Elixir provides the joy and productivity of Ruby with the concurrency and fault-tolerance of Erlang. Together, we'll take a guided tour through the language, going from the very basics to macros and distributed programming. Along the way, we'll see how Elixir embraces concurrency and how we can construct self-healing programs that restart automatically on failure. Attendees should leave with a gre
2017.06.15 RailsConf 2017のパフォーマンス関連の話題(2)rack-freezeやsnip_snipなど(翻訳) こんにちは、hachi8833です。引き続きNate Berkopec氏の記事をお送りいたします。rack_freezeとsnip_snipはRails開発で役に立ちそうです。 第1回: BootsnapやPumaなど -- 開発中のRailsをBootsnapで倍速起動するなど 第2回: rack-freezeやsnip_snipなど(本記事) 第3回: 「あなたのアプリサーバーの設定は間違っている」など 概要 原著者より許諾を得て翻訳・公開いたします。 元記事: Railsconf 2017: The Performance Update 著者: Nate Berkopec (@nateberkopec): Railsのパフォーマンスコンサルタントで
Kenta Murataさん, Ryo Nakamuraさんをゲストに迎えて、RailsConf, Ruby 2.0, Rails 4, Chanko 2.0, RubyKaigi, YAPC などについて話しました。 Show Notes RailsConf Blind Reviews at RailsConf 2013 RubyKaigi 2013 DHH keynote at RailsConf 2013 Not sure if I should be offended by the Kansas barbs DHH RailsConf 2012 Keynote gist.github.com launched with Rails 4 What's new in Rails 4.0 Cookpad の本番環境で使用している Ruby が 2.0.0-p0 になりました Ruby 1
RailsConf 2024 is the world's largest gathering of Rails developers, brought together to further discussion and learning about building, managing, and testing Rails applications. With a specific focus on Rails, conference topics can range from new users to administration to advanced techniques. Become a Sponsor We wouldn't be here without your help. Would like to support the community and broaden
We recently sent a delegation to Kansas City, Missouri for a roadtrip to attend RailsConf 2016. We stayed in a beautiful Victorian-style home built in 1880; ate ourselves sick with BBQ and coffee; and met developers from across the world creating new and interesting software with many of the same tools we use. As always, Ruby Central did a great job building a balanced conference schedule. We've r
Turbolinks 5: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Native! by Sam Stephenson Learn how Turbolinks 5 enables small teams to deliver lightning-fast Rails applications in the browser, plus high-fidelity hybrid apps for iOS and Android, all using a shared set of web views. SAM STEPHENSON Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/J5Ci/
It’s impossible to just glance at something and know how things are interacting. You change this one method that you thought was only being used in this one part of the project, and something else breaks. For more information about how Sprockets work, I highly recommend you go to Rafael’s talk What is the solution to god objects? We can move logic over to helper classes. For example I introduced t