
ブックマーク / aws.typepad.com (30)

  • AWS Solutions Architect ブログ

    SA岩永( @riywo )です。AWSのプリンシパルSAのIan MeyersがAWS Big Data Blogに非常に興味深い投稿をしていたので翻訳しました。 特にAmazon Kinesis Streamsを既に使われている方は、Amazon Kinesis Streams to Amazon Kinesis Firehose Forwarderを使うだけでそのストリームをAmazon S3に保管したりAmazon Redshiftにロードする流れがサーバレスに構築できるので強くオススメできます。 使ってみて疑問質問等ありましたら、遠慮無く私までご連絡下さい(日語で大丈夫です!)。 Amazon Kinesis Streamsへのデータ送信の必要があるアプリケーションの開発をシンプルにするために、昨年我々はAmazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)

    nekoruri 2016/07/08
  • AWS Solutions Architect ブログ

    約3年前に我々がAWSコマンドラインインターフェース(CLI)を開発し始めた時、AWS APIが拡張し続けるのに対して一貫性のあるコマンドライン体験を提供する方法を考える必要がありました。我々はAWS APIを表現するモデルから自動的にコマンドを生成することに決めました。この戦略によって、我々は新しいAWSのサービスやAPIの更新を適時にかつ一貫性のあるコマンドによってサポートできるようになりました。 こうした一貫性や適時性は我々のお客様のAWS上での生産性向上に役立っていると信じています。一方で、CLIで利用できる数千のコマンドとオプションに慣れて効率よく使いこなすのが難しいということも理解しています。我々は常にCLIを出来る限り簡単に学習し使うことができる解決方法を探し続けています。 よりよい使い勝手を求めて我々はaws-cliを作り、日https://github.com/awsl

    nekoruri 2015/12/16
  • AWS Solutions Architect ブログ

    Amazon Web Servicesでは強力な暗号化は標準機能の一つであり、(以前はSSLとよばれた)TLSという暗号化プロトコルが必要不可欠です。 TLSは全てのAWS APIで用いられており、Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon SESなどのお客様が直接使うサービスでも使われています。 過去18ヶ月程の間は、TLSプロトコルの波乱に満ちた期間でした。優れた暗号解析技術はこれまで考えられていたよりも深刻であるいくつかのTLSアルゴリズムの欠陥をハイライトし、セキュリティ研究はTLSのいくつかのソフトウェア実装に問題を明らかにしました。総体としてはこれらの開発は正しくセキュリティを向上させるものでしたが、ソフトウェアアップグ

    nekoruri 2015/07/01
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Weekly Roundup – Amazon MWAA, EMR Studio, Generative AI, and More – August 14, 2023 While I enjoyed a few days off in California to get a dose of vitamin sea, a lot has happened in the AWS universe. Let’s take a look together! Last Week’s Launches Here are some launches that got my attention: Amazon MWAA now supports Apache Airflow version 2.6 – Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow […]

    nekoruri 2015/06/30
    キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Week in Review – AWS Documentation Updates, Amazon EventBridge is Faster, and More – May 22, 2023 Here are your AWS updates from the previous 7 days. Last week I was in Turin, Italy for CloudConf, a conference I’ve had the pleasure to participate in for the last 10 years. AWS Hero Anahit Pogosova was also there sharing a few serverless tips in front of a full house. Here’s a picture I […] Amaz

    nekoruri 2015/05/26
    AWS Adjusted TimeをNTPサーバで提供して欲しかった。
  • AWS News Blog

    New – Amazon EC2 M7a General Purpose Instances Powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC Processors In November 2021, we launched Amazon EC2 M6a instances, powered by 3rd Gen AMD EPYC (Milan) processors, running at frequencies up to 3.6 GHz, which offer you up to 35 percent improvement in price performance compared to M5a instances. Many customers who run workloads that are dependent on x86 instructions, such a

    nekoruri 2015/04/15
    AWS Summit分のまとめきてた
  • AWS News Blog

    Stop the CNAME chain struggle: Simplified management with Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Starting today, you can configure your DNS Firewall to automatically trust all domains in a resolution chain (such as aCNAME, DNAME, or Alias chain). Let’s walk through this in nontechnical terms for those unfamiliar with DNS. Why use DNS Firewall? DNS Firewall provides protection for outbound DNS requests fro

    nekoruri 2015/01/13
    Haswell!!! c4.largeが$0.116/hで$83.52/30d
  • AWS News Blog

    Add your Ruby gems to AWS CodeArtifact Ruby developers can now use AWS CodeArtifact to securely store and retrieve their gems. CodeArtifact integrates with standard developer tools like gem and bundler. Applications often use numerous packages to speed up development by providing reusable code for common tasks like network access, cryptography, or data manipulation. Developers also embed SDKs–such

    nekoruri 2014/12/16
    おお、オートスケーリングの各段階でフック挟めるようになってたのか、これめちゃくちゃ便利やん #cmdevio
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Weekly Roundup – AWS AppSync, AWS CodePipeline, Events and More – August 21, 2023 In a few days, I will board a plane towards the south. My tour around Latin America starts. But I won’t be alone in this adventure, you can find some other News Blog authors, like Jeff or Seb, speaking at AWS Community Days and local events in Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. If you see […] New – Amazon EC2 H

