CPL: An interpreter of Hagino's Categorical Programming Language (CPL). CPL is a functional programming language based on category theory. Data types are declared in a categorical manner by adjunctions. Data types that can be handled include the terminal object, the initial object, the binary product functor, the binary coproduct functor, the exponential functor, the natural number object, the fun
CλaSH : CAES Language for Synchronous HardwareIntroduction CλaSH (pronounced ‘clash’) is a functional hardware description language that borrows both its syntax and semantics from the functional programming language Haskell. The merits of using a functional language to describe hardware comes from the fact that combinational circuits can be directly modeled as mathematical functions and that funct
Welcome to the QML Project A functional quantum programming language Home to the QML Research Diary QML is a functional language for quantum computations on finite types. The language introduces quantum data and quantum control structures, and integrates reversible and irreversible quantum computation. QML is based on strict linear logic, hence weakenings, which may lead to decoherence, have to be
A small strongly, statically typed compile-to-JS language with basic extensible records and type-safe blocks View project onGitHub purescript A small strongly, statically typed compile-to-JS language with basic extensible records and type-safe blocks Current Features Full Type Inference Higher Kinded Polymorphism Support for basic Javascript types Extensible records Type-safe blocks with for/while
Idris: A Language for Type-Driven Development Idris is a programming language designed to encourage Type-Driven Development. In type-driven development, types are tools for constructing programs. We treat the type as the plan for a program, and use the compiler and type checker as our assistant, guiding us to a complete program that satisfies the type. The more expressive the type is that we give
Rúnar @runarorama MHF has quietly made available the source for Ermine, a programming language that I worked on for nearly 3 years https://t.co/g5Y28iUNX0 2013-07-16 04:05:24
2014 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2014) Module systems like that of Haskell permit only a weak form of modularity in which module implementations directly depend on other implementations and must be processed in dependency order. Module systems like that of ML, on the other hand, permit a stronger form of modularity in which explicit interfaces express
This is a port of the compiler for the Ermine functional programming language from Scala. _,-/"---, ;""""""""""; _`;; "" <@`---v ; ::::: :: "' _` ;; " _.../ ;" ;; ;;; '",-`:: ;;,'"""" ;" ;;;;. ;; ;;; ::` ____ ,/ / ;; ;;;______;;; ;;; ::,` / __/_____ _ ( )__ __ /;; _;; ;;; ; ; / _//`__/ ' \/ /`_ \/ -) | :/ / ,;' ;_ "")/ /___/_/ /_/_/_/_/_//_/\__/ 0.6 ; ; / /"""= \;;\\""= Copyright (C) 2010-14 McGra
このドメインは お名前.com から取得されました。 お名前.com は GMOインターネットグループ(株) が運営する国内シェアNo.1のドメイン登録サービスです。 ※表示価格は、全て税込です。 ※サービス品質維持のため、一時的に対象となる料金へ一定割合の「サービス維持調整費」を加算させていただきます。 ※1 「国内シェア」は、ICANN(インターネットのドメイン名などの資源を管理する非営利団体)の公表数値をもとに集計。gTLDが集計の対象。 日本のドメイン登録業者(レジストラ)(「ICANNがレジストラとして認定した企業」一覧(InterNIC提供)内に「Japan」の記載があるもの)を対象。 レジストラ「GMO Internet Group, Inc. d/b/a Onamae.com」のシェア値を集計。 2023年10月時点の調査。
IntroductionFay is a small programming language which has the following properties:A strict syntactic and semantic subset of HaskellStatically typedLazyPure by defaultCompiles to JavaScriptHas fundamental data types (Double, String, etc.) based upon what JS can supportHas a trivial foreign function interface to JavaScriptBecause Fay is intended to be small and simple, it relies on GHC, the Haskell
Overview hs-logo is an interpreter for the Logo Programming Language, written in Haskell. It is specialised for Turtle graphics, and is not intended to be a full-fledged Logo interpreter. Read the installation guide , and then browse the examples to get started. You can execute your logo files to generate an image like below. A more detailed user guide will be added soon. % hs-logo example.logo -o
Visi.io is the open source part of Visi.Pro. Visi.io is a language, runtime, and development environment written in Haskell (and a little Objective-C) that runs on the iPad and in the Cloud. Visi.io and Visi.Pro will make writing beautiful, interactive iPad facing, Cloud powered apps super simple. See a screencast of building Visi models. The Visi.io project was founded by David Pollak who also f
毎年、OCamlミーティングというイベントが開催されているそうなのですが、今年はICFPが東京で開かれることもあり、OCamlに限らない関数プログラミングのお祭りとして開催された「函数プログラミングの集い」に参加してきました。 参加者の使用言語の分布が知りたかったので、イベント当日にアンケートを採りました。180人程度の参加者のうち73人の方に協力していただきました。ありがとうございました。 気になる結果はというと、こんなふうになりました。 やはりHaskellユーザが多かったようです。 個人的に面白かったところは tanakhさんのモナドチュートリアルが実践的で良かった SML#とCの相互運用性の高さに驚いた OCamlのモジュールについて勉強したいなと思った などなどでした。 発表の資料は函数プログラミングの集い2011にまとまっています。ちょっと長すぎてみる気が起きませんが、Toge