構珍しく、今年の次は8年後になるのだそうです。今日はお天気がよくてお月さんがよく見えましたよ〜。 それにしてもBVLGARIとLOUISVUITTONの間に挟まれた美しい満。何という贅沢な構図なのでしょう(^_^;)。たくさんの方が足を止めてスマホで撮影していました。 列を進むと、いるわいるわ……。会いたかったけれど、なかなか会えなかったTwitterでお友だちの方や有名ブロガ
iPhone 5s、iPhone 5cをそれぞれ少しの間使い続けている。実際、機能面はどうなのか、いったいどんなユーザーに向く“iPhone”なのか。いろいろ考えてみた(ただし、各社が発表しているキャンペーンはあまり意識せずに、製品単体の使い勝手の良さなどで勝手に分析)。 ■iPhone 5s iPhone 5sでまず満足度が高いのが指紋認証機能である『Touch ID』。実際、指を当てるだけですぐに認識し、ロックを解除してくれるので本当便利だ。たまにうまくいかないこともあるが、4桁のパスコードを入力するよりも簡単。アプリの購入もパスワード不要で指紋だけで買えるのも未来チックで格好いい。当然、iPhoneに人に見られてはまずい写真を大量に保管しているという人は、絶対にiPhone 5sでなければならない。 64bitのA7チップは正直、まだそのすごさは体験できてない。こればっかりは対応アプ