Repa (REgular PArallel arrays) Repa provides high performance, regular, multi-dimensional, shape polymorphic parallel arrays. All numeric data is stored unboxed. Functions written with the Repa combinators are automatically parallel provided you supply +RTS -Nwhatever on the command line when running the program. Repa means "turnip" in Russian. If you don't like turnips then this library probably
repa: High performance, regular, shape polymorphic parallel arrays. Repa provides high performance, regular, multi-dimensional, shape polymorphic parallel arrays. All numeric data is stored unboxed. Functions written with the Repa combinators are automatically parallel provided you supply +RTS -Nwhatever on the command line when running the program.
Intel Functional Language compiler (Was: PSA: GHC can now be built with Clang) Ryan Newton rrnewton at Wed Jul 3 20:48:08 CEST 2013 Previous message: [commit: base] master: Remove uses of RecordWildCards in GHC.Event.TimerManager (1f81187) Next message: Intel Functional Language compiler (Was: PSA: GHC can now be built with Clang) Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ aut
Repa is a Haskell library for high performance, regular, multi-dimensional parallel arrays. All numeric data is stored unboxed and functions written with the Repa combinators are automatically parallel (provided you supply "+RTS -N" on the command line when running the program). This document provides a tutorial on array programming in Haskell using the Repa package and was based on version 3.2 of