Introduction Anyone who knows, knows its chat. Full of memes, copypastas, spam and insults, Twitch Chat is quite controversial. Some people find it repulsive, some love it, but I am always amazed by the creativity of the creatures that live there. It is, in its own way quite chaotic (like a pendulum?). Without further ado, let's use Elixir to access Twitch APIs and its IRC server, to obs
Jan 04, 2017 Building a Command Line Web Scraper in Elixir Introduction As a programmer, two of the most useful tools in my day-to-day work are the terminal and a bowl of hot soup. As the weather gets colder, I get soup almost daily from a local Hale and Hearty location. After realizing how often I was going to their website to view the menu, I decided to do what any self respecting programmer wou
One of the Elixir web apps we have at Adjust acts as an API gateway — it receives a request, applies authorization and/or authentication and then passes the request along to an actual requested service. As you probably know, if you’re building microservices, this approach is quite common. In our case, the API gateway also stands before a service that is responsible for generating reports. These re
The great HTTPS client shoot-out Posted 2016-11-05 08:03:50.000000 Let me start off by apologising for the click-bait title. A better title would be: “On the security posture of Elixir HTTPS clients”. It’s a topic I covered in my ElixirConf EU talk, but it recently came up again. The goal of this post is not to compare features, performance or usability, or even to choose a ‘most secure’ client. I
When I’m learning a new language, like I’m doing now with Elixir, I like to practice by doing everyday scripting tasks using the new language. In this case, there was a video tutorial site that obnoxiously didn’t have a speed up function on the player. I usually like playing those kinds of videos at 2x speed, so I built a scraper in Elixir to download all the .mp4 files. With the source files, pla
Elixir にあって Ruby や JavaScript のような言語にない特徴といえば 軽量プロセス (+ OTP周り) パターンマッチ の2点が大きく、その他の部分というのはだいたい「あの言語のこれだな」という風に対応させて理解できる(パターンマッチを実装した他の関数型言語になれてる人にとっては別かもしれないが)。 特に後者のパターンマッチの方は Elixir の文法の多くの部分の基礎になっている。従って、主観的にはパターンマッチさえ理解できれば Elixir の半分以上は理解できたと思っていいんじゃないかと思っていたりする。 というわけでカッとなってパターンマッチについて書いてみる。 パターンマッチとは パターンマッチの例で、いきなり {x, y} = {1, 5} とかいう例を見せられても「変数扱うのに便利な記法か何かですかね? (ES6 の Destructuring assi