
ブックマーク / openjdk.org (3)

  • HotSpot Glossary of Terms

    A work in progress, especially as the HotSpot VM evolves. But a place to put definitions of things so we only have to define them once. There are empty entries (marked TBD for "to be defined") because we think of things that we need to define faster than we think of good definitions. adaptive spinning An optimization technique whereby a thread spins waiting for a change-of-state to occur (typicall

    authorNari 2012/03/27
  • JDK 7

    Milestones The JDK 7 development schedule is divided into a sequence of milestone cycles, most five to ten builds in length, with builds occuring roughly once each week. There will be no formal beta or early-access releases, as in the past. Major features and other potentially-destabilizing changes will targeted for integration early in a specific milestone. Here is the current high-level mileston

    authorNari 2009/11/01
  • HotSpot Group

    The HotSpot Group The HotSpot group is comprised of developers involved in the design, implementation, and maintenance of the HotSpot virtual machine. Introduction The HotSpot VM code base has been worked on by hundreds of people, over the course of 20 years, so far. It's big. There are around 3000 C/C++ header and source files, comprising more than 1.2 million lines of code. In addition to the ex

    authorNari 2008/03/27
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