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"Software Engineering"に関するエントリは50件あります。 softwaregoogle開発 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Why Programming is Easy but Software Engineering is Hard』などがあります。
  • Why Programming is Easy but Software Engineering is Hard

    Beginners who want to get into the software field often get programming and software engineering mixed up. These are not the same thing. Programming is a part of software engineering. Software engineering on the other hand, encompasses so much more than programming. Software engineering is the process of starting with a problem, designing a way to solve that problem, and then delivering a software

      Why Programming is Easy but Software Engineering is Hard
    • Software Engineering at Google

      • abseil / Software Engineering at Google

        Software Engineering at Google In March, 2020, we published a book titled “Software Engineering at Google” curated by Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck and Hyrum Wright. The Software Engineering at Google book (“SWE Book”) is not about programming, per se, but about the engineering practices utilized at Google to make their codebase sustainable and healthy. (These practices are paramount for common inf

        • 組織に良い開発文化を植え付ける「Software Engineering Coach」という役割 / Role as Software Engineering Coach for better development culture

          July Tech Festa 2020の登壇資料です。 https://techfesta.connpass.com/event/175611/

            組織に良い開発文化を植え付ける「Software Engineering Coach」という役割 / Role as Software Engineering Coach for better development culture
          • モダン・ソフトウェアエンジニアリングのエッセンス / Essence of Modern Software Engineering


              モダン・ソフトウェアエンジニアリングのエッセンス / Essence of Modern Software Engineering
            • What I learned from Software Engineering at Google | Swizec Teller

              Senior Mindset BookGet promoted, earn a bigger salary, work for top companies Start with a free chapterGet a free chapter from the Senior Engineer Mindset book and a sample audiobook chapter, followed by a Senior Mindset 101 email course. What I learned from Software Engineering at GoogleWhen I first picked up Software Engineering at Google I thought it was another one of those FAANG books full of

                What I learned from Software Engineering at Google | Swizec Teller
              • PHPコードでの、`empty()`避けようねとか`===`のほうがベター、などは phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules を使って指摘しよう - Software engineering from east direction

                TL;DR PHPアプリケーションにおいて、表題のような「PHPを使う上で自制心を持とうな」みたいな温度感でstrictな書き方を推奨される昨今 こういうのは往々にして人間が言うのはそのうちげんなりしてくるし、逆に言われる方も同じ PHPStanが提供しているカスタムルール phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules を使おう 前提 PHPStanを使うことを前提としています。 phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules github.com PHPStanは、「PHPStanでCustomRuleを作る」という発表でも解説されている通り、任意のカスタムルールをクラスとして定義することで、ルールを追加できます。しかし、すでにPHPStanが提供しているルールもいくつかあります。その一つが phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules です。 導入方法

                  PHPコードでの、`empty()`避けようねとか`===`のほうがベター、などは phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules を使って指摘しよう - Software engineering from east direction
                • React Best Practices with Kent Dodds - Software Engineering Daily

                  ReactJS developers have lots of options for building their applications, and those options are not easy to work through. State management, concurrency, networking, and testing all have elements of complexity and a wide range of available tools. Take a look at any specific area of JavaScript application development, and you can find highly varied opinions. Kent Dodds is a JavaScript teacher who foc

                    React Best Practices with Kent Dodds - Software Engineering Daily
                  • Software engineering practices

                    1st October 2022 Gergely Orosz started a Twitter conversation asking about recommended “software engineering practices” for development teams. (I really like his rejection of the term “best practices” here: I always feel it’s prescriptive and misguiding to announce something as “best”.) I decided to flesh some of my replies out into a longer post. Documentation in the same repo as the code Mechani

                      Software engineering practices
                    • Large Language Models for Software Engineering: Survey and Open Problems

                      This paper provides a survey of the emerging area of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Software Engineering (SE). It also sets out open research challenges for the application of LLMs to technical problems faced by software engineers. LLMs' emergent properties bring novelty and creativity with applications right across the spectrum of Software Engineering activities including coding, design, requir

                      • Software Engineering at Google

                        Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. Today, software engineers need to know not only how to program effectively but also how to develop proper engineering practices to make their codebase sustainable and healthy. This boo

                          Software Engineering at Google
                        • Software engineering that supports LINE-original LBaaS

                          Yutaro Hayakawa LINE Network Development Team Infrastructure Engineer https://linedevday.linecorp.com/jp/2019/sessions/F1-7

