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「写真素材 足成」は、全国のアマチュアカメラマンが撮影した写真を、写真素材として無料で提供しています。個人、商用を問わず全て無料でお使い頂け、その上、煩わしいクレジットやリンクの表記、ユーザー登録は一切不要。Web、紙、動画他、あらゆる媒体で写真素材としてのご利用が可能です。更新も365日毎日行っております! 写真素材 足成ご利用ガイド 撮影に関する募集 写真素材足成では、撮影者や素材モデルなど、各種募集を随時行っております。自分も写真素材 足成に参加したいという方は、お気軽にご連絡下さいませ。 → 撮影者の参加募集 → 人物モデルの募集 → ショップ(店舗)モデルの募集 ご連絡をお待ちしています。 広告募集 写真素材足成では、Webデザイナーや映像制作者などのクリエイターに対し、広く告知をしたいというスポンサー様を募集しております。バナー出稿をご希望のかたは、コチラをご覧下さい。 → 詳
松井博 Brighture English Academy 代表。趣味はウクレレとかハイキングとかDIYとか旅行などなど。在米20年。シリコンバレーに住みつつ、日本とアメリカとフィリピンで会社経営しています。最近は英語教育がライフワークになりつつある。 詳細プロフィールを表示 先日「グローバル人材の幻想 - 青い鳥を追いかけるまえに、ファンタジーから目を覚ませ」という実も蓋もないブログを読んで吹き出してしまいました。 そうそう。英米の有力企業の幹部の多くは、高校あたりからボーディングスクールに行って、大学/大学院は英米の超一流大学を出ています。IT業界なんてマシな方で、もっと昔から確立されている金融業なんて本当にボーディングスクール→アイビーリーグの院卒ばっかりです。 そんな中で日本で大学まで通ったごく普通の日本人がこういう連中と押し合いへし合いやりつつ上級幹部にまで成り上がれるかと言った
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Plaid patterns consist of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colors. Some even have diagonal criss-cross which makes it look prettier. It is made using alternating bands of colored threads woven both warp and weft at right angles. Plaid is a tartan cloth slung over the shoulder used by the Scottish. You can observe that the Scottish usually have tartan patterns in their clothe
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春山 有由希 / ハルヤマ ユウキ UX / UI Design HTML / CSS Graphic Design Photography Designer & Front-end developer 福岡でプログラマとして就職後、Web制作会社に転職し、デザイナーになりました。 ECサイト、テレビ局や番組サイトのデザイン、執筆や講師業などで経験を積んだのち上京し、株式会社Fablicで フリマアプリ フリル(現ラクマ)のUI/UXデザインを担当。 その後、楽天株式会社でデザインチームマネージャを担当したのち、 フリーランスのデザイナーを経て、現在は株式会社スマートバンクでデザイナーをしています。 MORE PROFILE
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「写真素材 足成」は、全国のアマチュアカメラマンが撮影した写真を、写真素材として無料で提供しています。個人、商用を問わず全て無料でお使い頂け、その上、煩わしいクレジットやリンクの表記、ユーザー登録は一切不要。Web、紙、動画他、あらゆる媒体で写真素材としてのご利用が可能です。更新も365日毎日行っております!
