
2015年1月20日のブックマーク (4件)

  • DataCite

    DataCite is a non-profit international organisation which provides a way for researchers to obtain credit and recognition for sharing their research data. Through our platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs), a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as grey literature and conference proceedings. The British Library is a m

    ight 2015/01/20
  • DataCite

    DataCite is a non-profit international organisation which provides a way for researchers to obtain credit and recognition for sharing their research data. Through our platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs), a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as grey literature and conference proceedings. The British Library is a m

    ight 2015/01/20
    Working with the British Library and DataCite: A guide for Higher Education Institutions in the UK 2013 /Jisc Managing Research Data Programme 2011–13
  • DataCite

    DataCite is a non-profit international organisation which provides a way for researchers to obtain credit and recognition for sharing their research data. Through our platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs), a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as grey literature and conference proceedings. The British Library is a m

    ight 2015/01/20
  • https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/787355886123

    ight 2015/01/20
    Green, T. (2009), “We Need Publishing Standards for Datasets and Data Tables”, OECD Publishing White Papers, OECD Publishing. REVISED VERSION (FEBRUARY 2010) doi:10.1787/787355886123