                            Software engineering that supports LINE-original LBaaS
                          • Software Engineering - The Soft Parts

                            In "Software Engineering - The Soft Parts" Addy Osmani shares lessons from his first 10 years at Google on the "soft skills" that can help engineers become effective and scale their effectiveness. This guidance should help junior, mid-career and even senior developers move forward, deal with changing technology, and navigate building non-trivial systems. Today I'll share some of the software engin

                              Software Engineering - The Soft Parts
                            • Software Engineering Within SpaceX - Yasoob Khalid

                              Practical Python Projects book is now available! Learn how to implement 12 end-to-end projects to enhance your Python knowledge. Software Engineering Within SpaceX June 01, 2020 Hi everyone! 👋 I am sure quite a few of you must have seen the SpaceX launch this past Saturday. It was an amazing and historic event. Millions of people were watching it live on YouTube and elsewhere. With each passing d

                                Software Engineering Within SpaceX - Yasoob Khalid
                              • 開発チームについて考えてアジャイルについて行動してみた | 書評『みんなでアジャイル ――変化に対応できる顧客中心組織のつくりかた』 - Software engineering from east direction

                                TL;DR 『みんなでアジャイル ――変化に対応できる顧客中心組織のつくりかた』 を読んで、実際に現実の(渡しがいる)チームの問題について考えた 自分は、アジャイルのプラクティスについてなんとなく知っているが、実際に「アジャイルでのチーム開発」をやったことがない人間だった そんな人間にとって、「アジャイルとはそもそも何なのか?何だったのか?どうすれば現実にうまく適用できるのか?」を考えるきっかけをくれる良書だった。 『みんなでアジャイル ――変化に対応できる顧客中心組織のつくりかた』とは この書籍は、2020年03月に、日本語訳版が発売された。この書籍の訳者である ryuzee さんは、fukabori.fm: 32. みんなでアジャイル w/ ryuzeeに出演して直接この書籍の内容について解説してくださっている。 www.oreilly.co.jp 著者の、Matt LeMayという方

                                  開発チームについて考えてアジャイルについて行動してみた | 書評『みんなでアジャイル ――変化に対応できる顧客中心組織のつくりかた』 - Software engineering from east direction
                                • GitHub - raylene/eng-handbook: A developer's guide to management: an open-sourced handbook for leading software engineering teams.

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - raylene/eng-handbook: A developer's guide to management: an open-sourced handbook for leading software engineering teams.
                                  • Modern Software engineering with Essence Japan Seminar

                                    昨日オンライン開催された、Essence セミナーの平鍋からのレポートです。冒頭、Ivar Jacobson からもらったビデオを、ぼくが解説しながら流しました。 基調講演 より詳しくはこちら。スライド(PDF)もこちらから。 https://essence.ivarjacobson.com/videos/tokyo-keynote-july-21-modern-software-engineering-essence ソフトウェアはビジネス的に大きな成功をおさめているが、それをささえるソフトウェアの工学は未熟なままだ。これまで発見されているベストプラクティスを、「方法論」の呪縛から開放し、みんなで議論し改良し、使えるようにしたい。3つのペルソナ=スポンサー、テッククリード、チーム、それぞれの課題は、スポンサー:2,500万人ものソフトウェアエンジニアがいるのに、工学というより工芸のようだ

                                      Modern Software engineering with Essence Japan Seminar
                                    • Factorio and Software Engineering

                                      I've been a software engineer a while now and I can say this with confidence - it is fun. It's great and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. It's so much fun that some folks try to capture the most enjoyable elements and put them into games. I've played two such games. The first is Shenzhen.io. This one looks similar to what an engineer working on embedded devices would see. You solve puzzles b

                                      • AI in software engineering at Google: Progress and the path ahead

                                        Philosophy We strive to create an environment conducive to many different types of research across many different time scales and levels of risk. Learn more about our Philosophy Learn more

                                        • NextJS with Guillermo Rauch - Software Engineering Daily

                                          When ReactJS became popular, frontend web development became easier. But React is just a view layer. Developers who came to React expecting a full web development framework like Ruby on Rails or Django were required to put together a set of tools to satisfy that purpose. A full-stack JavaScript framework has numerous requirements. How does it scale? How does it handle server-side rendering versus

                                            NextJS with Guillermo Rauch - Software Engineering Daily
                                          • How to Be a Better Software Engineering Leader

