“PhoneGap”:http://www.phonegap.com/ is an HTML application platform that runs natively on iOS. After the initial project setup, PhoneGap allows you to pretend you are just writing a web application, meaning you spend your day in HTML, CSS and javascript instead of Objective-C. When I had the opportunity to write a PhoneGap application for a project demo, I decided to take the development process o
![PhoneGap with HAML, SCSS, and CoffeeScript](https://cdn-ak-scissors.b.st-hatena.com/image/square/711cd78e2bcf2ff3dcafcbac3cf4fb1f31dc1bc3/height=288;version=1;width=512/https%3A%2F%2Fspin.atomicobject.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FAtomic-Object-Spin.jpg)