Sales Navigator gets you more conversations with the people that matter Drive higher revenue and lower costs for your sales organization. LinkedIn Sales Navigator, powered by AI, helps you find all the right people, engage effectively, and elevate conversations. Sales Navigator is powered by trusted data from LinkedIn's engaged community of 1+ billion global members and equips all sellers to perf
Wakoopa is your front-row seat to digital consumer behavior Scale up your panel business collecting behavioral data. Scroll Our cross-device behavioral data technology captures people's full digital footprint, fuelling innovative research designs; from consumer studies and segmentation, to audience profiling and e-commerce insights. - Check your username availability across the leading social networks, micro blogs and web 2.0 apps from one simple location.We have suffered some outages over the last few hours, partly from the volume, but in all honesty I screwed up part of the code and it was causing huge server loads. Dreamhost have been awesome and are working with me to fix the issues I have created. Until
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iPhone/iPod touch only: Browse your Delicious bookmarks by tag from your iPhone with free application Bookmarks. As of its first iteration, this app is very simple: Once you enter your username and password, you can browse through all your tags and launch any bookmark in Safari. You can't edit bookmarks or add tags, unfortunately, but if you're looking for a quick and easy way to access your Delic
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