                                            The first-level managers — Tech Leaders, Engineering Managers, Product Managers, or Team Leaders — hold the most crucial roles in the company. This statement underpins the entire Practical Engineering Management philosophy. Their challenging job is to blend hands-on experience with strategic thinking. They combine knowledge about products, business, and technology. They translate long-term objecti

                                              How to Be a Better Software Engineering Leader
                                            • 走り迷い戸惑った2019年を振り返る - Software engineering from east direction

                                              2019年を振り返る自己満足を今年もやります。 前回までのあらすじ! 2018年はだいたいまとめるとこんな感じの1年だったようです。 khigashigashi.hatenablog.com 2017年10月にBASE株式会社に転職してきてからだいたい1年ちょっと経過 「PHPカンファレンスのメインホールで登壇できるようになりたい」という目標に少し近づいた ユニットテスト周りで様々アウトプットしてきたが、次の深みとして「アプリケーション設計」分野に対して洞察を深めていきたい そして、それを踏まえた2019年の目標はこちらでした。 khigashigashi.hatenablog.com PHP系カンファレンスでのロングセッション登壇 Clear! PHPerKaigi2019にてロングセッション Go系カンファレンスでのセッション登壇 Clear! Go Conference Tokyo

                                                走り迷い戸惑った2019年を振り返る - Software engineering from east direction
                                              • 生JSONを扱うのにちょっと便利な json.RawMessage と観測した実例 - Software engineering from east direction

                                                TL;DR 生JSONを扱う際に、標準のjsonパッケージでは、 RawMessage という型が用意されている JSON構造の文字列を取り出して、なんらか整形して出力、といったユースケースにちょっと便利 json.RawMessage 生JSONを扱う際に、標準のjsonパッケージでは、 RawMessage という型が用意されている。 // RawMessage is a raw encoded JSON value. // It implements Marshaler and Unmarshaler and can // be used to delay JSON decoding or precompute a JSON encoding. type RawMessage []byte godoc.org RawMessage is a raw encoded JSON valu

                                                  生JSONを扱うのにちょっと便利な json.RawMessage と観測した実例 - Software engineering from east direction
                                                • Data Engineering is Not Software Engineering

                                                  In recent years, it would appear that data engineering is converging with DevOps. Both have embraced cloud infrastructure, containerization, CI/CD, and GitOps to deliver reliable digital products to their customers. The convergence on a subset of tooling has led many to the opinion that there is no significant distinction between data engineering and software engineering. Consequently, the fact th

                                                    Data Engineering is Not Software Engineering
                                                  • GitHub - ZachGoldberg/Startup-CTO-Handbook: The Startup CTO's Handbook, a book covering leadership, management and technical topics for leaders of software engineering teams

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                      GitHub - ZachGoldberg/Startup-CTO-Handbook: The Startup CTO's Handbook, a book covering leadership, management and technical topics for leaders of software engineering teams
                                                    • Flutter: Native Web and Mobile App Development with Allen Wyma - Software Engineering Daily

                                                      Flutter: Native Web and Mobile App Development with Allen Wyma Flutter is a UI toolkit developed by Google that helps developers build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single code base. Development is fast because the screen “hot reloads” as you develop, the architecture is layered for fast and expressive designs, and its widgets incorporate all

                                                        Flutter: Native Web and Mobile App Development with Allen Wyma - Software Engineering Daily
                                                      • The Rise of Platform Engineering - Software Engineering Daily

                                                        The rise of microservices, container orchestration, and the like have introduced novel engineering challenges. Platform engineering teams have formed at a number of organizations to shoulder these responsibilities. In some respects, the role of a platform engineer hasn’t drastically changed from that of other DevOps related roles. There is truth in noting that the title, “Platform Engineer” is not

                                                          The Rise of Platform Engineering - Software Engineering Daily
                                                        • Average Software Engineering Salaries by Country [2024]

                                                          Last updated: April 10, 2024Industry ResearchHiring How much is the average software engineering salary by country? That’s what you’ll learn today. In this post, you’ll find the average salaries of 20+ countries, including the United States, European Union, India, and many more, from 2024. We compared data from over a dozen countries where software engineering is growing and thriving. Ready to lea

                                                            Average Software Engineering Salaries by Country [2024]
                                                          • Google Software Engineering Culture

                                                            InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architects. View an example

                                                              Google Software Engineering Culture
                                                            • Amazon.com: Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time: Winters, Titus, Manshreck, Tom, Wright, Hyrum: Books