写真掲載数10000点以上!! 商用、個人用、アカデミック用、仕事用、雑誌用、TV用、ホームページ用、各メディア、すべてOKです!イラストやマンガ等の資料としても、加工してもOK!同人個人、マンガゲーム背景素材、小説のイメージなど、町内会年中行事、サークル文化告知などのフリーペーパー、写真街素材をご自由に編集してお使い下さい。フリー写真素材の「東京デート」各メニューより簡単にダウンロードできます。テーマは、東京の名所にて(街素材に特化した)「恋人とのデート」気分が伝わる写真をとれるように頑張ります。私自身が欲しい街素材を撮影してます。1200×800(800×1200)ピクセルの高解像度画像ですので(10/03/22より、フルHD対応するため画像解像度を2100x1400にしました)用途としては、WEB用のホームページ素材としてはもちろん、デスクトップ背景、壁紙、各タイトルの背景素材、po
プロカメラマンの 無料写真素材・フリー画像 Pro.foto(プロ ドット フォト)では、 雑誌・出版業界や広告業界などで活躍している プロカメラマンが 撮影した高品質の写真素材を 無料のフリー素材として公開しています。 Pro.foto(プロ ドット フォト)では、雑誌・出版業界や広告業界などで活躍しているプロカメラマンが撮影した高品質の写真素材を無料のフリー素材として公開しています。 商業デザインなどの商用利用も可能な高解像度の無料画像がフリー素材として今すぐ無料でダウンロードできます。 Pro.foto のフリー写真素材は、ご利用規約の範囲内で、商業印刷・DTPのデザイン素材をはじめ、年賀状や暑中見舞い、ホームページ・WebサイトのWeb制作素材、販促用の広告素材、出版物・冊子の挿絵、TV番組やCMの映像素材、店舗や看板の装飾素材などにフリー素材として画像のトリミングや合成など、自由
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“Slab” consists of 20 buttons styled like a slab of concrete. They work best on white or light websites with a minimalist look. A Photoshop style is also included to apply to any other objects that you wish, such as a thick typeface. Additionally, the Photoshop file also contains the background texture, which can also be used. This freebie was created by multimedia designer, Tyler Norris, exclusi
Tomomi Imura An Open Web advocate and front-end engineer, who loves everything mobile, and writes about HTML5, CSS, JS, UX, tech events, gadgets, etc. She unintentionally got 15min of fame by creating The HTTP Status Cats. Also, the opinions expressed here are solely her own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Github Flickr My articles are licensed u
It is said that 70 to 80 percentage of the end-user response time is spent on the front-end. A major portion of this time is exhausted on downloading all the external components in a web page including, stylesheet, images, scripts, flash etc. An extra HTTP request adds 200+ milliseconds to a page (worldwide average). Since most of today’s browsers limit about 3 or 4 parallel requests at a time, a
It would not be an exaggeration to say that buttons are the most important part of any website. Think about it, almost any website you visit presents you with a Sign up / Login Button or maybe a Get Started button at first. If we can enhance the way that buttons work, by let’s say adding animations or 3d effects on button hovering and clicking. This would make the website feel a lot more interacti
Designing sleek, functional dropdown navigation menus is a crucial skill for modern web developers. This guide offers a step-by-step walkthrough on creating your own dropdown menu with nothing but HTML and CSS3, eliminating the need for additional Javascript coding. Upgraded and Animated Navigation Menu with CSS3 An enhanced and animated variant of the dropdown navigation system has recently been
Justmybit.com This Page Is Under Construction - Coming Soon! Why am I seeing this 'Under Construction' page? Related Searches: Healthy Weight Loss Health Insurance Top Smart Phones High Speed Internet Dental Plans Trademark Free Notice Review our Privacy Policy Service Agreement Legal Notice Privacy Policy|Cookie settings|Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information
In the following tutorial we will create an asymmetrical image slider with a little twist: when sliding the pictures we will slightly rotate them and delay the sliding of each […] In the following tutorial we will create an asymmetrical image slider with a little twist: when sliding the pictures we will slightly rotate them and delay the sliding of each element. The unusual shape of the slider is
Free Dhtml scripts, Jquery plugins ,Javascript, CSS, CSS3, Html5 Library Tiny Circleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide webdevelopers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any wepage. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. Supports iPhone, iPad and Android Supports sliding by thumb or pager A i
Content sliders are a great way to make a website more dynamic. They add flair, and if used correctly, could be the difference between a purchase and a back button. Normally, they would be built with jQuery or some other Javascript library. However, with the advent of CSS3, I will show you how to build one using only CSS. The result won’t be the most semantic thing to ever be made, but it will be
Currently we are in the “hey, let’s do that flash thing in jQuery”-mood and so we came up with another idea: a rotating billboard system. In this tutorial we will […] Currently we are in the “hey, let’s do that flash thing in jQuery”-mood and so we came up with another idea: a rotating billboard system. In this tutorial we will use some images, CSS and jQuery to create the effect of a rotating bil
