“If you put a billion monkeys in front of a billion typewriters typing at random, they would reproduce the entire collected works of Usenet … in about five minutes.” —Anonymous
that book is dead sexy —Xach on #lisp (more blurbs) This page, and the pages it links to, contain text of the Common Lisp book Practical Common Lisp published by Apress These pages now contain the final text as it appears in the book. If you find errors in these pages, please send email to book@gigamonkeys.com. These pages will remain online in perpetuity—I hope they will serve as a useful introdu
3. Practical: A Simple DatabaseObviously, before you can start building real software in Lisp, you'll have to learn the language. But let's face it--you may be thinking, "'Practical Common Lisp,' isn't that an oxymoron? Why should you be expected to bother learning all the details of a language unless it's actually good for something you care about?" So I'll start by giving you a small example of
Lispbox is a version of Lisp in a Box, which was originally created by Matthew Danish and Mikel Evins, customized for use with Practical Common Lisp. The purpose of Lispbox (and Lisp in a Box) is to get you up and running in a good Lisp environment as quickly as possible. When you start Lispbox it launches the text editor Emacs with SLIME (the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs) already inst
20. The Special OperatorsIn a way, the most impressive aspect of the condition system covered in the previous chapter is that if it wasn't already part of the language, it could be written entirely as a user-level library. This is possible because Common Lisp's special operators--while none touches directly on signaling or handling conditions--provide enough access to the underlying machinery of t
This essay was originally written when consulting for Eero who has graciously allowed me to share it. The Fundamental Law of Repo Topology is that you must not have cyclical dependencies between repos. If you do you are in for a world of hurt when you have to perform a series of non-atomic changes to update libraries.1 Going with a monorepo has the advantage that you never have this problem becaus
Let a 1,000 flowers bloom. Then rip 999 of them out by the roots. For the past eleven months I’ve been the tech lead for Twitter’s Engineering Effectiveness group. Engineering Effectiveness is our name for what elsewhere might be called Developer Tools, Developer Productivity, Engineering Infrastructure, or Developer Efficiency. We provide the tools and processes that allow the rest of Twitter eng
22. LOOP for Black BeltsIn Chapter 7 I briefly discussed the extended LOOP macro. As I mentioned then, LOOP provides what is essentially a special-purpose language just for writing iteration constructs. This might seem like a lot of bother--inventing a whole language just for writing loops. But if you think about the ways loops are used in programs, it actually makes a fair bit of sense. Any progr
Greetings would-be Lisper, Due to a lack of mental and CPU cycles, I have not been able to keep up with producing up-to-date Lispboxen. Consequently the Lispbox distributions that used to be downloadable from here have become attractive nuisances—things that look like they'd be useful but mostly are not. But times have changed and there are every day better and better ways to get set up with Lisp.