The first presentation on Node.js from Ryan Dahl at JSConf 2009
![Ryan Dahl: Original Node.js presentation](;version=1;width=512/
Ryan Dahl は Node.js の original author ですが、彼の作ったプロダクト deno に関するトークが 2018 でありました。 Node.js にずっと関わってきた僕が見て非常に興奮するような話だったので、しばらくぶりにブログに書き起こすことにしました。 背景 Ryan Dahl は2009年に Node.js の話を初めて公の場に公開しました。その時の「公の場」というのが「 2009」です。 Video: Node.js by Ryan Dahl - - 2009 この発表から Node.js が広まり、今やサーバのみならず、IoTデバイス、デスクトップアプリなど、様々なところで動作しています。 で、今回はその発表から9年の歳月が経過し、Node.jsに対しての設計不
infoQ 2010.12.13公開のインタビュー記事 2010.12.16聞き手の質問書き足して、10分くらいまで書いた InfoQ: Deep inside Node.js with Ryan Dahl Node.jsクリエータRyan Dahlへの45:15のロングインタビュー 2010.11開催のQCon San Francisco 2010でRyanもスピーカーの一人として参加してたので、合間に収録されたインタビューと思う。 トランススクリプトが公開されてて助かるがtypoが多い whatがwasになってたりdomはdomeになったり、jsdomが "JS DOM"になったり 動画みて適宜 入門的な話題はほどほどにしてて結構突っ込んだ内容話してる その結果、結構歯が立たない箇所ばかり。けどなんとか斜め読んだ 聞き手は@synodinos 以下斜め読んだ内容 要旨 Node.jsの
photo by franksvalli 飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いのnode.jsについて創始者のRyan Dahl氏がプロジェクトのゲートキーパーのポジションをIsaac Schlueter氏に移譲するとのアナウンスがHacker Newsで話題になっていました。Ryan氏は優しい独裁者の例としてWikipediaに記載されているほどの強い影響力を持っていましたが、今後はアドバイスに徹しつつ別のプロジェクトを進めるようです。(joyent社にも引き続き在籍するとの事) コメント欄を見てみるとRuby on RailsのDHHがプロジェクトを引っ張る立場から退いた件と同じなのか?というようなやりとりがされています。DHHは現在でもそれなりにプロジェクトにコミットしているようですが、Ryan氏の今後のプロジェク
You've learned how to write code, but how do you actually launch your website or app? LearnStreet courses and tutorials have you covered. In this presentation Ryan Dahl, the man behind Node.js will introduce you to this event-driven I/O framework with a few examples showing Node.js in action. Ryan will also talk about the recent release of v0.4.0 and how to use some of the new APIs. Node.js is a s
Ryan Dahl is a Software Engineer working at Google Brain. He is the creator of Node.js, JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Currently, he is working on deep learBrowserifyning research projects. His focus is mostly on image-to-image transformations like colorization and super-resolution. He has contributed to several open source projects including HTTP Parser, libuv. Pramod:
Node.js might be the most exciting single piece of software in the current JavaScript universe. Ryan received standing ovations for his talk and he really deserved it!
This interview was conducted by Oleg Podsechin with Ryan Dahl on the 8th of July, shortly after Ryan’s talk in Cologne. Oleg is a JavaScript enthusiast who runs Ionsquare Ltd, an IT consultancy. OP: The first question is an introduction really. How did you arrive at Node? Did you have experience with JavaScript before? When did you get started with JavaScript? And also event driven software? RD: I
This interview was conducted by Oleg Podsechin with Ryan Dahl on the 8th of July, shortly after Ryan’s talk in Cologne. Oleg is a JavaScript enthusiast who runs Ionsquare Ltd, an IT consultancy. OP: So on the topic of CommonJS, are you following any of the APIs or any of the discussions on the list? RD: Yeah, sure OP: And which ones are you most interested in? RD: CommonJS has some good specs and
Video: Dion Almaer, Ben Galbraith, Elaine Wherry, Thomas Sha, Joe Hewitt, Ryan Dahl, Tantek Çelik, and Douglas Crockford — YUIConf 2010 Panel Discussion: The Future of Frontend Engineering Video published 2010-11-08. Download HD video (480p ~608MB) Download iPhone/iPod-compatible video file (320x240, .m4v) Transcript: Transcipt in progress. CC photos used in the pre-roll slide: Dion Almaer: http:/
After last year's standing ovations performance, he is back. His last talk's video was viewed 12 thousand times. We're excited what will happen this year. Node.js presents the same non-blocking, single execution stack programming model of client-side Javascript. However, Node is arguably aiming at more complex problems than browsers have faced: massively concurrent servers that may shell out to ma
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Node.js is a system for building network services for Google's V8 JavaScript engine. In this presentation Ryan Dahl, the man behind Node.js will introduce you to this event-driven I/O framework with a few examples showing Node.js in action. Ryan will also talk about the recent release of v0.4.0 and how to use some of the new APIs. ** Check out for more free educational resour
bittered, the r/node moderator, requested I do a Q&A when this group reaches 1000 readers.