    nekoruri 2014/04/09
  • AWS News Blog

    Add your Ruby gems to AWS CodeArtifact Ruby developers can now use AWS CodeArtifact to securely store and retrieve their gems. CodeArtifact integrates with standard developer tools like gem and bundler. Applications often use numerous packages to speed up development by providing reusable code for common tasks like network access, cryptography, or data manipulation. Developers also embed SDKs–such

    nekoruri 2014/04/09
    (ELBに限らないので注意) Amazon ELBにPerfect Forward Secrecyのサポートが入ったのは2014/02/20なので、それより前の通信内容が盗聴されていた場合復号される可能性あり
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Weekly Roundup – AWS AppSync, AWS CodePipeline, Events and More – August 21, 2023 In a few days, I will board a plane towards the south. My tour around Latin America starts. But I won’t be alone in this adventure, you can find some other News Blog authors, like Jeff or Seb, speaking at AWS Community Days and local events in Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. If you see […] New – Amazon EC2 H

    nekoruri 2014/03/27
  • AWS News Blog

    Add your Ruby gems to AWS CodeArtifact Ruby developers can now use AWS CodeArtifact to securely store and retrieve their gems. CodeArtifact integrates with standard developer tools like gem and bundler. Applications often use numerous packages to speed up development by providing reusable code for common tasks like network access, cryptography, or data manipulation. Developers also embed SDKs–such

    nekoruri 2014/03/25
  • AWS News Blog

    In the Works – AWS Region in Malaysia We launched an AWS Region in Australia earlier this year, four more (Switzerland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and India) in 2022, and are working on regions in Canada, Israel, New Zealand, and Thailand. All told, we now have 99 Availability Zones spread across 31 geographic regions. Malaysia in the Works Today I am happy […] New – Amazon Lightsail for Res

    nekoruri 2013/11/15
  • AWS News Blog

    Amazon SageMaker Geospatial Capabilities Now Generally Available with Security Updates and More Use Case Samples At AWS re:Invent 2022, we previewed Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities, allowing data scientists and machine learning (ML) engineers to build, train, and deploy ML models using geospatial data. Geospatial ML with Amazon SageMaker supports access to readily available geospatial dat

    nekoruri 2013/09/05
  • AWS News Blog

    Add your Ruby gems to AWS CodeArtifact Ruby developers can now use AWS CodeArtifact to securely store and retrieve their gems. CodeArtifact integrates with standard developer tools like gem and bundler. Applications often use numerous packages to speed up development by providing reusable code for common tasks like network access, cryptography, or data manipulation. Developers also embed SDKs–such

    nekoruri 2013/07/11
  • AWS News Blog

    New Amazon EC2 R7iz Instances are Optimized for High CPU Performance, Memory-Intensive Workloads Today we’re announcing general availability of the Amazon EC2 R7iz instances. R7iz instances are the fastest 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable-based (Sapphire Rapids) instances in the cloud with 3.9 GHz sustained all-core turbo frequency. R7iz instances are suitable for workloads where there’s a requi

    nekoruri 2013/05/16
    そういや IAM Role まだ使ったこと無いな……。
  • AWS News Blog

    Amazon SageMaker Geospatial Capabilities Now Generally Available with Security Updates and More Use Case Samples At AWS re:Invent 2022, we previewed Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities, allowing data scientists and machine learning (ML) engineers to build, train, and deploy ML models using geospatial data. Geospatial ML with Amazon SageMaker supports access to readily available geospatial dat

    nekoruri 2012/02/23
  • AWS News Blog

    Amazon Q Business, now generally available, helps boost workforce productivity with generative AI At AWS re:Invent 2023, we previewed Amazon Q Business, a generative artificial intelligence (generative AI)–powered assistant that can answer questions, provide summaries, generate content, and securely complete tasks based on data and information in your enterprise systems. With Amazon Q Business, yo

    nekoruri 2012/01/19
  • AWS News Blog

    Amazon Q Business, now generally available, helps boost workforce productivity with generative AI At AWS re:Invent 2023, we previewed Amazon Q Business, a generative artificial intelligence (generative AI)–powered assistant that can answer questions, provide summaries, generate content, and securely complete tasks based on data and information in your enterprise systems. With Amazon Q Business, yo

    nekoruri 2011/12/15
    ついに季節逆の南半球か…… RT @KenTamagawa: ブログ書きました: 【AWS発表】 南米 (サンパウロ) リージョンの発表。とうとうAWSが南米にも進出!EC2をはじめ主要サービスをブラジルでも利用可能に!
  • AWS News Blog

    AWS Week in Review – AWS Documentation Updates, Amazon EventBridge is Faster, and More – May 22, 2023 Here are your AWS updates from the previous 7 days. Last week I was in Turin, Italy for CloudConf, a conference I’ve had the pleasure to participate in for the last 10 years. AWS Hero Anahit Pogosova was also there sharing a few serverless tips in front of a full house. Here’s a picture I […] Amaz

    nekoruri 2011/09/27
    Amazon LinuxでEPELを使うには yum --releasever=5 を付けるというバッドノウハウが、2011.09の正式版のおかげで一週間にして不要になった\(^o^)/