Today we want to share some experimental 3D image transitions with you that use CSS3 animations and jQuery. We’ll be using CSS3 3D Transforms for Webkit only. Today we want to share some experimental 3D image transitions with you that use CSS3 animations and jQuery. We’ll be using CSS3 3D Transforms for Webkit only. Check out the Photo Transitions at the Safari Technology Demos site, some of which
Happy new year, everybody! Today we will create a CSS-only fullscreen background image slideshow. We’ll create different image transitions and also make a title appear using CSS animations. Happy new year, everybody! Today we will create a CSS-only fullscreen background image slideshow. We’ll create different image transitions and also make a title appear using CSS animations. The images are by Ma
Today we want to share a neat image blur effect with you. Using canvas, we want to blur images on the transition to another one, creating a smooth effect. We will be using Stack Blur, which is a fast, almost Gaussian blur for Canvas by Mario Klingemann from Quasimondo. The images used in the demo are by Geoff Peters. They are licensed under the Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License. Tiny bre
Slicebox is a jQuery 3D image slider plugin that makes use of CSS 3D Transforms and provides a graceful fallback for older browsers that don’t support the new properties. With the CSS 3D Transforms we can create some neat effects by transforming elements in three-dimensional space. Slicebox makes use of the 3D transforms properties and allows different kind of effects. The main idea is to create t
Today we’ll show you how to create some neat sliding image panels with CSS only. The idea is to use background images for the panels and animate them when clicking on a label. We’ll use radio buttons with labels and target the respective panels with the general sibling selector. Today we’ll show you how to create some neat sliding image panels with CSS only. The idea is to use background images fo
I was looking all over the Internet for some jQuery gallery plugin with some interesting transition effects. I found a lot of great plugins but they all have pretty same transition effects. Mostly that was fading and sliding effects. I wanted something different so I decide to made my own slideshow gallery plugin for jQuery. That’s how was born jqFancyTransitions. My main idea was to build some ‘s
When designing a product page, it is often necessary to present a number of images in a succession, also known as a slideshow. With the raise of the jQuery library and its numerous plugins, there is an abundance of ready-made solutions which address this problem. However, to make a lasting impression to your visitors, you need to present them with something they have not seen before. Today we are
Previous week, colleague Willem and I were checking out the mosaic slideshow created by Martin. We were both impressed by his example, but wanted to take it to another level. We discussed on how we could add some features and how it should look like. Willem tranformed this idea to Silverlight and I created an easy to use jQuery plugin that does the same. This jQuery plugin called jFancyTile is a t
This is an outdated version! Supersized has been moved and updated to a more permanent home at the official Supersized project page. Check there for the latest release notes and features! Features of Supersized 2.0 – The Exciting Sequel Since the release of the original Supersized back in February, I have had a fair amount of time to gather feedback, read comments, and plan out what version two wo
In this tutorial we will create a fullscreen gallery with jQuery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the currently shown fullscreen image on the side that flips when […] In this tutorial we will create a fullscreen gallery with jQuery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the currently shown fullscreen image on the side that flips when navigating through the images. The big image will slide up or do
In this tutorial we are going to create a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. The idea is to have a thumbnails bar […] In this tutorial we are going to create a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. The idea is to have a thumbnails bar at the bottom of the page that scrolls automatically w
In today’s tutorial we’ll create a fullscreen photo slideshow to illustrate a New York picture series. We will add sounds with the HTML5 audio element in order to give life to the gallery and try to recreate the ambient of this vibrant city. In today’s tutorial we’ll create a fullscreen photo slideshow to illustrate a New York picture series. We will add sounds with the HTML5 audio element in orde