                                                                Amazon.com: Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time: Winters, Titus, Manshreck, Tom, Wright, Hyrum: Books
                                                              • Evidence-based Software Engineering: based on the publicly available data

                                                                About the book This book discusses what is currently known about software engineering, based on an analysis of all the publicly available data. This aim is not as ambitious as it sounds, because there is not a great deal of data publicly available. The intent is to provide material that is useful to professional developers working in industry; until recently researchers in software engineering hav

                                                                • Bertrand Meyer on X: "We lost a titan of programming languages, programming methodology, software engineering and hardware design. Niklaus Wirth passed away on the first of January. We mourn a pioneer, colleague, mentor and friend."

                                                                  • How Lyft designs the Machine Learning Software Engineering interview

                                                                    Lyft’s mission is to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation and it’ll be a slow slog to get there with dispatchers manually matching riders with drivers. We need automated decision making, and we need to scale it in a way that optimizes both the user experience and the market efficiency. Complementing our Science roles, an engineer with a knack for practical machine learning a

                                                                      How Lyft designs the Machine Learning Software Engineering interview
                                                                    • DBT: Data Build Tool with Tristan Handy - Software Engineering Daily

                                                                      A data warehouse serves the purpose of providing low latency queries for high volumes of data. A data warehouse is often part of a data pipeline, which moves data through different areas of infrastructure in order to build applications such as machine learning models, dashboards, and reports. Modern data pipelines are often associated with the term “ELT” or Extract, Load, Transform. In the “ELT” w

                                                                        DBT: Data Build Tool with Tristan Handy - Software Engineering Daily
                                                                      • Management And Software Engineering

                                                                        @bit valley 2019

                                                                          Management And Software Engineering
                                                                        • The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering

                                                                          By Vanessa Sochat Communications of the ACM, May 2021, Vol. 64 No. 5, Pages 32-36 10.1145/3459613 Comments At face value, when we think of developer productivity we might think of effectiveness in time management, communication, and task completion.14 Although we are drawn to personal workflow or time management tools, and learning secrets to improving our productivity, ironically this quest for t

                                                                            The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering
                                                                          • Computer science is not software engineering | Swizec Teller

                                                                            Senior Mindset BookGet promoted, earn a bigger salary, work for top companies Start with a free chapterGet a free chapter from the Senior Engineer Mindset book and a sample audiobook chapter, followed by a Senior Mindset 101 email course. Computer science is not software engineering Wow, college was such a waste of time ... when did you ever invert a binary tree outside of an interview? Honestly I

                                                                              Computer science is not software engineering | Swizec Teller
                                                                            • Software Engineering Books

                                                                              I’ve been a software engineer for over 10 years now, and I’ve successfully passed through all stages of grief. I’m also an avid reader. This page contains my collection of books that have helped me the most throughout my career. The core of the list; this section contains books that are on-topic and give valuable technical insight. Some might seem outdated (a few are) and you may disagree with oth

                                                                              • Glenn Vanderburgの「Real Software Engineering」講演(2017)を見る - 勘と経験と読経

                                                                                デッドライン読書会という企画で「継続的デリバリーのソフトウェア工学 もっと早く、もっと良いソフトウェアを作るための秘訣」を読んでいる(4月に入ったら感想を書く予定)。同書で紹介されていたGlenn Vanderburgの「Real Software Engineering」講演(2017)が面白そうだったので視聴してみた。講演はYoutubeで公開されている。同書の主張と同じく、この20年間の「ソフトウェアエンジニアリング」は誤っているという話である。 グレン・ヴァンダーバーグ(GlennVanderburg)は、“RealSoftwareEngineering”と題したすばらしい講演のなかで、ほかの分野では「工学とは役立つもの」なのに、ソフトウェアではほとんど逆だったと言っています。ヴァンダーバーグは、そうなる理由をさらに掘り下げていきます。アカデミックなソフトウェア工学のアプローチは煩

                                                                                  Glenn Vanderburgの「Real Software Engineering」講演(2017)を見る - 勘と経験と読経
                                                                                • Things they didn't teach you about Software Engineering

                                                                                  As always, a disclaimer before we start, this is purely subjective. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, I hope these insights will provide valuable perspective. I’ve been thinking of writing this article since the middle of 2022 — but I couldn’t remember all the things that should go here. So over the last year, I’ve been gathering ideas and writing them down

                                                                                    Things they didn't teach you about Software Engineering
