
ブックマーク / capote.posterous.com (9)

  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2012/04/23
    ソーシャルメディア担当が特別な意味を持たなくなる時:Social media editorを廃止するThe New York Times - the Public Returns - 続・広報の視点
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2012/02/15
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2011/10/12
    「Facebookに対抗すべくローンチされたGoogle+ですが、マネージメント自身が使っていないというのはちょっと残念」Googleの幹部が使っていないGoogle+ - the Public Returns - 続・広報の視点
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2011/10/06
    Foursquare Monopolyなゲーミフィケーション:Foursquaropoly - the Public Returns - 続・広報の視点
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2011/10/06
    女性の利用者が多い急成長株のTumblr、そのカギの1つがメディアによる利用 - the Public Returns - 続・広報の視点
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2010/11/05
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2010/08/23
    Twitter 利用の男女比較調査あれこれ:目立つ女性の積極活用と使い方の違い - Capote's Connected Communications - 続・広報の視点
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2010/07/13
    強い絆、弱い絆、一時的な絆:Facebook対抗サービスの開始が噂されるGoogleが、ソーシャルメディアをどう見ているかのプレゼン - Capote's Connected Communications - 続・広報の視点 : 仲良しマイミク機能は正しかったんだ!
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    nilab 2010/04/12
    Twitterで映画の興行成績を予測:的中度97.3%の正確さという驚きのデータ:「24作品に対し、120万ユーザーの映画に関する290万ツイートを3ヶ月以上」「Hollywood Stock Exchangeの、週末公開予測は96.5%の正確さ」
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