for YAPC Asia Tokyo 2015
for YAPC Asia Tokyo 2015
Yes, The Appeals Court Got Basically Everything Wrong In Deciding API's Are Covered By Copyright Copyright expert and professor Pam Samuelson, one of the most respected scholars of copyright law, has published a short paper explaining what she calls the "three fundamental flaws in CAFC's Oracle v. Google decision." As you may recall, that ruling was a complete disaster, overturning a lower court d
The ongoing legal saga known as the Oracle-Google copyright battle took a huge leap Wednesday when Oracle claimed the last six Android operating systems are "infringing Oracle's copyrights in the Java platform." That's according to the latest paperwork (PDF) Oracle filed in the five-year-old closely watched case that so far has resulted in the determination that Application Programming Interfaces
Design is the art of considered creation. Our goal is to satisfy the diverse spectrum of human needs. As those needs evolve, so too must our designs, practices, and philosophies. We challenged ourselves to create a visual language for our users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science. A material metaphor is the unifying
Introducing gRPC, a new open source HTTP/2 RPC Framework Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail Today, we are open sourcing gRPC, a brand new framework for handling remote procedure calls. It’s BSD licensed, based on the recently finalized HTTP/2 standard, and enables easy creation of highly performant, scalable APIs and microservices in many popular programming languages and platforms. Internally a
Overview FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for C++, C#, C, Go, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Lobster, Lua, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Rust and Swift. It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications. It is available as Open Source on GitHub under the Apache license, v2 (see LICENSE.txt). Why use FlatBuffers? Access to ser
Polymer 1.0最新情報!(前編)ーPolymer 1.0とPolymer Catalog、活用事例の徹底解説 河合良哉 Polymerは、Google I/O 2015にて1.0が正式リリースとしてアナウンスされました。本記事は、Google I/OでPolymerが取り上げられた「Polymer and modern web APIs: In production at Google scale」のセッションをレポートします。Polymerの最新情報や活用事例、Polymer Catalog、Polymer Starter Kitなど 盛りだくさんのこのセッションの翻訳と解説を前後編に分けてお伝えします。 前編となる本記事では、「Polymer1.0の特徴」、「Polymer Catalogとすぐに使えるElements」、「ライブサイトへの適用例(前半)」を解説します。 Pol
Polymer 1.0最新情報!(後編)ーGoogle I/O Web Appの作り方、Polymer Starter Kitで始めるMaterial Design、etc. 河合良哉 本記事は、「Polymer 1.0最新情報」の後編になります(前編はこちらから)。Google I/OでPolymer 1.0が取り上げられた「Polymer and modern web APIs: In production at Google scale」のセッションをレポートします。Polymerの最新情報や活用事例、Polymer Catalog、Polymer Starter Kitなど、盛りだくさんのこのセッションの翻訳と解説を前後編に分けてお伝えします。 後編となる本記事では、「ライブサイトへの適用例(後半)」、「Polymer Starter Kitとは」を解説します。 ライブサイトへの適 -a library of components & templates in vanilla CSS, HTML and JS Back in 2014, Google published the material design specification with a goal to provide guidelines for good design and beautiful UI across all device form factors. Today we are releasing our effort to bring this to websites using vanilla CSS, HTML and JavaScript. We’re calling it Material Design Lite (MDL). MDL makes it eas
Material Design Lite Material Design Lite lets you add a Material Design look and feel to your websites. It doesn’t rely on any JavaScript frameworks and aims to optimize for cross-device use, gracefully degrade in older browsers, and offer an experience that is immediately accessible. Get started now. Templates The MDL components are created with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. You can use the compone
How to provide your own in-app install experience Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Many browsers let you enable and promote the installation of your Progressive Web App (PWA) directly within its user interface. Installation (sometimes formerly referred to as Add to Home Screen) lets users install your PWA on their mobile or desktop device. Inst
会社や学校のPCにソフトウェアをインストールできないけれど、PCでも手軽にLINEでやりとりしたい。ネットカフェや友だちのPCで、いつものLINEにアクセスしたい これまでPCでLINEを楽しむには、「PC版LINE」をPCにインストールする必要がありましたが、「Google Chrome版ウェブアプリ」では、別のPCを使う場合でも、Googleアカウントへのログインにより、追加のインストールが不要でLINEを利用することができます。 Google Chromeを使っている方は、これを機にPCでのLINEを体験してみては? インストールはこちらから 一度インストールすれば 複数デバイスからの利用が可能に Google Chrome版ウェブアプリは、自分のGoogleアカウントでログインをすると、Google Chromeの設定>拡張機能からいつでも起動できます。一度インストールをすれば、ど
Since Google announced Material Design with the introduction of Android 5.0, a large number of frontend frameworks emerged with the goal of bringing the concept to web apps. We already have a number of libraries which promote the concept - MUI, Material-UI and Polymer, which is built around web components. In the beginning of July 2015, Google publicly released a new framework that is easy to use
Over the last few years virtual DOM implementations like React, virtual-dom, Glimmer and others have gained major adoption and changed how developers think about their interaction with the DOM. In our own work with virtual DOM implementations we have found 2 major issues that we set out to fix: We really like templates. Our designers like templates. Lets make sure we can continue to use our existi