The Elm Architecture The Elm Architecture is a pattern for architecting interactive programs, like webapps and games. This architecture seems to emerge naturally in Elm. Rather than someone inventing it, early Elm programmers kept discovering the same basic patterns in their code. It was kind of spooky to see people ending up with well-architected code without planning ahead! So The Elm Architectu
Sorry, we no longer sell this course. These days we'd recommend building this app with Phoenix LiveView. By combining the concurrency of Elixir and real-time streaming in the Phoenix web framework, you can build seriously cool applications! So what does it take to put together a full-stack application with: a highly-scalable Elixir/OTP app, a super-charged Phoenix app, and a frontend using either
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I have recently found out about and saw it as an excellent alternative to Heroku when deploying an Elixir, Phoenix and Elm application. The most important advantage of using Nanobox instead of Heroku (which I’m a huge fan) is that it allows for each Elixir node to talk to each other directly. Another advantage is that you can deploy to Cloud computing engine other than AWS such as Azure
Too Long; Didn't ReadWe all love Elixir. It’s expressive, it’s extremely readable and - first and foremost - It runs on BEAM — an incredible virtual machine that turns concurrency into something as natural and expected as NullPointerExceptions in Java 7. Few words of introduction We all love Elixir. It’s expressive, it’s extremely readable and - first and foremost - It runs on BEAM — an incredible